Friesian horses

Friesian horses, a proud breed of the Dutch, or of the province Friesland to be more precise. Formerly used as war horses, the black pearls of the north have come a long way. In the early days of 150 A.D. the Friesians were used by the Friesian army. even the soldiers of William the Conqueror were said to ride black horses very similar to the ones we know now. And a very well-known etching of 1568 shows the stallion Phryso, owned by Don Juan of Austria. Towards the end of 1800 and the beginning of this century, Friesians were used, mainly in Friesland, for carriage driving and short track races. Wealthy farmers went to church in a 'sjees', pulled by one ore more Friesian Horses.

Mrs. Gerda hakker (our neighbour), dressed in traditional costume, with Wibrich, driving a sjees.

As times grew more modern, a lot of Friesian horses were replaced by stronger breeds, like the 'Groninger' or the 'Oldenburger', who were better build to do the heavy work on the farm. This and of course mechanisation has almost been the downfall of the Friesian horse breed. In 1879 the Friesian horse association, 'Het Friesch Paarden Stamboek' was founded and thanks to this organisation the Friesian has now become a very popular horse all over the world, and is used with a lot of love by it's owners for all kinds of disciplines. This is just a little bit of information about the Black Beauties of the north. I have put some links on my page to other sites about Friesian horses and some other horse related sites.

Mrs. Gerda Hakker and Master

Anton 343

Friesian sites

Die Friesen Galerie

Dark Horse Farm

Whispering Hills Stables

The Mulberry lane Farm

Friesian Horse Association of North America

Horses of the Dutch

Friesian Facts

Friesian FAQs

Gwen's Friesian Horselist

WWBHC Newsletter, Friesian breeds

The Australian Friesian Horse society

Other horse related sites or homepages worth visiting

Fury's page

The Foster Family Horse Page

The Lomah Ranch

Penny's homepage

Metamora Equestrian Center inc

Equine's of the world and the styles of riding

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