Hi, I'm EDDIE,
I am a Police Sergeant in Texas. I enjoy having dogs in my life,
so I decided to dedicate a web page for our furry friends.
As you can probabbly tell, I own Rottweilers. I am very fond of the breed, but also enjoy other breeds, to include the mutt.
I own one Rottweiler (Amy), one Great Pyrenees (Casper), and one Pyreneese/Rottweiler cross (Mercy).
Ok.....it was an accident! lol.
I will be listing some tear jerking poems and short stories that you are free to download, pass on to friends or just keep for yourself.
I have listed some links to some pretty cool home pages. Please check them out when you can.
I hope you enjoy this page and tell all your friends about it. As time goes on, I will be adding more links and cool animations, so keep a close check on this site.
How did the breed come to be known as the Rottweiler? This came about through numbers of them remaining after arrival at Rottweil, in the Wurttemberg area of Germany, as they accompained Roman troops through Europe and into Southern Germany.
Rottweil grew to become the a trading center of importance, the place where farmers and cattlemen brought their produce for sale.
The dogs who had served the Roman troops so well during the invasion of Europe had no difficulty continuing their work in their new home. One of their principal values to the invading troops was herding and guarding the food supply. In those days long gone, it was necessary for the cattle to travel on the hoof to provide food. It was the duty of the drover dog to herd and guard the large herd against loss.
This impressive dog also know as the Butchers' Dog soon became of great intrest to the transients as well as local residents.
Soon breeding them was under way in an effort to to improve and increase their type.
The descendants of the original Roman drover dogs, as they were bred and developed by the Germans, soon became the breed known as the Rottweiler.
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