The urrieta um teers Are Here!

An Open Equestrian Club in the Temecula Valley

The Murrieta Bum Steers is an open equestrian club in the Elsinore / Murrieta / Temecula area. This means that we are open to membership of riders of any breed of horse or donkey or mule. Heck if you ride an elephant, we will accept you! We will be having clinics on all of the gymkhana events in the future and we plan to have trail rides, clinics on various topics, and possibly training seminars. We ride in parades and will someday have a local, non-competitive drill team. We hold English and Western schooling shows with upcoming dates to be announced. We are working on finding a permanent arena to use and until then the shows will be whenever we can get them in.

The Bum Steers have ridden in the Temecula Star Spangled 4th of July Parade three years now. We even have a banner to carry in front of us for our walk down Front Street in Temecula. Everyone has fun and really seems to enjoy themselves. We even took a second place! We also ride in the Christmas Parade each year and have taken home two first places and a second place another year for our efforts. The plaques will be available for viewing at any and all of our events. We need to start planning for this year's Fourth of July Parade. So if you would like to ride, send me an email!

Our next trail ride is open for suggestions as to where to go. Options are a ride to Vail Lake with the staging area being off the 79, or a beach ride if anyone knows of a good place, a ride to Lake Skinner, or to the Santa Rosa Plateu. Email me your ideas and thoughts. I am looking for people who know these areas and I need all the help I can get! No dates have been arranged, but let's get something together! Our first trailride / bar-b-que was a great success. We went on about a four hour ride up into the hills of Murrieta and on our return, we had a cookout. The food was delicious and the company was spectacular! Looking forward to the next one!

If you are interested in joining this club, and supporting horseback riding events in the area, please either come to our meetings, or send me an e-mail showing your interest. If you would like to come, e-mail me for directions.
Our temporary home arena is the Murrieta Arena on the corner of Juniper and Adams streets near Old Town Murrieta. Please come and join us for some of our events!

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