Monty Gene Bates Homepage

Ref: - John I 1,George I 2,John II 3,John III 4,James M. 5,James M. 6,Fleming 7,Nathaniel 8,Robert E. Lee 9, Otis E. Bates10>

Pictures of Siblings of Nathaniel Bates

Monty Gene Bates 11[1951 -]

I was born and raised in Mississippi and did not leave that great state until I was drafted in April 1971. Twenty-Two years later I finally got out of the Army. Presently we make our home in Oregon. This page will tell a little bit about our family when it's finished... if it ever is! I make changes to this page at least every 6 months so stay tuned! We are descendants of John Bates who arrived at Jamestown late in 1623 on the ship Southampton. There is a link right above for pictures of ancestors so you can go there if you are looking for that kind of stuff.

Political Affiliation
NOT IMPORTANT! Both parties are full of bull.

Present Occupation
City Mail Carrier - Presently assigned to Detached Carrier Unit in Northeast Salem Route 115


Things I Love

First Grade Picture 1957 (when I was still handsome)
More Pictures

Miyoko Kata-Bates [1948-]

Miyoko was born and raised in Asahikawa, Japan. After school she worked in a Pulp Mill making paper.Later she moved from Hokkaido to the main island of Honshu where we met and fell immediately in love with each other.(Such Fantasy!)

Conservative in Beliefs

Present Occupation
Housewife, Gardener, Talker, and is completely retired and enjoying life now.

Miyoko likes flowers and gardening so I get to dig and scratch as much as any person would want to! I'm biased of course but I believe she is the greatest cook that ever lived. Yummy! Miyoko talks so much that sometimes my ears hurt. But then, all women can do that, yes? More pictures of Miyoko

Click for Salem, Oregon Forecast

Frances Miyoko Bates12 [1974 -]

Setting the World on Fire!

Fran was born in Annapolis, Maryland, while I was stationed at Ft Meade. She started school at Meade Heights Elementary. She continued Elementary, Middle, and High School at other exotic places such as San Jose, CA, Ft Dix, NJ, Kadena Air Base, Okinawa and finally Wahiawa, Hawaii. She has now completed two years of Community College and is contemplating where to go from here. While deciding what to do she has a job with the Post Office as a clerk (or something). She works at night and now has her own place so I'm not sure what her job title is.Pictures of Fran

Edward Masahiro Bates12 [1981 -]

Edward was born in Santa Clara, California while I was suffering on Recruiting Duty in San Jose. He started school at Bob Hope Elementary on Kadena Air Base, Okinawa. Since then he has attended schools in Hawaii and here in Oregon. He is a serious Toy Collector and already has a GI Joe that's worth more than any sane person would pay. He also enjoys surfing the net and has a special gift for drawing.Pictures of Eddie

Melissa Cerise Bennett12 [1971 -]

Melissa was born in Ohio while I was stationed at Ft. Devens, Massachusetts. Unfortunately her Mother and I were just not made for each other so that marriage didn't last very long. I am very proud of Melissa anyway and we have continued to get to know each other, swapping emails almost daily. She is presently a labaratory specialist in Cincinatti, Ohio. She has seen the light though and lives across the state border in good ole Kentucky. Melissa is a collector of cookie jars and a lover of cats, dogs, and other animals!
Pictures of Melissa


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