Team Penning at the Murrieta Arena

Practice / Jackpots / Results

Now playing:"Orange Blossom Special"

What is team penning?

Team penning is a horseback riding event that includes a team of three riders, thirty cattle, and a lot of fun. A short explanation:

Thirty cattle are at one end of the arena each wearing a number from 0-9. When the team of three is ready, the announcer calls a number. FIVE! FIVE! FIVE! The riders must then go into the herd, find the three cows with the number five on their back, and herd them down to the other end of the arena and into a pen. All this must be done in one minute and thirty seconds or less.


Every Sunday morning during the winter and every Thursday night during the summer we have penning practice. Sundays at 10 a.m. or Thursdays at 7 p.m. You do not have to have a set up team, because you can be drawn partners to ride with. Remember, this is just a practice! No need to worry about messing up, it's part of the game!

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