Praise The Lord With Songs!!!

In this part of my homepage, there will be Praise and Worship midis. Have fun and listen to the sounds that pleases the Lord's ears...maybe YOU could sing along too!!!!!!!!

  1. All In All
  2. Amazing Grace
  3. As The Deer
  4. The Battle Belongs to the Lord
  5. Change My Heart
  6. El Shaddai
  7. Come And Go with me to my Father's house
  8. Fill my cup Lord
  9. Friends
  10. Give Thanks
  11. Go Tell It On The Mountain
  12. God is so good
  13. Hiding Place
  14. Holy Ground
  15. How Great Thou Art
  16. I Exalt Thee
  17. I Know Who Holds Tomorrow
  18. I Love You Lord
  19. In His Time
  20. I've Got Peace Like A River
  21. Let Us Break Bread Together
  22. Majesty
  23. Morning Has broken
  24. My Life is in You Lord
  25. My Peace
  26. Old Rugged Cross
  27. Pass It On
  28. Shine Jesus Shine
  29. Shout To The Lord
  30. Sing A New Song Unto The Lord
  31. Spirit Song
  32. Song Of A Young Prophet
  33. Victory Chant
  34. What a friend we have in Jesus
  35. We Are The Reason

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