This is about a different kind of family--one that grows by filling the needs of friends. FRIENDS FOREVER
The story began back in 1952 when a group of girls started college in a Nursing program in Colorado. They were from all parts of the country--all walks of life.
First year together, beanies for all!!
By the fall of 1953 they had learned enough to earn their "caps"--and the capping ceremony that marked that achievement was a very proud moment for all!!
Wheeeeeee We are official!
For four years these girls lived together--worked together--learned together--played together--establishing bonds that the separation of time and distance could not diminish.
1954-55--Study--and fun--and learn--and fun--
Graduation-in Denver--in 1956
Graduation scattered them to new homes, new jobs, and marriage and family for most.
15 Year Reunion--in Denver--in 1971
The first reunion was held in 1971 when 19 returned to their old Alma Mater to reestablish friendships.
1978-Yerba Buena Island, California 22 years
In 1978 Mary Jo hosted a "mini reunion" held in San Francisco California--to plan for the upcoming 25th reunion to be held in Denver in 1981.
25 Year Reunion held in Denver, Colorado--1981
The planning paid off, because there were 28 who attended this big milestone reunion, and we were able to award a scholarship to a deserving single-mom student nurse.
1986-Hood Canal-30 years
In 1986 we met at the Hood Canal in the state of Washington for a great 4 days. Thanks to Meridith for putting THIS one together for our 30th!!
1989-SantaFe-33 years
The next meeting occurred 3 years later in 1989 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Lynne and her daughter Laura organized a wonderful 5 day session that included lots of shopping in old town Santa Fe!! This year's reunion included husbands for the first time and three husbands joined us.
1990-Wash.D.C.34 years
In 1990, Louise and Jan put together a beautiful session in Washington D.C.,Annapolis, and St. Michaels's Island. The "reunioneers" decided to gather annually from now on.
1991- Denver--35 years
Another milestone--the 35th--held in Denver. Revisiting old places (and friends) was high on the agenda!!
1992-Mammoth, California 36 years
In 1992 Judy arranged for us to luxuriate in a beautiful ski lodge in Mammoth!!
1993-Lake Tahoe for the 37th year
Nancy Riebe put together this wonderfully long weekend for us.
1994-Williamsburg, Virginia--38 years
Jan Saferstein, (and her incomparable Soop), introduced us to Colonial Williamsburg and the lovely pre-Civil War Plantations set amid the rolling green hills.
1995 SunValley, Idaho 39 years
For our 39th in 1995, Barbie Hart (and that good looking guy that hangs around her) prepared a feast for the eyes and the soul in Sun Valley, Idaho.
1995 Mary Jo Love-In
1996 San Francisco 40 years
We had HOPED to be with Oprah for this one--but since she didn't invite us--the California gals set up a joyous reunion --and we, too, left our hearts in San Francisco!!
1997 ElPaso, Texas 41 years
El Paso and it's surrounding loviness was presented to us by Louise (You've been a BUSY girl, Louise!!)
1998--42 years--CoolFont in West Virginia
Is this a beautiful setting--or WHAT? Thank you Jan for putting it together.
1999--43 years--Port Angeles Washington
Salmon?? Halibut?? Scallops?? We are SPOILED!!!!!!
November,1999-- Bon Voyage, Jacquie
2000--44 Years--WashingtonD.C.
Did you miss it? Better start thinking about Hawaii in 2001 for our 45th!!!!!
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Last Update 9/17/00
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