Millenium Quilt by Cheryle in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
This is a photo and accompanying newspaper article about the Millenium Quilt she completed from fabric acquired via various worldwide swaps.
Cher's Quilt 1
Cher's Quilt 2
Cher's Quilt 3
The above are some Dragon Quilts from the Critter Pat's Dragon Collection done by Cher and displayed by her grandchildren, email her at
These are photos she sent me and I scanned in for her.
Mystery Quilt A
Mystery Quilt B
The above are mystery quilts that Sandi and Deni did at their last retreat. One
is the "Sailor's Star". The instructor was Ethel Snow, a friend of theirs, and
she billed it as a "Maritime Mystery". This was Deni's first mystery quilt and
LOTS of fun. Sandi's is the blue/pink/yellow. Deni's is yellow/purple.
Deni's making hers into a table centre for her sister in Calgary who lost her DH
in early Jan. Deni's quilt is called "Pete's Pansies". Hope she likes it.
Deni in Burnaby, BC, Canada
Library Quilt
A photo of a library quilt done by Judy A. for her nephew's wedding.
Toronto Get-Together.
A photo of a bunch of RCTQ quilters who met for a fun gathering in Toronto.
Toronto Get-Together.
Another photo of a bunch of RCTQ quilters who met for the first time on June 6 at a quilt show in Toronto. Judy was visiting from British Columbia and the others are Toronto residents. We arranged to meet at a quilt shop and then went on to the quilt show. It may have been our first meeting, but I hope it won't be our last!
From left: me (Judy), Lynne, Sandy, Lynne V., Nancy, and her little girl,
The RCTQ Columbine Memorial Quilt has an informational webpage - with
instructions, names and blocks:
RCTQ Columbine Memorial

"The Math Club Quilt
This stained glass wall quilt is based on glass
patterns and uses the fusible black bias tape, sewn with a twin-needle.
It's hand-quilted and is about 29" wide and 35" long. The black border has
an extra layer of batting, and not all of the border is visible in the
picture. (I made it as a fundraiser for college math scholarships; tickets
are being sold locally only.)
For comments or info contact Wanda
This is a photo of Sandi at a retreat in February, 1999. She had pieced 7 tops for her family Xmas 98. For their birthdays in 1999 she is machine quilting them. She quilted 6 on one retreat weekend. As of the beginning of March, I think she has 3 or 4 with the binding on!!!
Photo from the Hemet Quilt Show
(featuring from left to right: Ronnie, Quiltndee, Butterfly & Donna P. who sent me the photo and her email address is
Deb from Kentucky, Cary Springer from TN, Cary's Boyfriend's Daughter Shelby and Cary's Mom Carol at the Cincinnati Quilt and Needlework Show
Paula in Colorado's Home Page called Wander Inn
Pat's Quilts Page
Be sure to check out the great Wizard Quilt!!!
Photo of a Featherweight Sewing Machine Quilt (from a design by Cynthia England) which was done on a Featherweith Machine Circa 1930.
Made by
Photo of a quilt by displayed at the Smithtown Stitchers Show on Oct. 3rd and 4th.
Photo of Kenar with a baby quilt that can be used as a playmat.
Photo of the Fort Washington Quilt Show Get Together featuring Barb (of Willow Grove), Marissa Vignali, Chris Ingle, Pat (Kenar's Quilting Friend), and Kenar.
"A Walk Through the Woods by Kathy Riley"
Attached is my quilt, "A Walk Through the Woods (my 12 year journey)." I
worked on this quilt on and off over a period of twelve years. It helped me
cope with the death of my son. Since 1996, it has won numerous award, and was
also displayed at the Lancaster, PA and AQS shows this year. Needless to say,
this quilt makes me very proud.
Picture of Paula's Quilt that won the
Katy Christopherson's Judge's Choice ribbon at Paducah.
It is a little big and may take a little while to load but I didn't
want to shrink it and lose any details.
Here is a photo of a quilt done by Deni of Burnaby, BC, Canada.
This is her second quilt but first one finished.
It is called BEYOND and was given as a wedding present
to her neice Kari and her husband Pat.
Here's our latest addition to our photo gallery.
This one is of the Bartow Gathering and thanks to Rita Denenberg,
has the names of the people right on the photo to make it easier.
The Atlanta RCTQ Gang!
The Atlanta group met Saturday in Tucker GA,
had lunch and then shopped at the local quilt store Dream Quilters.
From left to right Sadia Bashir, Donna Warner, Jean Sands,
Patty McDaniel, Tina Robichaux, Dawn Flury-Krause,
Marsha Ann Daly, and Cher Ann Holt-fortin
Here is one of Ellen under the RCTQ Banner that Sarah
made. This one is called,
"My stash is so-o-o-o big . . ."
Here is Susan Allen's award-winning quilt from the Dallas
show. It is called "Expanding My Horizons" lt.and won first place
in the Artisan Pieced, Machine Quilted division. Susan also
won the Nancy L. Gardner Memorial Award with this qui

Here is a detail picture of Susan's quilt
(Expanding My Horizons)
showing the label and her ribbons.
Here is Susan Allen's award-winning
quilt from the Dallas
It is called "Never Again!" and won third place
in the Artisan Pieced, Hand Quilted division.
Here is a detail picture of Susan's quilt
(Never Again!) showing the label and her ribbon.
A Photo of Annie & her assistant (from Textiles
who exibited at the Dallas RCTQ Get-Together.
Hope everyone who was there got to meet her and say "Hi!".