San Francisco 1996

We thought we would go to Chicago for the Oprah show but who wants to go to Chicago anyhow? Then we thought Hawaii sounded like a great place to celebrate our 40th. Somehow we only got as far as San Francisco, but very few people object to visiting San Francisco. Actually we chose the place and the time to see the Faberge exhibit at the De Young museum, which lived up to all our expectations.

San Francisco

"Accommodations were at the Beresford Arms, a Victorian style hotel in the center of the city. Being in the center of the city has it's good points (we were close to everything or could take the cable care or muni) and it's bad points (sirens in the middle of the night every night and street ladies? clomping up the hill in the wee small hours).

We saw the city and Sausalito. Mary and Sara went to "Phantom of the Opera" we all went to "Beach Blanket Babylon", we ate well and pursued chocolate cheese cake. The group voted down options outside San Francisco such as a wine country tour and/or the wine train. We saved those for another time.

Lynnie presented to each of us a piece of Kansas limestone from Wayne's farm with the CU motif. They are great and two grace my "home office" to remind me of the special people with whom I have shared 45 years.

San Francisco

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