NOTES: On the last page of this visitation, Rev. Brown stated
the visitation was finished the first time 20 March 1796.
It appears this visitation was updated as indicated by the above
note. Names have been crossed out due to moves, deaths
and other unknown reasons. Also children have been added to
families and not given a number. Families have been squeezed into
small open spaces, sideways in columns and between columns.
Entered in Family 1, there are dates which might indicate when
a second visitation was made.
Some names have been underlined rather than a line drawn
through their names with dead noted at the end in some cases, and
no notations at the end in other cases. It is obvious when dead
has been entered but not obvious when no notation is found at the
end of other struck names.
Many pages of the visitation are very clear while others are
dim and faded. The vistation received are photocopies of the originals.
Perhaps the original visitation list would clarify some entries.
When names and townlands are not clear, they have been been enclosed
in parenthesis.
Scans of pages 5 and 20 showing layout and presentation of information.
Lavonne Kennedy Bradfield
A list of the names of the respective towns families and individuals belonging to the presbyterian congregation of garvagh as taken by James Brown in his course of visiting from the 19 th January 1796
The townland of Bellury has been entered below the above Alexr MaAtley family. The family listed is the William Wallace family. The ink is much darker than the rest of the writing and it would appear added at a different time.
In all 1954
In all Families 405