Thoughts from Mary Faith--
For this year's reunion in Port Angeles, Barb and Dan included some "native
Each reunion is bonds me ever closer to this important group of women who
hold such a unique place in my life. Not only have we all known each other
since we were, literally, in our teens, but, without any pre-design, we have
seen each other through so many of the experiences since: the loves and
losses that have made up our lives.
fauna"(deer-and a real live marmot!), fed us delicious salmon, halibut, and
SCALLOPS, and generally made us see this truly special place through their
very loving eyes. They outdid themselves - and "thank you" only skims the
surface of all the appreciation that's wrapped around the wonderful memories
I've taken home with me.
And from Nancy--
Hi from Montana. I still have happy thoughts of our reunion in
PA with Barb and Dan Hart
and Meridith and Jim. Everything was so well
planned, food quite delectable,
accommodations comfortable, lots of laughter
and sillyness, and of course wonderful weather.
All quite perfect! So
enjoyed seeing pictures and getting caught up on everyone's family
activities. Missed Jacquie.
Meridith adds--
Barb and Dan were wonderful hosts to this 43rd annual
nursing classmate gathering. Of course I was only a little proud that our
great NW showed off so beautifully. The wonderful fish dinners and fun that
we had in Barb and Dan's new house will always be a lingering memory. Missed
those unable to be with us--but hoping that the year 2000 will be THE year
for our little band of CU nursing students.