I am a Greek-Orthodox Christian.
First generation born in America. My father and
both sets of grandparents came from Greece. My
parents were married in Massachusetts; I
was born in Haverhill, Massachusetts.
I attended Normandy High School, graduating there in 1962. Jim is also a graduate of Normandy, however a few years before me. Take a look at my Normandy Class of 1962 page.
I have one older sister, Matina Stevens. On 2/13/66 I married JAMES PUTNAM SCOTT, JR. and we have three sons - JAMES PUTNAM SCOTT, III (9-24-68), CHRISTOPHER GEORGE SCOTT (4-22-73), and NICHOLAS PETER SCOTT (4-21-79).
Check out my picture gallery, my son Chris updates it periodically with new pictures. This is a picture taken in 2006 with my mother. It is only missing my newest granddaughter Sofia.
Our oldest son, Jamie lives in St. Charles, MO, with his wife, Leslie. They have one son Jay (James Putnam Scott IV). Our second son Chris, the mastermind behind my web page and all my computer knowledge graduated Cum laude from University of Missouri-Rolla with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Class of '97 and is working at Anheuser-Busch. He was married in 2005 to Christy Lynn. Take a look at his Web Page. He has moved, buying a beautiful home in St. Charles just three miles from Jamie & Leslie. He just officially adopted Samantha and they now have another precious little girl Sofia Georgiana Scott, whose middle name is in honor of my father. Our third son, Nick lives in our old house in Florissant. He is an Elementary Educator teaching third grade at Hazelwood's Luster Elementary school. He was married in 2004 to Karen Ann and they have 1 son, Niko (Nicholas Peter Scott II).
All three of our sons were drummers in the Golden Hawks Marching Band at Hazelwood Central.
Here is a page with more pictures of some of my relatives. This page may take a long time to load, but I believe it is worth it.
For the past 30 years, I have enjoyed being a professional volunteer at my Church and with the Hazelwood School District, as well as with Missouri State PTA. Most of that time spent advocating for children and youth. I have life-time membership in BETA SIGMA PHI, MISSOURI STATE PTA and HAZELWOOD CENTRAL MUSIC BOOSTER CLUB.
I continue to serve my church The Assumption Greek Orthodox Church. Some of my proudest accomplishments there include being the FIRST WOMAN ever to be nominated, elected and serve as an elected officer in 1971 in the Greater St. Louis area on the previously male-dominated Parish Council – since then I have been re-elected three times each term is a two-year term.
After serving as a Sunday School teacher from the age of 18 for several years, I worked beside Bessie Theodorou as her Assistant Director of the Sunday School for over 15 years. In 1989, I received one of the highest honors next to the delivery of each of our three sons …….. I was named Mother of the Year at Church. As a side-note to that honor, just a short time before the dinner where I was surprised with that honor, I received a message from the Church Secretary that my youngest son (Nick … who at that time was 10 years old) called for me to say that he was home. The funny part of that was that I left for church quite early normally and our sons (two of whom had driver’s licenses by then) would come an hour or so later. That particular Sunday which was Mothers’ Day there were several things going on at church. We were honoring the Theotokos – the Virgin Mary – Mother of God – PLUS we were having a ground breaking ceremony to begin the building of our holy sanctuary which was completed in time to worship on Christmas Eve of that year – 1989 for the first time.
So here I am selected to be honored as the Mother of the Year; while my “baby” was left home alone when his two brothers and his Father drove to Church to surprise me and join me for lunch knowing of the honor which was going to be given to me. They thought Nick went to church early in the morning with me; I just assumed when I saw the three of them at the groundbreaking, that they brought Nick with them. (Thank you Chris for driving “at a safe speed” home to get your brother and bring him to Church in time for that dinner!)
In 1991, I served as a team captain having four other volunteers when we began offering to the public a Greek luncheon served almost every Friday (except those following major national or religious holidays) from 11 AM until 2 PM. Our menu varies each week and we serve anywhere from 700 to 1200 people in that time. For several years, to save money and offer homemade bread, I was part of the Wonder Bread Team that baked 40-50 loaves of bread on Thursdays to serve our luncheons. Stop by and enjoy some of the best Greek food and pastries at 1755 Des Peres Road in Town & Country, MO. Click here for a directions and a map. I continue to enjoy volunteering at the Friday luncheons whenever we are in St. Louis.
For our entire marriage we have lived on Lilac Drive which I believe is part of the best neighborhood in the whole city of Florissant. Florissant is a suburb of Saint Louis.
In 1997, my husband retired from his position at KMOX (CBS) Radio as the Supervisor, Broadcast Engineer (Transmitter Operations). I believe he retired so that he could enjoy the same life-style he had afforded our three sons and myself. We have enjoyed his retirement by traveling and spending as much time at the Lake of the Ozarks with our family and friends. We officially moved down to the Lake Full time a few years ago but still love to travel and come back to St. Louis to visit everyone.