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"The Blue Hill Boys"

"Champion Blue Hill's Main Event", affectionately known at home as "Scooter", is a beautiful male with outstanding qualities. Proudly, I showed him to his GROUP 1 win from the OPEN CLASS at the Perry Ga. shows in 1997.

Just completing her championship is his daughter "Sweetie"out of Champion Blue Hill's Snow Storm. Like her dad, she has his strong movement and beauty. He is definitely making his mark on his puppies as we will have another of his daughters out this fall.

"Champion Blue Hill's Main Event",

Champion Blue Hill Mark of Excellence

This beautiful boy is"Champion Blue Hill Mark of Excellence". "Mark" is Scooter's grandsire. An exceptional little dog and a proven producer of Champion offspring, he has become a very important part of Blue Hill's breeding program. Mark's show record includes a GROUP 3 from the "PUPPY CLASS", breeder-owner handled.

You can now see a pedigree on Mark by clicking on PEDIGREE

Champion Blue Hill's Winter White Out

"Drifter" was fun to show. I had put all of his singles and took a GROUP 3 from the OPEN CLASS, when I decided to send him to my good friend Luke to show. He and his half sister "Stormy" were shown as a brace and took Best In Show. That was really fun as I have never done that before and don't know if I want to again. All that hair!!! Drifter is the proud dad of 2 beautiful babies.

Pedigrees on these boys are published on our home site,




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