Louise tells us--
" We started the reunion at a little mountain resort in New Mexico, Ruidoso. We stayed at a darling little lodge (adult only) where we proceeded to take over the place - cooking (with expert chefs Mary Jo and Judy) in our rooms and at the barbeque, then moving tables etc. on to the "porch" where we ate and drank until wee hours (for us, that is now about 10pm). We hiked in the hills, shopped, etc etc.
Then, coming back to El Paso, we spent a day via the tourist's trolley in Juarez, shopping again. Returning to Casa Rauseo the chief cooks were Nick and Louise, but Nick and Jim got so involved with TV football that we had to all pitch in after we got back from Juarez. We sat out back on the patio and told ridiculous stories until late (again, at least 9:30 or 10:00)
We haven't changed much, but our days seem to be a little shorter than before! "