The Blue Hill Ladies

Champion Blue Hill's Snow Storm

Stormy is a true little "lady". She did everything she could to please in and out of the ring. Now she is pleasing me in the whelping box. Only one baby in her first litter, but what an outstanding baby. I have just repeated the breeding, so fingers are crossed and breath is held.

Champion Blue Hill's Classie Chassie

Classie finished in just a few shows at the tender age of 11 months. She proved herself a champion and in the whelping box. She also only has had one offspring, but her "son" is the no other but Champion Blue Hill's Main Event

Blue Hill's Southern Class

Oh what can I say about this girl. This "lady" was beautiful but so very silly. She hated to show and did everything she could to prevent going into the ring. I did get 10 points on her before giving up and retiring her to the whelping box. Classie was her only daughter. "Class" had a tough c-section, was spayed and placed in a home with some wonderful friends.