Here are a few pictures taken in September.  We had started feeding the fish and by September we sure did attach a lot of them.  While is was mostly large carp, we did attract a few catfish and even a goldfish or too.

We found that the ducks LOVED our "fish" food too.

Here are a few of one of the biggest catfish we have seen in a long time.

Packet, Chris' dog, loved chasing the fish and the ducks.  If you want to see pictures of her, Click Here

We took a trip up to the Old Oar house for the annual raft race.  Bill and Carol went with us.  On the way back we decided to jump in and cool off.

Bair, Nick's Dog, Relaxin'

"Be Berry Berry Quiet, I'm hunting for chipmunks"

Nick has always been the master at getting that boat to go.  He and Bair warmed it up and then they and Karen went fishing


Packet really wanted to go, but her daddy thought it may be a little much for Nick to handle.

Samantha, Christy's Daughter, was helping draw in the fish so Packet could play with them.

Packet learned she could save time by just going potty in the water.  She thought if the humans can do it, so can she. 

Skilo and Packet right before they took off and we had to chase them down on the other side of the lake.

Packet thought she would eat a dead fish, so she could take it home and throw it up later.  She is sooooo thoughtful.

Packet and Skilo hunting the fish

Bair wanted to join in, but the CHOW in her didn't want to get wet.

Samantha taking lessons on "Kings Corners" from the MASTERS

to Volume 3

to Volume 5

created by Chris Scott
Last Modified October 4, 2000