Welcome to the C.H.E.K. Homepage!
Christian Home Educators of Kodiak
Last updated:
Wednesday, July 28, 1999

C.H.E.K. was organized in 1990. Its original purpose
was to get together with other home schoolers who like themselves felt pretty much alone
in their homeschooling endeavors. Since that time, God has blessed CHEK with numerous
other families and now boasts a membership of 25 families strong. Please feel free to view
our Doctrine of Faith and understand why God is most important in
our organization.
We are a non-profit organization and growing strong.
It is our desire to keep this site going as long as the Lord will allow and to encourage
future home schoolers, help and support current home schoolers, and provide home schooling
information as it becomes available.
If you are already a CHEK member then we recommend
that you make this your homepage. If you are not a member and would like more information
about CHEK, write us. We would love to encourage anyone who seeks the Lord's will in
homeschooling their children.
Thank you for visiting our site and please don't
forget to sign our guest book. We look forward to hearing
from you.

stop by and sign in. Thank You!