The Cambridge SDA Networks is a place where all can witness of God's love and appreciate God's beauty. Our purpose is to help you gain a better understanding of God and His world through what He has said in the Holy Bible. Here you'll hear about prophecy, environmental issues, be able to view events calendar, find reasons to believe in the seventh-day Adventist Christian faith, and learned principles that apply the wisdom of the scriptures to your life on this planet.

This site is used to communicate with all Cambridge members and visitors in the Northeast USA area and around the globe.

Members of Cambridge Church of Seventh-Day Adventist and all Seventh-Day Adventists have several fundamental believes which helps to bond their relationship to our savior Jesus Christ. We observed all the Ten Commandments including the forth which stated to remember the Holiness of the Sabbath.


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 Events Calendar

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Cambridge SDA Network for supporting the community and providing a better environment for Christians.

Write us with comments and any sharing information at:

To view sunset times for the starting of Sabbath and ending of Sabbath. [CLICK HERE]