Barry R Hicks Home Page

We are the Hicks Family from North Manchester, Indiana

I am a Captain for the Wabash County Sheriff's Department (see my personal page for details). But this home page will be mostly for the family. I have been married to my wife Marcia for the past 18 years. We have lived in North Manchester for 16 of those years. We have two children, Jessica, age 17 and Barry II, age 15 (see their pages also). Both of our childen keep us busy in sports and school activies.

Please check back often as this page will be an on-going work for us, trying to share with who ever stops by. Most of the new stories will be found on the children's pages


November 6, 1999
All pages updated. New links added to Barry II and Jessica's pages. For Barry II a freshman page and Jessica, a Junior page.
Check out the new pages.

A view of downtown North Manchester I took from a chopter during training

Pic of myself with the chopter

Our personal pages


Barry II




Vistors since November 6, 1999


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