Kyle & Kathleen Obrecht

Current Events
We are currently living across the street from my parents. Kathleen is going to stay home with Maverick for a while, and I am looking for a new job.
2/26 - At every doctor's appointment they tell us he is perfect and growing perfectly. We are still on target for a normal delivery during the first week in May.
3/29 - Kathleen has now been placed on complete bedrest until the delivery, due to high blood pressure. She is doing great, and the doctors continue to say that Maverick is perfect. They expect to induce a little bit early but say there is nothing to worry about.
4/10 -
Maverick was born today!
Here are some details:
- 4 lb. 11.5 oz.
- 10:31 A.M.
- 19 inches long
5/11 -
Maverick is growing like a weed and learning so fast! He can already hold his head up very well, and is doing his best to start crawling. I am amazed every time I look at him how much he's changed in just the last month.

Please Pray
- That God will give me a great job
- That Maverick will continue to do so well