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The Official SOUTHERN ATLANTIC TRANSPORTATION and J&S rwys home page

A web page dedicated to the fun of HO and N scale model Railroading,and my two fictional companys

Tie Crane On Gondola Sides

Photo Courtesy Mik Pryor

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Peaple have road on SAXT rails.Since May 25, 1999.A big Thankyou to all of you.

Here are the stations which can be found on this site.

  1. Layout news letter
  2. SAXRT's link page(all links have been moved here)
  3. The history of the SAXT..NEW ITEM
  4. SAXTs' numbering system..NEW ITEM

Photographer Craig Zenni



Times are not so for the Southern Atlantic Transportation and it's sister company J&S railways. Both companies are said to be losing money with half of their motive fleet sitting idle in yards or on sidings.

Employees are said to be laid off starting sometime in mid 1999. Fear is now the common word around the shops of SAXRT and J&S rwys.Not the talk of raising and promotions of just a few short months ago.Since mid September both companies have bought a single peice of rolling stock or road equipement.

Although in a phone confrence with SAXRT president Samuel Stokes he staed outrage the by the romour.Mr" Stokes stated "that yes locomotives are sitting idle in the yards at this,but only because the due for service.' Mr.Stokes the added that NO employees are to laid off/. Mr. Stokes agreed that neither SAXRT or its sister company J&S railways has bought any equipment since mid September 1998. Giving reason to be not the fact that both companies are losing money,but that this period give SAXRT and J&S rwys a chance to up grade the equipment already on hand.

Mr. Stokes stated that neither company is losing, in fact both SAXRT and J&S railways showed fourth quarter earnings for 1998. Also Mr. Stokes denied any knowledge of corporate lay offs. on wednesday January 27, 1999 Mr.Stokes issued a memo to his employees hoping to put any fears to rest.

Speno EMD-F40-2PH RailGrinder.

Photographer Jud Powel


In an effort to improve its less than carload service,SAXRTI has recently took delivery of three, twenty six foot box van type trucks. Saxrt Intermodel further plans to purchase at least four more of this type of truck in up coming future.

SAXRTIs' intial plan is to use these trucks to to deliver goods to shippers who either does not have enough space on their tracks or has no tracks at all.All this is part of SAXRTIs' Door to Door plan.As of February 1st 1999 SAXRTI reported that service is off to what looks to be a promising start.Further SAXRT Intermodel stated that coverage is due to expand with in the year.

J&S railways President Janet Stokes Stated that was leased to releive J&S railways of the burden of having to provide motive power for the line. Seems that locomotives are in short supply at this time

Pandroll Jackson Grinder ex-RMS 14 EMD GP 38, #RMS 5

Photographer Rob Devries


On monday February 1st,J7s rwys took delivery of of its first E8 locomotive. The EMD-E8 a former Southern Railway engine Numbered 2924 arrived on J&S tracks in Hickory N.C. at 11:30 am and was immediatly put into use pulling a seven car Amtrak passenger train. Currently J&S rwys plans to use the 2924 to pull it's freight trains until it's business cars ready. At which time the 2924 will be refitted and have its prime mover rebuilt to pull J&S's business train. At this time J&S rwys has no plans of repainting the locomotive and is currently looking into the purchase of at least three more E's.


Saturday March 6th, SAXRT President Samuel Stokes and J&S RAILWAYS president Janet Stokes attend a train show in J&S rwys home town of Hickory N.C..Where they negotiated the purchase of a EMD DD40AX road haul locomotive. Upon arrival of the DD40 to J&S tracks the locomotive was extensivley tested. To the dissapoint of every one at J&S rwys the locomotive failed every test it was given.At this time the dd40 sits idle on tail end of J&S harbor line port facility with no plans to run the locomotive again.(UPDATE:The DD40 described here has since been moved to a static display and has been cosmeticly restored back to it's former UNION PACIFIC Paint scheme...) At this time J&S rwys is currntly looking into the purchase of a another model this one put out by Bachmann in their SPECTRUM line.BOTH SAXRT and J&S rwys hopes that it will perform better than the first DD40.

J&S Receives Depressed Center Flat Car

Tuesday March 9th, J&S RAILWAYS took delivery of a 60 foot depressed center flat car. The DPC was purcahsed for the transport of high and tight loads.(Loads that are high and heavey)Also J&S will be using to transport revenue and non revenue loads.The Six axle N scale Aura model performed flawlessly under the extream testing that was done to it.


During the first the week in May J&S Railways took delivery of its first GE 8-40CW. The road unit still gleaming in CSX colors has already seen extensive use on J&S tracks and is acting as J&S rwys ambassador to the public pulling special trains.J&S rwys in an agreement with Parent company SAXRT had decided not paint locomotive only to place the J&S reporting marks under the cab window.


"MY FELLOW AMERICANS".(Sorry I've always wanted to say that) The last few months have trying for both the N SCALE J&S RWYS and the HO SCALE SAXRT(which is still in storage)First let me welcome any readers I may have picked up.Also let me remind you that everything you read is true only its taking place on a model rail road layout.Yes the city of Hickory Dose excist,Its located about an hour half west outside of Ashville on I-40,or About the same distance from Charlotte N.C. and about maybe an hour forty five minutes from SPENCER(WHICH is A real COOL Museum).Now the prototype train traffic in Hickory,to be honest,SUCKS.Most all of the train that come thru town come in between midnight and four a.m..So if every thing works out My wife and I will be relocating to Salisbury N.C. sometime next year after we get money saved. Further if your A veteran reader of this site then you know we have a baby boy that's now EIGHT months old. Brian has his first two teeth in with more on the way.At his last check up every thing looked fine. Further you may remember that I've spent the 6 months walking back and fourth to work,due to the fact that my Mazda323 died on me the day I made last payment. Well I walk no more as Bought a Grand Voyager.Its a used model but sure beats the heck out of walking.Although you would think from the condition of that its brand new.Also you know that I make it a practice NOTto endorse any company thru the use of this site.Well I found a game about two weeks ago I have to tell you about.You've seen it advertised in MODEL RAILROADER and Im sure a few other magizenes.The game is RAILROAD TYCOON II. Now I also the origanal version which is fun. But the new version is a blast. The graffics are better than ads show,sound is awsome,the price I paid at WAL-MART was I beleive around 49.99 plus some change for tax.Now I see that there is update for TYCOONII,with streets more detailed structures and even better graffics. If Im not mis taking I saw that at BABAGES.With a retail price of 30.00.If you haven't checked this game then I suggest you try it. Its worth the time and the money.You will not be dissapointed.Any way thats about all for now And by the email address at the bottom is current although I'll probably be able to check it about once a week. Although until I get the phone turned on I'll be including my PHYSICAL address with any responses. AGAIN THANK YOU and remember to


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Hey we won our first site award.My sincere thanks to the PIC family.

For a Quicker Response You Can Drop Me A Line Via Snail Male At Southern Atlantic Transportation 2115 31st Av. Dr. Ne. #15 Hickory N.C. 28601. You may also request any info you like which will be free. This will get a quicker as I my work hours are rather strange at this time.THANKS AGAIN,SAMUEL STOKES SAXRT

© 1999 saxt@geocities.com