This page is for my son, Barry II. The above pictures is from his 7th grade year in Jr High. He is now a freshman at Manchester High School.
Barry loves to go fishing with his friends and family. This is a picture of one fish he caught it is a
19in. largemouth bass.
Besides fishing all the time he loves to Hunt. he has been hunting since he was 8. He hunts
rabbit, squirrel, and my favorite of all DEER. In 1996 he shot a doe, but it ran off and we couldn't find it.(a friend of ours found it a few months later. It ran quite a ways before it died.) We tried tracking it but couldn't find it.
November 15, 1997
First day of deer season! Barry shot a large doe, his first deer. He shot it about 10AM this date. (Here you can see Barry and his deer.) On November 22, 1997 I shot a doe with Barry, however it was smaller then his!
November 13, 1999
Today Barry shot a 6 point buck. It was near 8AM. See the pics.
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3

Another hobby of his is sports. He has been playing sports since kindergarden. I have played soccer, baseball, football, and
his favorite BASKETBALL. Earlier in this year he played AAU for basketball. Later in the
year I'll try to post the scores and highlights of his games. This summer he played on a
Pony League baseball team, called Shepherd's, his first year in Pony League (1997). (Take a look at Barry in his baseball uniform.)
Later I'll write more about his sports as the seasons are played out.
Barry just got named the starting quarterback for the Manchester Jr High 7th team.
He played in his first football game on 9/10/97.His team played well but lost to Wabash, 8-6. He threw his first touchdown pass in the 4th Quarter for some 35 yards. The reciever made a very nice catch and then ran it in. The team is 0-1 on the year.
Barry's team beat Rochester 18-0 on 9/16/97. They had a great running game going on and the defense played great!! They are now 1-1 on the year.
The team beat Warsaw (Crestview) on 9/23/97 44-6. The defense played great and the offensive line is doing a great job for the team. Dustin Burke is the running back and he scored 4 TDs this game. Barry threw another touchdown pass, some 55 yards. As a whole, the team is playing well as a team and helping each other.
The team beat Huntington on 10/1/97, a much bigger team! The score was 26-20. This was one of the finest games I have sen played, and that goes for both teams. The whole team played well and all should be given credit for the win. We came from behind to win. Barry threw two touchdown passes, one for 45 yards and the other was an 8 yard for the win. To set up the 8 yarder, he threw a pass play that went some 50 yards. The team is now 3-1 on the year.
Barry's team got beat 10/7/97 against Whitko, 8-0, 1st game we got shut out. Our defense played another great game, but our offense could not get going. Barry was sacked 8 times, once he got hurt when he got blind sided. They are 3-2 now.
October 14, 1997, Barry's team played Northfield tonight. We got beat 14-6. We didn't show much, but Barry go to play corner on defense for the first time. His very first play he made an interception! He really played "D" well. On "O" he was off some passing tonight, only 2-5 and no touchdowns. The team is now 3-3 with one game to go
October 21, 1997. Barry's team got beat 35-8 by Oak Hill. The season is done and they finished 3-4. We never had a chance in this game, they were so large. Barry threw one last touchdown pass, a 20 yarder. The game was much closer, but they scored two touchdowns in the final minute of play. I am very proud of the way they played all season. Now it is on to basketball. It starts in a week!

Barry made the team and was named as a starting quard.
The team finshed 7-7 for the year.
Now it is on to AAU basketball. Barry plays for a 7th Grade team, they travel all around the northern part of the state playing teams.
Barry took 2nd at a three point contest on 3/15/98!
Tri-star basketball contest
Barry was in the Manchester Tri-star contest (pass, shoot and dribble). He won first place! now on to Huntington for the regionals!!
Barry took 2nd place at Huntington Regionals!!

Links to other sites on the Web
Bass Fishing

Manchester Schools
Manchester Jr High

List of all Indiana High Schools
Just as important to us is Barry's grade. He made great grades for the first 9 weeks, all A(s) and B(s), except for one C-plus. With all the practice time he puts in, he always takes the time to do his school work. He is doing very well in his first year of Jr High School! 2nd nine weeks were the same as 1st, all A(s) and B(s), but one C+, doing fine! The 3rd period he got all As and Bs, made the honor roll. He finished very well in 7th Grade and made very good grades.

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