Window to the Rainbow Bridge

Sugar Hello, my name is Jessica. I'm the meowmie of Triffan, Lewis and Diz, who have many pages throughout the WWW. I've been called "angel girl," "angel maker," and "creator of angels." This is because I do portraits of what I envision it's like at the Rainbow Bridge. I decided to expand my one page on Rainbow Angel Portraits into an entire site because I realize how much power the Rainbow Bridge legend has to heal hearts. Click on the gate to enter my window to the Rainbow Bridge, and you will find many resources to help you to accept the loss of your pet, or even just to touch your heart, as well as information on how to get a Rainbow Angel portrait of your angel made.

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May God grant them peace and rest eternally, and may his love and light shine upon them.

Golden Angel Award

Thank you so much for this award, Deb. It means so much to me.

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Rainbow Angels got their wings today.
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The music that is playing is Pie Jesu, from Requiem - Composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber

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