Thomas Austin - born around 1745 in New York
- 4 generations of descendents

Thomas Austin's Great Grandson - Rev. Simeon Austin

born: Oct. 14 1818, died: May 20, 1899. Married to Betsy Maria Whittier (born Jan. 29, 1826 - died July 10, 1885)and later he married Emma E. Hannold.

Thomas Austin's Great Grandson -
Rev. Elvin Freeman Austin

Photos of Rev. Elvin Freeman Austin's family. -

1st Cousin 2 times Removed from Charles Austin, our Great Grandfather on Mom's side.

See stories (some about pioneering days) below the photos.

NY - IL - Nebraska.


We are descended from Thomas Austin, his son Freeman, his son Phineas.
Phineas was Elvin Freeman Austin's uncle.
To me, Pat Quinn, Elvin Freman Austin, Sr. is a First Cousin 4 times removed.(Shirt-tail relative if I ever heard of one!!!)

Descendants of Elvin Freeman (Rev.) Austin, Sr.

Generation No. 1

1. ELVIN FREEMAN (REV.)4 AUSTIN , SR. (BENJAMIN3, FREEMAN2, THOMAS1) was born November 09, 1834 in Niagara Co., NY1, and died July 26, 1919 in Whittier, Los Angeles Co., CA - Reedley Cemetery2. He married (1) LYDIA 'MARIA' BAUDER January 01, 1857 in Mendota, LaSalle Co., IL3. He married (2) MARY 'AUNT MOLLIE' WASHBURN KENNEDY June 14, 1876 in York, York Co., NE, daughter of MARTIN KENNEDY and SARAH PAGET. He married (3) ANN HOWELL JOHNSON October 12, 1910 in York Co., NE4.

Elvin Freeman Austin was born in Niagara Co., NY in 1834, probably the eldest child and only son of Charles Austin, a Society Methodist minister, and Eliza Ann Mudget.

Sometime before 1842, the family moved from New York to Lenawee Co., Michigan, where Charles Austin died at the age of 30. Nothing further is known about Eliza. Presumably she remarried after Charles' death as Nancy Jane Austin Becker's daughter Mina gave her grandmother's name as "Eliza A. Holmes" at the time of Nancy's death.

After their father's death, Elvin and his oldest sister, Harriet, lived in the home of their aunt and uncle, Emeline and Benjamin Austin, where they were listed in the 1850 LaSalle Co., IL census. Of the two other sisters, Cornelia A. lived with Uncle Thomas Austin and Nancy Jane was living in the home of Uncle Simeon.

Elvin met and married his first wife, Maria Lydia Bauder on Jan. 1, 1857 in LaSalle Co. Elvin and Maria had 8 children between March 1858 and December 1874, the first-born and sixth-born dying in infancy. Elvin enlisted as a Pvt. in the Illinois Cavalry, 7th Regiment, Company C, during the Civil War on February 8, 1864. [1864 - 1865: Civil War: Pvt., 7th Reg., Co. C, Illinois Cavalry (Union).] He served under Captain D. Porter until his discharge on September 23, 1865 at Springfield, Illinois. His discharge papers described him as being 28 years of age, 5 ft. 9 in. in height, fair complexion, with blue eyes and dark hair. His occupation was given as farmer.

Military Service:

Engaged at West Point, MS Feb. 20, 1864; Okolona Feb. 21 & 22; Sturgis' Expedition from Memphis June 1 to June 14, culminating in disaster at Brice's Crossroad June 10. To Tupelo July 5 to 21, and Oxford, MS Aug. 1 to 30 with engagements near Tupelo July 14 and at Hurricane Creek Aug. 9. Forrest's Attack on Memphis Aug. 21. Moved to Clifton, TN October 26 then to Pulaski and Shoal Creek, AL Nov. 8, expedition to Moscow, TN Nov. 9 to 13. Battle of Franklin Nov. 30. Battle of Nashville Dec. 15 & 16. Pursuit of confederate Army to the Tennessee River in northern Alabama Dec. 17 to 28. March to Gravelly Springs, AL and on duty there until February 1865. At Eastport, MS until May 1865, at Okolona until July 1 and at Decatur, AL until Sept. 1865.

Some time after the birth of Nellie in May 1868, the family moved from Illinois to Iowa, living in Black Hawk and/or Buchanan County. Following the death of their infant son, Roland Webster Austin, Elvin set out from Jessup, Buchanan County, Iowa in May 1871, (see story "Early Days in Nebraska" by Nellie Austin Shoemaker, July 1907) to see western Iowa and Nebraska. He bought land located near York, NE, about 50 miles west of Lincoln described as the Northwest Quarter of section 28, Township 9 North, Range 2 West, residence commencing June 6, 1871. He then returned to Iowa to move his family. Maria Lydia Bauder Austin died at the age of 40 1/2 years in York Co., NE on Feb. 29, 1876 when the eldest surviving child, Arthur Clarence, was 15, the youngest, Frank Becker, only about 14 months.


From "Early Days in Nebraska" by Nellie Austin Shoemaker:

"The last day of May 1871....we started from Jessup, Buchanan Co., Iowa to see western Iowa and Nebraska. I was the only one who took a homestead, locating in section 28, township 9, range 2 west, in York Co., Nebraska....

I returned to Iowa, and after harvesting my crop I started for the homestead with my wife and four children* in a wagon drawn by two mules, and with two cows in the read. Two other families were with us. One by the name of Halsey, who lived near us as neighbors for many years."

*Children were: Arthur, age 10; Charles, 8; Elmer, almost 5; and Nellie, 2 years, 9 months. Two more children, Lulu & Frank, were born after the family moved to Nebraska.


Less than 4 months after Maria's death, Elvin married Mary Washburn Kennedy, who would later be known as "Aunt Mollie". Mary raised Elvin's six children as well as their two sons, Ralph "Shorty" Bishop Austin and Elvin "Deke" Freeman Austin, Jr. Their marriage lasted until her death in 1910 just 3 days after their 34th Wedding Anniversary. "Aunt Mollie" was very highly regarded by all who knew her.

It was apparently after his first wife's death that Elvin received his call to preach in the United Brethren ministry. He first ministered in Nebraska in the E. Nebraska Conference, on the York and West Blue Circuits. The family moved to Humboldt Co., CA sometime during the 1880s or early 1890s. Elvin was a United Brethren minister in Rohnerville. Between 1904 and 1906, Elvin ran a store located in Berkeley. Elvin and Mary moved to Reedley sometime in 1906 or 1907. Mary died in Reedley on June 17, 1910.

Less than 4 months after Mary's death, Elvin (age 75 years, 11 months, 3 days) returned to York Co. to marry for a third and final time. On June 14, 1876, he married Ann Howell Johnson, a widow with two grown children, Emma and Frank. According to Elvin and Ann's Certificate of Marriage, their marriage was witnessed by Joe and Emma Cudaback. (In "Pioneering Along the Blue", E. E. Austin mentions the name John Cudaback who settled in York Co. in the mid- to late 1870s. Could this be the same person, or a relative?) Ann and Elvin settled in Whittier, CA after their marriage. Their marriage ended with Elvin's death on July 26, 1919. Elvin is buried in the Reedley cemetery, next to his 2nd wife, Mary "Aunt Mollie" Washburn Kennedy Austin, and his son Frank Becker Austin.


Exerpt from Proceedings of the 54th Annual Session - California Conference - Church of the United Brethren in Christ - Sept 11-15, 1919:

MEMORIAL, Rev. E.F. Austin was born in New York State Nov. 9, 1934 and died in Whittier, CA, July 26, 1919, aged 84 years, 10 months, and 17 days.

In his early manhood he was converted in a small sod house in York County, Neb., and soon thereafer felt the call to the Ministry and for nearly 45 years, he held license to preach the Gospel, filling a number of important fields in the East Nebraska Conference and a number of the charges in the California Conference.

Among the fields of labor first served by brother Austin in East Nebraska Conference were York and West Blue circuits. The last named being his home circuit where he labored for 3 years, reporting for the first year 69 accessions, the second 16, and the third 38 accessions.

At the close of his pastorate, Brother Austin was given a district where he labored for one year and was then returned to West Blue circuit where he labored most successfully for one year reporting at the Conference 17 accessions. His next charge was Unadilla circuit where 83 souls were harvested for God and the Church; then he was sent to Bennett where he reported 38 accessions; his last charge before coming to California was Shelby. This field was resigned at the commencement at the 3rd year; 52 accessions were reported on Shelby charge. Brother Austin's salary in those early days ranged from $200 to $423 per year; the last named amount received while he was on the District.

His work since coming to California Conference is known to most, if not all of his Brethren and friends.

A few years ago when on a tour through the East and especially the old familiar scenes of east Nebraska, he tried to find the old sod school house where he was converted; but the corrosive tooth of time had not dealt kindly with the place of his Spiritual birth, and all he found was a mound: a heap of dust and failing sod. Deeply touched, he stood with uncovered head as near the spot as he could where he first knelt and gave his heart to God, and standing there with eyes blinded by tears, he prayed and gave earnest thanks to God for the old sod house that had been a Bethel to his soul.

Brother Austin was first married to Miss Lydia Bauder. To this union were born 8 children, 2 of whom died in infancy. Mrs. Austin died about 43 years ago. Brother Austin married a second time, a Miss Mary Kennedy. To them were born 2 children. The mother of these 2 passed away about 10 years ago. On October 12, 1910 Brother Austin was again married, this time to Mrs. Ann Johnson, who survives him.

Brother Austin was a soldier in the war of the 60s; how long he served I was not able to learn.

Brother Austin had been failing in health for several years. Part of the time in his last illness he suffered greatly, but with it all was submissive. I called on him when he was near the end, and to my greeting, he cried, "I'm on my way to glory, and I'm almost there!" His solicitation for his children was the end drew nearer was sweet and pathetic. He requested them to sing for him, saying that he would like to hear their voices once more. To the dear ones who could not come to his bed side, he sent tender messages, desiring them all to meet him in heaven.

His full surrender; his calm, peaceful view of death was a benediction to all who were privileged to be near him in the closing hours.

The end came peacefully about 5 o'clock on Saturday morning, July 26th. As a child falls asleep in its mother's arms, so calmly, unafraid he fell asleep in the arms of Jesus to awaken on His bosom on the other side.

(written by J.L. Parks)


Elvin resided at 208 N. Bright Ave., Whittier, CA. (From a card in an old book in the possession of Eleanor Kampschmidt, April 1995.) In 1904 he lived at 960 - 61st St., Oakland, in 1904 where his occupation was listed as grocer, with a business address at 3198 Adeline in Berkeley. Also listed at this and the following address is his son Ralph Bishop Austin whose occupation is listed as clerk. In 1905 Elvin lived at 6616 Manila, Oakland; in 1906 at 1525 Harmon, Berkeley where Ralph's occupation is listed a driver.

Elvin is buried in Reedley Cemetery, Fresno Co., CA (Block 128, Lot 2, Sp. 2).

Elvin, his son Frank, and Elvin's wife, Mary, are buried in Reedley Cemetery, Block 128, Lot 2, Spaces 1, 2, and 3. The Cemetery is located on Reed Ave. along Kings River. The plots are located in the old section of the cemetery. (209) 638-2731.

Also in the Reedley Cemetery are Maria Lydia Bauder Austin's brother, Thomas Jefferson Bauder, Electa Bauder (TJ's 1st wife), and their son Talmage Jefferson Bauder in Block 113, Lot 1, Spaces 1, 2, and 3. Also, a Dorothy Bauder was buried there in July 1911. The relationship of Dorothy to the others is not known.


Maria Lydia Bauder

has also been called Lydia Maria Bauder. However, her marriage license and certificate to Elvin Freeman Austin list her as Maria L. Bauder. The Marriage Record of her daughter, Nellie May Austin to John Rufus Shoemaker, shows her name as Maria Bauder. The Pleasant Ridge Cemetery lists her as Lydia M. Bauder Austin. Also, a letter written to Elvin Freeman Austin's 2nd wife, Mary "Aunt Mollie" Kennedy Austin reads, in part: "I must thank you for having been such a precious mother to the children of my "pet" sister. It seems to me that when you get on the other side precious MARIA will want to be the first to throw her arms around you and thank you through all eternity for your unselfish life in the interest of her motherless children." It is signed by "Uncle Jeff - T. J. Bauder", Maria's brother.

Little is known about the life of Maria Lydia since she died at a young age (41 years)of pneumonia. She was born in Montgomery County, New York, on August 31, 1834. In 1844, the family moved to Illinois where she met and married Elvin Freeman Austin on New Year's Day 1857. Their youngest child, Frank Becker Austin, was little more than a year old when she died.

The names of her parents were taken from a biographical sketch written by her brother, Thomas Jefferson Bauder, a United Brethren minister. It is not clear if their mother's maiden name is Ryon, as it appears there is another letter in front of the "R" and the name could be Tryon, Bryon, etc. Lydia also had at least one younger sister Aurelia Fidelia who married Isaac Avery. (Isaac may have been related to the wife of Maria's husband's Uncle Thomas Austin, Lydia Ann Avery.)


One part of a letter written before Maria's death on Feb. 29, 1876 by Elvin Freeman and Maria Austin to Elvin's cousin Freeman Elvin Austin (b. 5/1838), son of Freeman Austin, Jr. (b. 5/1804): (spelled like the letter did!!!)

"now Freeman if you have eny knowtion of coming out here to see the country cosin and help use harvist you can have the ready you for it and big wages to. I have bought a new reaper .. a self ....wheather you visit .... or not harvist wil begin in the last weak of July. I wil leave the rest of the knews for Maria to write. (signed E.F. Austin)

The letter continues by Maria: "would give me a deed of 80 acres. I am contented and happy. Now I want to knowif my sister is dead or not. If she is dead let me know and I will buy me a black dress. She wrote a few lines last winter. I will send you a piece of my new dress. Elvin is waiting to go to town."


When Lydia died of pneumonia, she left 6 young children. Arthur the oldest, was two days from being 15 years old. Charles had just turned 13. Elmer was 9 years, 2 mos. Nellie was 7 1/2 years old. Lulu was 3 yrs, 2 mos. Baby Frank was only 14 1/2 months old. Less than 4 months after Lydia's death, Elvin Freeman Austin (Sr.) married Mary Washburn Kennedy, who would be known as "Aunt Mollie" and raised Elvin's young children. Mary and Elvin had 2 children of their own, Ralph Bishop Austin and Elvin Freeman Austin, Jr.


Lydia's death date appears to be recorded as 1875 in her daughter, Lulu Cornelia's bible. However, this conflicts with the obituary printed in the April 12, 1876 edition of "The Religious Telescope" which gives her death date as Feb. 29, 1876. It reads:

Lydia Maria Austin, wife of Rev. E.F. Austin and sister to Rev. T. J. Bauder, died February 29th, 1876 aged 40 years and 6 months of pneumonia. Sister Austin joined the United Brethren Church in 1872. Her house was a home for the itinerant. Long shall I remember her kind words and acts; in a word, she was kind to all. She was a great help to her husband in encouraging him in his duties; and even in her afflication, she would say to him, "I would rather you should attend to your appointments than stay with me." Truly, her end was peace. She leaves a husband, six children, and numerous relatives and friends to mourn their loss.

(written by Rev. I.N. Martin)


Per the Greater York Area Genealogical Society in 1984's writeup "York County Cemetery, York, NE Volume II", - The Pleasant Ridge Cemetery listing gives her name as Lydia M. Bauder - Austin. Died 29 Feb 1876 - She died at 41 years 6 months. Grave site is laying down with a metal bar over the year.

Marriage Notes for ELVIN AUSTIN and LYDIA BAUDER: Maria Lydia Bauder was the first of Elvin Freeman Austin's 3 wives. _________________________________________________
Notes for



Mary Kennedy Austin was known as "Aunt Mollie" to the Austin's. She was the 2nd wife of Elvin Freeman Austin (Sr), having married him less than 4 months after the death of his first wife Maria/Lydia Bauder Austin. Elvin returned to York, NE to marry her.

Mary was 31 years old at the time of her marriage to Elvin. It is believed that this was her first marriage. Her name on the Marriage Record looks like "Martha/ Mary W. Kannada/Kinnada." The names of her parents are not listed on the Record.

Mary raised 6 of Elvin's minor children: Arthur, age 15; Charles, 13; Elmer, 9; Nellie, 7 1/2; Lulu, 2 yrs., 2 mos.; and Frank, 14 1/2 mos. at the time of his mother's death. Mary and Elvin had two sons of their own: Elvin Freeman Austin, Jr., born in Oct. 1879 and Ralph Bishop Austin born Jan. 31, 1881.

Marriage Notes for ELVIN AUSTIN and MARY KENNEDY:

Elvin Freeman Austin married his 2nd wife, Mary/Martha Washburn Kennedy on June 14, 1876, less than 4 months after his first wife, Maria/Lydia Bauder Austin died. Elvin was 41 years old at the time, Mary, 31.

Mary's last name on the Marriage Record looks like Kannada. It may also say "Mrs" Mary W. Kannada", indicating that she had a previous marriage. However, it is known that she had no other children.

Witnesses to the marriage were: Mrs. C. Austin (this could have been Cora Austin, or the wife of Charles Austin), Fidelia Austin, R. M. League, and what appears to be the name "T" or "F" Kennedy. This may have been a brother of Mary's.

Notes for



Ann Howell-Johnson Austin was the 3rd wife of Elvin Freeman Austin (Sr.) She was still living at the time of his death on July 19, 1919. They had no children.

Elvin and Ann were married on October 12, 1910 in York Co., NE by Rev. O.E. Gregg. Elvin was 75 years old, Ann 63 years old. On their marriage license application it states that Elvin was a resident of Reedly, CA and Ann a resident of McCool Junction, NE at that time.

Ann had 2 children (Emma and Frank) by her first marriage to Benjamin Johnson. Nothing more is known about them.

A picture-postcard of Elvin and a woman, discovered by Eleanor Kampschmidt after the death of her Aunt, Vesta Fern Crawford Cardoza in December 1994, is presumed to be a picture of Ann.

Was widow when married Elvin Freeman Austin.

Children of ELVIN AUSTIN and LYDIA BAUDER are:

2. i. NELLIE MAY (REV.)5 AUSTIN, b. August 08, 1868, Near Odell, Ophir?, LaSalle Cty, IL; d. September 20, 1931, Oakland, Alameda Co., CA - buried 9/23 Sacramento, Yolo, CA.

ii. IDA MAY AUSTIN, b. March 17, 1858, IL7; d. 1861, IL8.


From Lulu Cornelia Austin Crawford's Bible: Ida May Austin was born "March 17th 1858 - died at 3 yrs." The exact death date is not given.

3. iii. ARTHUR CLARENCE AUSTIN, b. March 02, 1861, IL; d. July 20, 1957, Fresno, CA - Belmont Memorial Park.

4. iv. CHARLES LESTER AUSTIN , SR., b. February 11, 1863, IL; d. March 09, 1943, Lincoln, Lancaster Co., NE.

5. v. ELMER DELOS AUSTIN, b. June 18, 1866, Il; d. December 07, 1952, Riverside, Riverside Co., CA.

vi. ROLAND WEBSTER AUSTIN, b. 1870, Blackhawk Co., IA9; d. Bef. May 1871, IA10.

The date of Roland's death is not known. However, his sister, Lulu Cornelia Austin Crawford, recorded in her Bible that he was born in 1870 and died in infancy. It is assumed that Roland died prior to his father leaving Iowa in May of 1871 to look for land, finally settling in Nebraska where Lulu was born in December of 1872.

6. vii. LULU CORNELIA AUSTIN, b. December 08, 1872, Near York, York Co., NE; d. November 01, 1959, Stockton, San Joaquin Co., CA - Park View Cem., Manteca, Sec. J, Block 19.

7. viii. FRANK BECKER AUSTIN, b. December 12, 1874, York, York Co., NE; d. January 20, 1923, Woodland, Yolo Co., CA.

Children of ELVIN AUSTIN and MARY KENNEDY are:

ix. ELVIN FREEMAN 'DEKE'5 AUSTIN , JR., b. October 27, 1879, NE (probably in York Co.)11; d. December 22, 1947, Fresno, Fresno Co., CA12.


Elvin Jr. was also known as "Deke". Elvin Jr. and his brother, Ralph "Shorty" Bishop Austin, ran a concession, operating donkey rides, at Grant Grove/General Grant Park in what is now a part of Sequoia National Park. During the 1920s and 1930s, my mother recalls camping there with some of the Austin/Collins/Crawford family.

Neither Elvin Jr., nor his brother Ralph, married or had children. The 1920 census shows them residing together in Whittier, Los Angeles Co., CA.

A grandson of Frank Becker Austin, Raymond Sutton, wrote in 1995: "I did meet Ralph {Shorty} and Deke once in 1945 when passing through Squaw Valley, where the two bachelor brothers lived together at that time. The Squaw Valley where they were living at that time is the Squaw Valley on Hghwy 180 East of Fresno. My Grandfather Frank Becker (Austin) and my Grandmother, Elsie Laura Hale Austin, also lived and had a store in Squaw Valley."

On his death Certificate, Elvin is shown as Elwynn, his father as Elwynn. His race is shown as Indian! His obituary in the Fresno Bee on Dec. 24, 1947 shows him as "Elwin".


From the Fresno Bee, Dec. 24, 1947:

"AUSTIN--In Fresno, December 23, 1947. Elwin Freeman Austin, brother of Ralph Austin of Dunlap and Mrs. Lulu Crawford** of Stockton; half-brother of Elmer Austin of Riverside and A. C. Austin of Santa Ana. A native of Nebraska, aged 67 years. Graveside services will be held in the Dunlap Cemetery Friday morning, December 26, 1947, at eleven o'clock. The Tinkler Mission Chapel in charge of arrangements."


"ELWIN AUSTIN -- Graveside rites for Elwin Austin, 67, a Dunlap rancher, who died Monday in a local hospital, are planned for Friday at 11 A.M. in the Dunlap Cemetery under the direction of the Tinkler Mission Chapel.

A native of Nebraska, Austin had lived in the Dunlap district with his brother, Ralph Austin, for the last 30 years.

Other surviving relatives include two half brothers, Elmer Austin, Riverside, and A. C. Austin, Santa Ana, and a sister, Mrs. Lulu Crawford**, Stockton."

NOTES: ** Lulu Crawford was his half-sister.

x. RALPH BISHOP 'SHORTY' AUSTIN, b. January 31, 1881, or Jan 13, 1881 Probably in York Co., NE13; d. September 30, 1970, County 10 (Probably Fresno Co.) CA: ZIP 93602 - Auberry, CA14.


Ralph "Shorty" Bishop Austin was living in Dunlap, Fresno Co., CA, at the time of the death of his half- sister, Lulu Cornelia Austin Crawford, on Nov. 2, 1959. He died on Sept. 30, 1970 in "County 10" (probably Fresno Co.) according to the Calif. Death Index.

"Shorty" was believed to have been a bachelor all his life. In about 1904/06, he lived on Adeline St., on the edge of Berkeley/Oakland, CA and worked with his father, Elvin Freeman Austin (Sr.), in a small store near there.


Elvin resided at 208 N. Bright Ave., Whittier, CA. (From a card in an old book in the possession of Eleanor Kampschmidt, April 1995.) In 1904 he lived at 960 - 61st St., Oakland, in 1904 where his occupation was listed as grocer, with a business address at 3198 Adeline in Berkeley. Also listed at this and the following address is his son Ralph Bishop Austin whose occupation is listed as clerk. In 1905 Elvin lived at 6616 Manila, Oakland; in 1906 at 1525 Harmon, Berkeley where Ralph's occupation is listed a driver.


HOWEVER, a picture-postcard in the possession of Wilma Barbee Mendez says: "Esther Frances and Ralph Austin" on the front and "Uncle and Antie Austin" on the back, in a different handwriting. The postcard was printed by Riley Bros., Electric Studio, Oak Park, Sacramento, California. It is not dated. Perhaps he was married for a short time(?).

In the 1920 census, Shorty and Deke resided together in Whittier, CA. They ran a concession with donkey rides in General Grant Grove, in what is now Sequoia National Park. My mother recalls camping there with other members of the Austin/Collins/Crawford family in the 1930s (?).

An Austin cousin, Raymond Sutton, wrote in 1995: "I did meet Ralph and Deke once in 1945 when passing through Squaw Valley, where the two bachelor brothers lived together at that time. The Squaw Valley where they were living at that time is the Squaw Valley on Hghwy 180 East of Fresno. My Grandfather Frank Becker (Austin) and my Grandmother, Elsie Laura Hale Austin, also lived and had a store in Squaw Valley." Squaw Valley is in Fresno County. There is a picture of Raymond and Uncle "Deke" standing together in front of a car. It was taken about 1904 in Dunlap, CA.

Generation No. 2

2. NELLIE MAY (REV.)5 AUSTIN (ELVIN FREEMAN (REV.)4, BENJAMIN3, FREEMAN2, THOMAS1) was born August 08, 1868 in Near Odell, Ophir?, LaSalle Cty, IL15, and died September 20, 1931 in Oakland, Alameda Co., CA - buried 9/23 Sacramento, Yolo, CA16. She married JOHN RUFUS (REV.) SHOEMAKER July 14, 1891 in York, York Co., NE17.

Nellie & John may have had 3rd child who died in infancy. CHECK with Vera Sandstead.

Nellie Austin and John Shoemaker ministered at Fort Bidwell, and on a nearby Indian Reservation.

Educated at Gibbon Collegiate Institute, Nellie was ordained a minister in the United Brethren Church at Riverside, CA on June 10, 1900. She entered the Congregational fellowship in 1911. She served as co-pastor with her husband, the Rev. John R. Shoemaker, in Loleta, CA from 1911-1913; Herald CA from 1915 to 1918; Adin, CA from 1918 to 1922; Fort Bidwell, CA from 1922 to 1929; at Calvary Church in Oakland, CA from 1929 until her death in 1931 at age 63.

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