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Hi! I am Misty Young and I am 11 years old. My Mom's name is Diane and my stepdads name is Todd he is very very nice top me.My Dad's name is Mike and my stepmom's name is Joyce she's really nice too. I live in Columbus, Ohio, USA.
I am starting a new school this year called Groveport Madison Middle School North.It's really cool there. I've got a nice teacher too and several of my friends will be there. I am in the 6th grade.
Things that I like to do are: singing, acting, play video games, play on computer, chat, cheerleading, go to friends house, and SHOPPING!
I have 4 different kinds of animals.At my moms i have my dog, Fluffy. She is a cockapoo and she sleeps with me. I have cat named Winky, he is black with just a small patch of white on his chest. We had all his claws taken out so he can't scratch me or the furniture. I also have a guinea pig named rainbow. She likes being held and being in the same room with us so she can hear the noises. She is blind but still recognizes us by our scent.At my dads i had two fish but one of them died so we only have 1 now my dads named it Bernie and the other one was Kosar(my dad is a big browns fan and he really likes Bernie Kosar).

I love to listen to music the radio my cd's.The groups that i love are Hanson,Will Smith,Next,Backstreet Boys,N'sync,Brandy,Monica,Ma$e,Usher,Mariah Carey,Spice Girls,Savage Garden,Puff Daddy,Natalie Imbrulia,No Doubt,Aerosmith (a little),and Aaliah. That about sums it up. i Play the Keyboard I got a Casio Keyboard for my 11th b-day which was July 21. Well now that you know a little about me i hope that you enjoy the rest of my page ENJOY!!!!!!

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