We love pets of all kinds (except for snakes) and that has rubbed off on our daughter. I have lived all my life with cats. Having a pet brings all kinds of fun and love in a household and it does teach a child on kindness, responsibilites and love. Watching the cats' crazy antics does give you a good hearty laugh! Here's the family pet photo album. If you plan on adopting a pet, please adopt them from the nearest animal shelter and

Thank you Maxie and the BratCats

This is Ernie at Christmas time(1997)

This was taken May of 1998 and he thinks you can't see him hiding in a box... He was named after Ernest Hemmingway and is polydactyl. Ernie loves boxes, even will try to squeeze in the smallest box if he could. He is a very sociable cat and loves people.

Here's Felix with Ernie hiding in the presents. We took the name from a friend's cat had passed away. He is often called "FeFe" and he loves to eat! He is often found pigging out on Ernie's left over catfood! He is shy around people and often hides when visitors come over.

This is Willie. This is my niece's cat. He is named after my brother in law whose nickname is Willie. He is extremely shy and only 4 people have seen him!

This is Nelson. This is also my niece's cat. He is named after Major Nelson in "I dream of Jeanie" tv series.

This is Stanley. This is also my niece's cat, yes she has 3 cats. He was adopted on June 7, 1997 and was named after the Lord Stanley Cup when Detroit Red Wings won their 1st Stanley Cup championship after a 42 year drought since the last time the Red Wings had the cup.

Lord Stanley ~~ June of 1998.

Imooch the calico and Quebec the tiger tabby, my sister in law's cats. Quebec got his name from one of the Province in Canada 'cuz my sister in law loves to travel. As for Imooch's name, please refer to my sister in law's page.

Imooch playing in paper ribbons.

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