Site Map of all my web pages.
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John and I are Amateur Radio Operators:
Visit with him and learn about Amateur Radio
with links to the Space Shuttle, Digital Communications
and other topics including activity at the Montserrat Volcano!
Visit with our son and his wife...
Visit my sister-in-law's page and read about some special dogs: Lucy, Ralph and Snippy:
Visit with my brother, his wife and their family...
Quick link:
Post Polio Syndrome
Go to Jann's Bookstore in cooperation with and see all my recommendations.
Here are my latest recommendations:
Daniel in Blue Jeans
Daniel O'Donnell, Greatest Hits (2 CDs)
Live Laugh Love
Daniel O'Donnell Show (2003)
This is a great VHS tape for the entire family. My parents loved it, too!
Star Trek - The Original Crew: Movie Collection (Special Edition) (2004)
©2007 Jann's PA Dutch Kitchen