When kids can't add, subtract, multiply and divide anymore without the use of a calculator, I worry about their future. When they can't read a story in the newspaper, it concerns me. When young children can recite Rainforest poetry, but they can't identify their own country on a map, I fret. And I think we should all realize that until we do something to stop this slide, it won't only affect the children's future, it will affect our own.
Because of these strong feelings, I decided it was time I became active in the reform movement myself. I am employed by the Education Policy Institute as a Research Associate, and I formed Citizens for Responsible Education Reform strictly as a volunteer effort to inform and activate everyday citizens about the role they can play in helping to find solutions at the federal level of government.
I am well aware that many conservatives believe the federal government should have no involvement in education whatsoever. I, however, believe this is unrealistic, and as long as programs such as the subsidized school lunch program are in place, or regulations requiring shots prior to entering school continue, the federal government will play a role. At the same time, we can and should work toward reducing the role the federal bureaucracy plays. That is what CRER aims to do, by keeping a close eye on Congress and the actions it takes relative to education.
My goal is to build an honest to goodness grassroots movement of likeminded conservatives who are neither "flamethrowers" or "whiners who do nothing," but who will get involved, write letters and op-eds, call Congressmen, visit schools, tutor students, review legislation, whatever it takes...
That's who I am, and why I formed Citizens for Responsible Education Reform.
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