Descendants of John Antell

My Mother Viloa Malinda Park's Mother was Hanna West Antell. The tale was that Grandmother Hanna was so small when born that she was placed on bedding in a shoe box. I wouldn't doubt this as I remember she was a tiny woman perfectly built and lacked a couple inches being a midget. She had beautifull cold black curley hair that when let down was below her hips. She was a pretty young woman with beautifull dark brown eyes and olive skin. Hanna and John Henry Parks maried, her being 16 years old, Henry as he was called, being 40 years old. Hanna gave birth to 13 children only 9 lived due to complications of a long hard delivery and Hanna being so small. The child were Arizona, Alfred, Viloa (my mother), Charles "Chuck, Sylas, Lesley, Joy, John,"Johny" and Hershal E.B. .

Hanna and John Henry lived first in Sweet Home just west of Houston AR. They then moved to Councel Bluff comunity in the Foursh LaFave river bottoms where John Henry share cropped. When Viola was 5, the family recieved a homestead parsell of land near Rankin Station in Pleasant Vally comunity. Pleasant Vally is nestled between Wye Mountain and the Foursh LaFave River. Hanna and Henry lived there untill thier death, raising a house full of children dureing the depression that was difficult for all.

The Fire Chief of North Little Rock AR told me he lived next door to Hanna and John Henry at Ranken Station dureing the depression. He stated had it not been for John Henry and Hanna his family would have starved to death. John Henry raised Sargum Molases, Corn and Turnups. This kept the familys from starving as John Henry shared with them. The Fire Chief also told me grandma Hanna made the best Molases Cookies he ever ate.

One child Lesley was paralized from the waste down at birth and died at 2 1/2 from pneumonia. Mother Viola told me a lot about her childhood and life experiences. Some day I will write them all down to share as I find them exciteing, interesting and of intrest to those that ould like to know how folks lived in early 1900's

Generation No. 1

1. JOHN1 ANTELL was born Abt. 1821 in England. He married JANE S. HARBISON Abt. 1848. She was born March 10, 1819 in Dubois Co. In., and died August 13, 1860 in Wayne Co. MO..


Jane married Whiteside S. Haddock, born Nov 11, 1811 in Ind. Their children are Thomas, Harrison and Octavia.

Her second marriage was to John Antell, b. 1821 in England abt. 1848 . Jane died Aug 13, 1860 in Wayne Co. Mo. when her and John's son, William was abt. 3 1/2 yrs. old.


2. i. WILLIAM2 ANTELL, b. January 04, 1857, Tenn,; d. April 17, 1920, Vicks, grant co. Arkansas.

Generation No. 2

2. WILLIAM2 ANTELL (JOHN1) was born January 04, 1857 in Tenn,, and died April 17, 1920 in Vicks, grant co. Arkansas. He married REBECCA ANN CLARK 1881, daughter of WILLIAM CLARK and REBECCA HENDERSON. She was born October 04, 1863 in Missouri, and died February 19, 1928 in Vicks, grant co. Arkansas.


Descendants of John Antell Generation No. 1 1. JOHN1 ANTELL was born Abt. 1821 in England. He married JANE S. HARBISON Abt. 1848. She was born March 10, 1819 in Dubois Co. In., and died August 13, 1860 in Wayne Co. MO.. Notes for JANE S. HARBISON: Jane married Whiteside S. Haddock, born Nov 11, 1811 in Ind. Their children are Thomas, Harrison and Octavia. Her second marriage was to John Antell, b. 1821 in England abt. 1848 . Jane died Aug 13, 1860 in Wayne Co. Mo. when her and John's son, William was abt. 3 1/2 yrs. old. Child of JOHN ANTELL and JANE HARBISON is: 2. i. WILLIAM2 ANTELL, b. January 04, 1857, Tenn,; d. April 17, 1920, Vicks, grant co. Arkansas. Generation No. 2 2. WILLIAM2 ANTELL (JOHN1) was born January 04, 1857 in Tenn,, and died April 17, 1920 in Vicks, grant co. Arkansas. He married REBECCA ANN CLARK 1881, daughter of WILLIAM CLARK and REBECCA HENDERSON. She was born October 04, 1863 in Missouri, and died February 19, 1928 in Vicks, grant co. Arkansas. Notes for WILLIAM ANTELL: William Antel (Antell) was a memmoite minister, was ordained in 1919 approx. More About WILLIAM ANTELL: Burial: Hewitt Cem. near Hardin, Jefferson co., ark More About REBECCA ANN CLARK: Burial: Hewitt Cemetary, Hardin, Arkansas Children of WILLIAM ANTELL and REBECCA CLARK are: 3. i. WILEY3 ANTELL, b. November 1891; d. February 22, 1962. ii. LYDIA ANTELL, b. November 1886; m. UNKNOWN LAWSON. iii. MELINDA ANTELL, m. JOE STEVENS. 4. iv. REBECCA ANTELL, b. April 01, 1885; d. February 07, 1962. 5. v. SUSAN ANTELL, b. June 1894; d. 1918. 6. vi. THOMAS ROOSEVELT ANTELL, b. February 18, 1903; d. December 1981, Muskogee, Oklahoma. 7. vii. ARVILLA ANTELL, b. March 07, 1881, Greenville, Mo.; d. August 28, 1959, Pine Bluff, Arkansas. 8. viii. ESTHER ANTELL, b. December 16, 1887. 9. ix. WILLIAM MCKINLEY ANTELL, b. October 06, 1899; d. April 04, 1978, Pike, Arkkansas. x. WILLIE TABITHA ANTELL, b. October 06, 1899; d. October 06, 1899. XI. Hanna West Antell B. Mo. d in a Little Rock hospital of stroke. Buried in Oakgrove Cemetary Perry County Arkansas. More About WILLIE TABITHA ANTELL: Burial: Greenville, Mo. xi. CORIE ANTELL, b. Unknown. xii. JUNE ANTELL. Generation No. 3 3. WILEY3 ANTELL (WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born November 1891, and died February 22, 1962. He married GLADYS BATES. More About WILEY ANTELL: Burial: Hewitt Cemetary, Hardin, Arkansas Children of WILEY ANTELL and GLADYS BATES are: i. JUNE4 ANTELL. ii. LILLIE ANTELL. iii. JIM ANTELL. iv. JOHN ANTELL. 4. REBECCA3 ANTELL (WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born April 01, 1885, and died February 07, 1962. She married (1) UNKNOWN FOX --KEENE. She married (2) UNKNOWN KEEN. Notes for REBECCA ANTELL: Niece of "Aunt Becky" sent this message: " I think aunt becky is one of my favorite characters, she was uncle Tom's sister. These are true stories,,but;;; Aunt Becky ( Rebecca Keene) lived in the swamps of south arkansas, down in desha county, used to be a lot of swamps down there but they have been pretty well drained now. I remember being afraid to get out of the car after dark because of the snakes and other vermin. I would hurry from the car to the house where I would be safe--yeh--lamp light, no electricity--felt drunk and staggering because the floors were unlevel. I can remember aunt becky coming out the door yelling " I'd damn get out of that car and come on in this house" and she'd tell, I think her husbands name was "Nen", to go dress a couple of chickens, that these folks were hungry. We would go in, she'd build up the fire in the wood cook stove. We kids would ease around in the house gazing with wonder at all the strings of rattlesnake buttons strung up. The strings of onions and peppers, the turkey wings on nearly every door facing to be used for fans in the summer. It was one of the most fasinating homes I have ever been in. After we had eaten fried chicken, gravy, hot biscuits and raw homey from the comb, we kids would go to bed(?), usually pallets. Lord, we were afraid of the bugs and spiders and lizards, and we would lay there, waiting for something to crawl across us and listen to the grownups visit. Laying there one night, one of us saw something on the ceiling and a few spots on the walls, it was the stars:: there were holes in the house.. I don't know how many children aunt beck had. I think they were pretty well grown. Aunt becky worked and hunted just like a man. She got really put out once with daddy cause he wouldn't stay and go bear hunting with her. She said the dogs had treed on last week and she knew right where to go. Anyway, that kinda gives you an idea about aunt beck. A wonderful, hard working woman. Earlky one morning, she was out squirrel hunting ( out of season ) and the game warden caught her. She had several squirrels hanging on her belt. The game warden told her that he would have to take her rifle and she would have to pay a fine. She argued with him for a while, back and forth, good naturedly. She had her gun across one elobw and she just kinds turned where the barrell was almost pointing at him and she told him, that " what they was going to do, was go on back down to her house and while he dressed the squirrels, she woul make biscuits and gravey and they would have those nice youngs squirrel fried up nice and chrispy and they would have breakfast, needless to say, she fed the state game wardem breakfast that morning and she didn't lose her rifle nor pay a fine. This from Arvilla Antell Edwards: NOTE: I, Meg, had heard the story of the squirells from my mother, Carrie Park Wilson. More About REBECCA ANTELL: Burial: Hewitt Cem. near Hardin, Jefferson co., ark Children of REBECCA ANTELL and UNKNOWN --KEENE are: i. BERTHA4 FOX. ii. CASSIE FOX. iii. SUSAN (FLOSSIE) FOX. iv. KATIE KEEN. v. LLOYD KEEN. 5. SUSAN3 ANTELL (WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born June 1894, and died 1918. She married MARSHALL GEORGE. More About SUSAN ANTELL: Burial: Campground Cem. Prague, Arkansas Children of SUSAN ANTELL and MARSHALL GEORGE are: i. HERSHALL4 GEORGE, m. CLEO. ii. RAYMOND GEORGE, m. DOROTHY. iii. REX GEORGE. 6. THOMAS ROOSEVELT3 ANTELL (WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born February 18, 1903, and died December 1981 in Muskogee, Oklahoma. He married (1) AUDIE CLEO BOYD. She was born November 18, 1911, and died March 28, 1990 in Healdton, Oklahoma, Carter Co.. He married (2) MINNIE OLA BIRD Bet. 1924 - 1926. She was born July 29, 1905, and died August 12, 1934. More About THOMAS ROOSEVELT ANTELL: Burial: Haskell Co. , Brooken Cem. Ok. More About AUDIE CLEO BOYD: Burial: Haskell Co. , Brooken Cem. Ok. More About MINNIE OLA BIRD: Burial: Sunny Lane Cem. Oklahoma City, Ok. Child of THOMAS ANTELL and AUDIE BOYD is: i. CARL4 BOYD, d. Henderson, Ky,. Children of THOMAS ANTELL and MINNIE BIRD are: ii. VELMA4 ANTELL. iii. JUANITA ANTELL. iv. IMOGENE ANTELL. v. ROY DEAN ANTELL. vi. DAVID EARL ANTELL. 7. ARVILLA3 ANTELL (WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born March 07, 1881 in Greenville, Mo., and died August 28, 1959 in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. She married GEORGE WASHINGTON PARK August 27, 1896 in Greenville, Missouri, son of ELSBERY PARK and HENRIETTE WARMOTH. He was born February 28, 1874 in Salem, Illinois, and died May 05, 1943 in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Notes for ARVILLA ANTELL: Arvilla Antell Park and husband George Washington Park are buried in Hewitt cemetary, Jefferson Co. about 1 1/2 miles from Doylestown. George & Arvilla lived in Doylestown in a four room, two story house, with a front porch across the length, upstairs and down. Doylestown was once a thriving little community, haveing a post office, depot, cattle holding pens, at least two stores and a tie yard. It was located about half way between Pine Bluff and Sheridan, Arkansas. It sat on the railroad about three miles west of hwy 270. Lots of stories and mentioned names have survived over the many years, including the Moss place,and the Murdocks. Arvilla , at one time was the post mistress and ran the store in Doylestown. Arvilla's daughter, Carrie, said her mother was also a notary and was the lady people asked for help when a family member became ill. When I was a little girl, I remember my grandmother, Arvilla, coming to California. She visited us often, but lived about ten miles away in Lakeport. She was 64 at that time and as limber as a girl. I noticed she still treated my mother, Carrie, as if she still needed constant training, especially where the children were concerned. Naturally her interference was resented by the children. However, never did Arvilla ever correct any of the children herself. It really was great she was once again with her youngest daughter, however missed Arkansas and later decided to return to her home there and remained the rest of her life. I remember my mother telling about Arvilla going squirrel hunting with her gun and little dog. From all the stories told about Arvilla, I felt she was a woman that was born 50 years before her time as she was independant and pretty well did what she wanted instead of what was considered the norm for women of that era. When Arvilla left California, we never saw her alive again. More About ARVILLA ANTELL: Burial: Hewitt Cemetary, Hardin, Arkansas Notes for GEORGE WASHINGTON PARK: I, George's grand daughter, Meg, never remembered my grandfather, so all I knew was what my mother, carrie told me. I do have pictures of him, one I remember so well is of one of him and my grandmother, Arvilla, both holding hugh arms full of beautiful apple blossoms. My mother told me he was a very gentle man, and a wonderful father. She tells of a trip in a covered wagan the family took to Ok. and the incidents of that trip. Seems during that time, money was not plentiful, yet from the story, none felt poor or deprived of anything. How wonderful for children to have so much love, they didn't feel the need of luxury. Children of ARVILLA ANTELL and GEORGE PARK are: 10. i. CLARENCE EVERT4 PARK, b. October 20, 1897, Wayne Co. Missouri. 11. ii. CHARLES EDWARD PARK, b. September 21, 1900, Greenville, Wayne Co. Missouri; d. September 29, 1982, Colorado Springs , Colorado. 12. iii. LUCY MELINDA PARK, b. November 04, 1902; d. December 28, 1986, Sacramento, Ca.. 13. iv. GEORGE WILLIAM PARK, b. November 26, 1904, Wayne Co. Missouri; d. March 17, 1956, Carmie, Illinois, White Co.. 14. v. CARRIE HENRETTA PARK, b. October 02, 1905, Greenville, Mo,(Wayne Co.). 15. vi. HAROLD HENRY PARK, b. April 24, 1911, Grant Co. Arkansas; d. December 29, 1994, Canon city,Colorado. 16. vii. ERNEST IVAN PARK, b. March 03, 1917, Grant Co. Arkansas. 8. ESTHER3 ANTELL (WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born December 16, 1887. She married (1) WILLIAM LAYSHOT. She married (2) JOHN BENNINGFIELD. Children of ESTHER ANTELL and WILLIAM LAYSHOT are: i. MARIAN PAUL4 LAYSHOT, b. June 21, 1908, Bixby, Oklahoma; m. GLADYS. ii. ROSA JUANITA LAYSHOT, b. February 12, 1911, Mount Ida, Oklahoma; d. July 07, 1999; m. ELMER GARNARD. iii. RUBY LAYSHOT, b. January 11, 1913, Mount Ida, Oklahoma; d. December 10, 1917. Notes for RUBY LAYSHOT: When Ruby was very small, she caught her dress on fire and died from her burns. iv. WILLIAM CHARLEY LAYSHOT, b. August 23, 1919, Bixby, Oklahoma; d. May 10, 1985, Burlington, Colorado; m. (1) M ILDRED; m. (2) JUNE. 17. v. EULAN VANCE LAYSHOT, b. July 14, 1921, Beggs, Oklahoma,Okmulgee Co,; d. Albany,Oregon. Children of ESTHER ANTELL and JOHN BENNINGFIELD are: vi. JAMES RICHARD4 BENNINGFIELD, b. January 18, 1924, Beggs, Oklahoma; m. MAXINE. vii. JOHN ARLIS BENNINGFIELD, b. July 27, 1926, Beggs, Oklahoma; d. 1942. Notes for JOHN ARLIS BENNINGFIELD: At the age of 16, John was struck by an automobile and killed. viii. RAYMOND ROY LAYSHOT, b. June 20, 1929, Beggs, Oklahoma. 9. WILLIAM MCKINLEY3 ANTELL (WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born October 06, 1899, and died April 04, 1978 in Pike, Arkkansas. He married GEORGEANNA JOSEPHINE CROSS. She was born March 27, 1903, and died November 11, 1981. Notes for WILLIAM MCKINLEY ANTELL: A story told by William's niece, Arvilla Antell, adds some color to a name. Seems "Bill" advertised in a newspaper for a wife. Georgina answered the ad. No matter how these two met, they must have "clicked" as they married and had a family. More About WILLIAM MCKINLEY ANTELL: Burial: Hewitt Cemetary, Hardin, Arkansas More About GEORGEANNA JOSEPHINE CROSS: Burial: Hewitt Cem. near Hardin, Jefferson co., ark Children of WILLIAM ANTELL and GEORGEANNA CROSS are: 18. i. MERLE WILLIAM4 ANTELL, b. June 13, 1924, Ridgley, West Virginia. 19. ii. RAYMOND ROLAND ANTELL, b. March 11, 1926, Beggs, Oklahoma; d. March 28, 1983. 20. iii. RAMONA KATHLEEN ANTELL, b. April 04, 1933, Burlington, Colorado. iv. JOSEPHINE WINONA ANTELL, b. February 10, 1936, Ruralton, Kansas; m. IDUS H. RISNER. Generation No. 4 10. CLARENCE EVERT4 PARK (ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born October 20, 1897 in Wayne Co. Missouri. He married RUBY DAVIS, daughter of FRANK DAVIS. Notes for CLARENCE EVERT PARK: A little tidbit related by Arvilla Edwards, seems C.Evert had asked Ruby's sister to marry him, she declined so Ruby said he'd marry him. Evidently the marriage worked wonderfully as they raised a family and spent their lives together. Children of CLARENCE PARK and RUBY DAVIS are: 21. i. PEARL5 PARK, d. Unknown. ii. COY PARK, m. DOLLY. iii. MAXINE PARK. iv. THELMA PARK, b. November 27, 1926. 11. CHARLES EDWARD4 PARK (ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born September 21, 1900 in Greenville, Wayne Co. Missouri, and died September 29, 1982 in Colorado Springs , Colorado. He married MARY ALICE MOORE June 18, 1927. She was born October 03, 1903 in Edson, Kansas. More About CHARLES EDWARD PARK: Burial: Fairview Cemetary, Burlington, Colorado Children of CHARLES PARK and MARY MOORE are: 22. i. MERLE IVAN5 PARK, b. March 26, 1930. 23. ii. DOROTHY EILEEN PARK, b. June 09, 1931. 12. LUCY MELINDA4 PARK (ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born November 04, 1902, and died December 28, 1986 in Sacramento, Ca.. She married (1) WILLIAM EDGER PEDIGO. She married (2) JOHN WESLEY SAVEL. More About LUCY MELINDA PARK: Burial: Westwood Cemetary, Westwood, Ca. Children of LUCY PARK and WILLIAM PEDIGO are: 24. i. CLARENCE CLIFFORD5 PEDIGO, b. September 09, 1920. 25. ii. MARTHA OPEL PEDIGO, b. June 06, 1923, Doylestown, Arkansas. 26. iii. HELEN PEDIGO. Children of LUCY PARK and JOHN SAVEL are: 27. iv. JOHNNY LOU5 SAVELL, b. June 06, 1930, Okmulgee, OK.. 28. v. JERRY SAVEL. 13. GEORGE WILLIAM4 PARK (ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born November 26, 1904 in Wayne Co. Missouri, and died March 17, 1956 in Carmie, Illinois, White Co.. He married (1) DELLA. He married (2) ANNIE ROBERTSON. She was born October 10, 1907 in Henry, Tn. henry Co., and died November 20, 1966 in Sterling, Co. Logan Co.. Children of GEORGE PARK and DELLA are: i. VERNON5 PARK. ii. HAZEL PARK. Children of GEORGE PARK and ANNIE ROBERTSON are: 29. iii. VIRGEL CLYDE5 PARK, b. May 12, 1936. iv. JOY ARVILLA PARK, b. July 19, 1938, Pine Bluff, Arkansas (Doylestown); m. VERNIE HASKELL EDWARDS, May 10, 1961; b. August 14, 1927, Neosho, Mo. Newton Co.. v. GEORGE WILLIAM PARK, b. January 04, 1940. vi. JOANN PARK, b. October 13, 1945. vii. TED GENE PARK, b. August 21, 1928. viii. VERNON PARK. 14. CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK (ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born October 02, 1905 in Greenville, Mo,(Wayne Co.). She married BAZZLE JOHN WILSON October 31, 1925 in Missouri, son of AVERY WILSON and IDA AMSDEN. He was born June 14, 1905 in Centerville, Mo., and died April 01, 1975 in Paradise, Ca.. Notes for CARRIE HENRETTA PARK: Carrie was born near Greenville, Wayne Co., Missouri on October 2, l908. She was the fifth child of George Washington Park and Lucy Arvilla Antel Park. There being three older brothers, Clarence Evert, Charles E. and George W.and one sister, Lucy Melinda. In 1911 a younger brother was born, Harold H. and another brother, Ernest Ivan arrived in 1917. In 1910 the Park family moved to Grant Co., Arkansas , Carrie was aged two, Her grandparents, William Antell/Antel and Rebecca Anne Clark Antel lived there, near a rail road. Carrie's father, George W. worked for William Antel, William being his father in law. They hauled logs for a while, then took to farming. The first year of farming was "share" cropping with a man named Fred Young. By then Carrie was about four years old. Carrie remembers episodes of events during the years living there, once Her mother sent her to the Young home for some Caster Oil, when arriving at the Young home, Mrs. Young wasn't there. So Carrie told one of the Young boys, Fay, that her Mama wanted him to give her some caster oil. Fay gladly gave her some caster oil, which tasted horrible. On arriving back home, her mother asked her where the caster oil was, she replyed, "Fay gave it to me mama and it tasted awful. Mama retorted, " I wanted it for your baby brother, "Harold". That happened in 1911. The next year the Parks bought forty acres of land. It was near Doylestown, that was the postoffice. Mr. Park built a log house, but before a well could be dug, the family had to carry water from a spring. They also had to take their laundry to the spring and wash on a rub board. All had to work hard, as they also farmed. They grew corn, oats, hay for the horses, and raised pigs and chickens. Their cash crops were peanuts and cotton. There were a few peach trees, so with their vegatable garden, milk, eggs, butter, ham, and bacon, the family enjoyed a good living for a while. About this time, Carrie was almost 6 years old, school age. She was always the one lagging behind on the way to school. As a shortcut the children cut through the cotton field. Needless to say there were lots of army worms. Carrie carried a memory of those worms forever. Carrie has her life story on cassette tape, however her daughter, Nola (Meg) has typed up all events up to Jan of 2000. For Carrie at the age of 91 and 1/2 is still around and doing wonderful. Carries lives in Northern California in Magalia, county of Butte. In June of 1995 Carrie's oldest son, Harold died of mesothelioma, a rare maliginant tumor, caused by asbestos. Harold was 69 years old, other than the tumor, he had the body of a man many years younger. Carrie also lost her husband, Bazzle John when he was 69 years old. Bazzle suffered a stroke and was never well until he's final stroke in March, and passing away on April 1, 1975. At presant her remaining 8 children are all well. Carrie has lived through the most historical era of the U.S.A. She has seen the automobiles invented, the airplanes, the many new inventions in science, the medical breakthroughs, etc; She can tell of so many things, it's a history course just listening to her life story. Carries has so many grand-children, great-grand-children and also great-great-grand children, one can not count them all. Carrie is a tribute to all mothers. Notes for BAZZLE JOHN WILSON: Bazzle, born in 1905, my father. He was tall, like his father, and in many ways very much like him. In his younger days he was a farmer, but after coming to Ca. he was a well driller for awhile, but his main profession was as a carpenter. he built a house for the family in Kelseyville, a town about 10 miles from Lakeport, California. After a fire destroyed the entire home, he moved the family back to Lakeport. It was a struggle to provide for so many children, so there would be times he had to work out of town just to have a job. Before age slowed him down, I can remember him playing with us kids. One game was with rubber guns. He always came out on top as he could stretch the rubber bands so much tighter than any of us kids, and he was a good shot. Needless to say when he got a good hit, it sometimes left a blister... I can still remember the sting. On hot days, Dad would load all of us on his flat bed truck and haul us down to the creek for a swim. The water was ice cold, but felt wonderful. He gave us plenty of time to play in the cold water. How we loved it. My Dad was overly strict with the eldest boys, especially the first born, Harold. But the older he got, the more mellow he was. I'm sure his father was the same with him, being the first born, so he just did as he thought he was supposed to. Our anchor was our Mother, she was the real security, the buffer from harm, or so we felt. Bazzle's grave is on the top of a knoll facing the old Magalia Church in Chemshew Cem., Magalia, Ca. More About BAZZLE JOHN WILSON: Burial: Magalia, California Children of CARRIE PARK and BAZZLE WILSON are: 30. i. HAROLD ROBERT5 WILSON, b. November 27, 1926, Parma, Missouri; d. June 04, 1995, Josephine Co., Selma, Oregon. 31. ii. CHARLES EDWARD WILSON, b. February 23, 1929, Newport, Arkansas. 32. iii. AVERY GEORGE WILSON, b. November 13, 1930, Pine Bluff, Arkansas (Doylestown). 33. iv. DOROTHY LEE WILSON, b. March 27, 1932, Pine Bluff, Arkansas. 34. v. NOLA LOUISE (MEG) WILSON, b. September 25, 1934, Darysaw, Arkansas (Sheridan) Grant Co.. 35. vi. ALICE FAYE WILSON, b. February 01, 1937. 36. vii. NATHAN ALBERT WILSON, b. February 14, 1937. 37. viii. LORETTA ANN WILSON, b. February 18, 1942, Yuba City, Ca.. 38. ix. BAZZLE JOHN -JR. WILSON, b. February 01, 1944, Lakeport, California. 15. HAROLD HENRY4 PARK (ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born April 24, 1911 in Grant Co. Arkansas, and died December 29, 1994 in Canon city,Colorado. He married (1) HATTIEJUNE ANTELL. She was born October 31, 1916, and died November 12, 1980. He married (2) HAZEL. He married (3) ELOIS. Child of HAROLD PARK and HATTIEJUNE ANTELL is: i. CARRIE JANET5 PARK, b. January 26, 1935; m. DAVE SCOTT. Child of HAROLD PARK and HAZEL is: ii. DEBRA5 PARK. Children of HAROLD PARK and ELOIS are: iii. GEORGE5 PARK. iv. JUDITH PARK. 16. ERNEST IVAN4 PARK (ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born March 03, 1917 in Grant Co. Arkansas. He married (1) ADABELLE SAVEL. He married (2) MARGARET. He married (3) WILMA. Children of ERNEST PARK and ADABELLE SAVEL are: i. JAMES ERNEST5 PARK, b. August 27, 1936, Sheridan, Ar.; d. July 11, 1999, U.C. Davis Hosp. Sacramento, Ca.; m. RONNIE, September 25, 1965. More About JAMES ERNEST PARK: Burial: Ashes, scattered in Nev. 39. ii. GEORGE PARK. Child of ERNEST PARK and MARGARET is: iii. JERRY5 PARK. Children of ERNEST PARK and WILMA are: iv. ERNIE5 PARK. v. BILL PARK. vi. ROY PARK. 17. EULAN VANCE4 LAYSHOT (ESTHER3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born July 14, 1921 in Beggs, Oklahoma,Okmulgee Co,, and died in Albany,Oregon. He married (1) EVELYN LORANE RICE. He married (2) CATHRYN. Child of EULAN LAYSHOT and EVELYN RICE is: 40. i. STEVEN5 LAYSHOT, b. November 17, 1947, Richmond, California. 18. MERLE WILLIAM4 ANTELL (WILLIAM MCKINLEY3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born June 13, 1924 in Ridgley, West Virginia. He married AUDREY M. JOHNSON. Children of MERLE ANTELL and AUDREY JOHNSON are: 41. i. WILLIAM5 ANTELL, b. October 10, 1946. ii. PATRICIA ANN ANTELL, b. February 04, 1948; m. PHILLIP KOREY. iii. RAYMOND ANTELL, b. March 24, 1952. 19. RAYMOND ROLAND4 ANTELL (WILLIAM MCKINLEY3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born March 11, 1926 in Beggs, Oklahoma, and died March 28, 1983. He married (1) FRANCIS MARTIN. He married (2) NANCY. More About RAYMOND ROLAND ANTELL: Burial: Hewitt Cem. near Hardin, Jefferson co., ark Children of RAYMOND ANTELL and FRANCIS MARTIN are: 42. i. SHERIDA RAY5 ANTELL, b. August 08, 1946, Vallejo, California. 43. ii. MARY FRANCIS ANTELL, b. July 19, 1950, Menlo Park, Ca.. 20. RAMONA KATHLEEN4 ANTELL (WILLIAM MCKINLEY3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born April 04, 1933 in Burlington, Colorado. She married JOHN MELTON PHILLIPS. Children of RAMONA ANTELL and JOHN PHILLIPS are: i. JOHN5 PHILLIPS, b. April 19, 1953. ii. BETTY PHILLIPS, b. September 18, 1954; m. RICHARD HODGES. iii. PAUL STEPHEN PHILLIPS, b. January 01, 1966. Generation No. 5 21. PEARL5 PARK (CLARENCE EVERT4, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) died Unknown. She married FRANK MATTHEWS. Child of PEARL PARK and FRANK MATTHEWS is: i. LEWIS6 MATTHEWS. 22. MERLE IVAN5 PARK (CHARLES EDWARD4, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born March 26, 1930. He married (1) JOYCE GIMLIN. He married (2) MARIE WALDON June 27, 1975. Children of MERLE PARK and JOYCE GIMLIN are: 44. i. DEBRA FAY6 PARK, b. September 20, 1953. ii. MICHAEL PARK, b. September 04, 1968. 23. DOROTHY EILEEN5 PARK (CHARLES EDWARD4, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born June 09, 1931. She married GEORGE HOWARD. He was born April 04, 1928. Children of DOROTHY PARK and GEORGE HOWARD are: i. KRISTI DIAN6 HOWARD, b. September 12, 1953. ii. GEORGE CHARLES HOWARD, b. September 10, 1956. iii. KATHY DANIENE HOWARD, b. April 21, 1964. iv. KERRY DANNA HOWARD, b. April 21, 1964. v. PATRICK TRACY HOWARD, b. December 05, 1959. 24. CLARENCE CLIFFORD5 PEDIGO (LUCY MELINDA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born September 09, 1920. He married WANDA JEAN BEARD-HURST September 1998 in Harmony Baptist Church. Notes for CLARENCE CLIFFORD PEDIGO: Clarence now lives in Roland , Arkansas. Sons born to Clarence and wife were deceased on the day of birth. Twins; Buried in May Cemetery near Houston, Arkansas. Twins were from prevous marriage to Estelle. Children of CLARENCE PEDIGO and WANDA BEARD-HURST are: i. EDWIN6 PEDIGO. ii. EDWARD PEDIGO. 25. MARTHA OPEL5 PEDIGO (LUCY MELINDA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born June 06, 1923 in Doylestown, Arkansas. She married LEO T. DOUGHTY. He was born May 09, 1916 in Thornburg, Arkansas, and died April 22, 1993 in Houston, Arkansas. More About LEO T. DOUGHTY: Burial: Cemetary south of Jct. 9 & 10 Hwy. Children of MARTHA PEDIGO and LEO DOUGHTY are: i. JERRY LEON6 DOUGHTY. ii. PHARA LEE DOUGHTY, m. UNKNOWN SARANAC. Notes for UNKNOWN SARANAC: Phara Lee resides in Michigan. iii. DENNIS CLARK DOUGHTY. iv. SANDRA JEAN DOUGHTY. v. SHARI DOUGHTY. 26. HELEN5 PEDIGO (LUCY MELINDA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) She married (1) LOUIS TICHELAAR. She married (2) ARTHUR GREENE. She married (3) JOSEPH (JOE) WYMAN. Children of HELEN PEDIGO and LOUIS TICHELAAR are: i. EDWARD LEWIS6 TICHELAAR. ii. JANICE TICHELAAR. iii. SUE ELLEN TICHELAAR. iv. MARY HELEN TICHELAAR. Children of HELEN PEDIGO and ARTHUR GREENE are: v. LOUIS TICHLER OR6 GREENE. vi. JANICE TICHLER OR GREENE. vii. SUE ELLEN TICHLER OR GREENE. viii. MARY HELEN TICHLER OR GREENE. 27. JOHNNY LOU5 SAVELL (LUCY MELINDA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born June 06, 1930 in Okmulgee, OK.. She married CARL EURICK September 18, 1966 in Las Vegas Nv.. He was born April 01, 1919 in Seattle, Wa/, and died Deceased in Oak Harbor, Wa.. More About CARL EURICK: Burial: American Legion Cemetary Child of JOHNNY SAVELL and CARL EURICK is: 45. i. MELINDA KAY6 EURICK, b. February 14, 1969, Long Beach, Ca.; d. January 15, 1999, Sacramento, Ca.. 28. JERRY5 SAVEL (LUCY MELINDA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) He married HELEN LANG. Children of JERRY SAVEL and HELEN LANG are: i. SUSAN6 SAVEL, d. 1995. ii. SHERRY SAVEL. 29. VIRGEL CLYDE5 PARK (GEORGE WILLIAM4, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born May 12, 1936. He married ELYVEN BOSTIC. Children of VIRGEL PARK and ELYVEN BOSTIC are: 46. i. LYDIA GAIL6 PARK, b. April 12, 1957. 47. ii. KELLY RAY PARK, b. November 06, 1963. 48. iii. SCOTT ALLEN PARK, b. December 11, 1971. 30. HAROLD ROBERT5 WILSON (CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born November 27, 1926 in Parma, Missouri, and died June 04, 1995 in Josephine Co., Selma, Oregon. He met (1) VIRGINIA RIEVERA. He married (2) JOYCE. Notes for HAROLD ROBERT WILSON: Harold was working on Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Vallejo, California when he was drafted into the Army. He spent time on Korea and was evactuated from Japan three days before the atom bomb was dropped . While in Korea a bomb blew up a bldg. very near him and damaged his hearing. He drew a small disability pension from the loss of his hearing. While working on Mare Island he met and married his first wife, Virginia, the mother of his children. Harold had moved Virginia to Kelseyville C., next door to his parents inorder for her to have help while he served in the Army. When he returned home, he had jobs of caring for pear orchards. He went back to school in order to learn pruning, grafting and spraying. He even flew a small airplane. ( I only went one time with him for a flight,,, that was enough) Harold's real love was to be a hunter, which he did every free day or evening he had. But he finally obtained a job as a state hunter. Later he was a federal hunter. The stories he told about events during his years of hunting are wonderful. Harold had the gift of being able to master any thing he wanted, he played guitar,, took up welding and became a foreman. Harold always kept in touch with all his siblings, he wanted to help each and every one in any way he could. harold passed away in 1996, but will never be forgotten and always missed. More About HAROLD ROBERT WILSON: Burial: Veteran's Cemetary-, Oregon Children of HAROLD WILSON and VIRGINIA RIEVERA are: 49. i. CAROL JUNE6 WILSON. 50. ii. SUSAN LOUISE WILSON. 51. iii. JUDY WILSON. 52. iv. JANET IRENE WILSON. 53. v. HAROLD ROBERT, JR. WILSON, b. February 28, 1961, Redwood Valley, Ca.. 54. vi. JOSEPH WILSON, b. September 16, 1968, Arcata, California. 31. CHARLES EDWARD5 WILSON (CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born February 23, 1929 in Newport, Arkansas. He met (1) JEAN CHARLTON. She was born August 17, 1930 in Dallas, Texas. He married (2) LORRAINE REED March 30, 1956, daughter of FREEMAN REED and ELVA TUCKER. She was born April 04, 1935 in Kelseyville, California. Notes for CHARLES EDWARD WILSON: Charles Edward and Barbara Jean were divorced, both have remarried. Charles is married to Lorraine, who has three children, Mitchell, Roy Lee and Edwina. Barbara Jean married Lorraine's ex-husband, Mr. Phillips. Charles also had a love for hunting and was a state hunter until he retired. During his "work" years he also had a Xmas tree farm in northern California. He currently lives in Oregon, has a few cattle and still spends a lot of time doing what he loves most,,hunting. Children of CHARLES WILSON and JEAN CHARLTON are: 55. i. DAVID MONROE6 WILSON, b. March 28, 1947, Lakeport, California - County of Lake. 56. ii. BONNIE JEAN WILSON, b. May 05, 1950, Lakeport, California - County of Lake. 57. iii. KAREN WILSON, b. August 29, 1951, Lakeport, California - County of Lake. 58. iv. DONALD EDWARD WILSON, b. September 12, 1954, Lakeport, California - County of Lake. v. CHARLENE GAIL WILSON, b. September 27, 1955, Lakeport, California - County of Lake; m. PATRICK LEE BROWN, April 19, 1975; b. February 04, 1952, Seattle, Washington. 32. AVERY GEORGE5 WILSON (CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born November 13, 1930 in Pine Bluff, Arkansas (Doylestown). He married (1) LILA PATZER, daughter of BENJAMIN PATZER and LYDIA MERKEL. He married (2) ELAINE WOODS. Notes for AVERY GEORGE WILSON: A.G. served as a teletype operator, after enlisting in the United States Air Force. He spent time in Guam and later in Idaho, where he met and married his first wife, Lila. He later married "Laney" A.G. has lived apart from family since he went into the Air Force, so little is known about his life style, his loves, his hates. He and Laney attend church, have hobbies, rarely visit family and is lax with phoning or writing., As a teen ager A.G. was popular, loved to dance, had very close friends, was a lot of fun to be around. He was the clean cut, nice teen age boy every mother wished for. Children of AVERY WILSON and LILA PATZER are: 59. i. DIANE JEAN6 WILSON, b. March 23, 1953, Fairchild AFB, Washington. 60. ii. JEFFERY ALLAN WILSON, b. May 09, 1957, Coeur D'Alene, Idaho. 33. DOROTHY LEE5 WILSON (CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born March 27, 1932 in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. She married JACKIE LEE COTY December 28, 1947 in Lakeport, California, son of ORLEY COTY and GLADYS SALLING. He was born December 09, 1929 in Cozad, Ne. Lincoln Co., and died June 17, 1986 in Anchorage, Alaska. More About JACKIE LEE COTY: Burial: June 21, 1986, Anchor Point, Alaska Children of DOROTHY WILSON and JACKIE COTY are: 61. i. DENNIS WAYNE6 COTY, b. June 27, 1948, Eureka, Ca. Humbolt Co.; d. February 26, 2002, Loma Linda VA Hospital. 62. ii. LINDA LEE COTY, b. August 08, 1949, Lakeport, Ca. Lake Co.. 63. iii. YVONNE MARIE COTY, b. December 12, 1953, Norco, Ca. Riverside Co.. 64. iv. LOREN DALE COTY, b. June 04, 1956, Artesia, Ca. L.A. Co.; d. July 1978, California. 65. v. CARRIE DARLENE COTY, b. August 08, 1959, Indio, Ca. Riverside Co.. 34. NOLA LOUISE (MEG)5 WILSON (CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born September 25, 1934 in Darysaw, Arkansas (Sheridan) Grant Co.. She married WILLIAM CLYDE KELSEY October 29, 1949 in Lakeport, California, son of ORRIN KELSEY and JESSIE DAVIS. He was born October 29, 1927 in Chandler, Texas Smith Co., and died November 12, 1996 in Cave Junction, Oregon Josephine Co.. Notes for NOLA LOUISE (MEG) WILSON: First called Meg by her oldest brother, Harold. Not as a compliment, but because he accused her of acting as if she were Princess Meg. The moniker was overheard by her to be husband, William and he picked it up and called her Meg the rest of her life. Needless to say everyone else did too except for her mother. Notes for WILLIAM CLYDE KELSEY: William ( Bill ) Kelsey joined the Navy in 1942, served as a SeaBee, on Okinawa, Japan. He was discharged one day, reenlisted the next and served again. In all he served seven years in the Navy. He met his wife while stationed in Alameda, while on duty at the alternate Mars base at Lakeport, Ca. The Mars base was set up on the "Clear Lake" site for the Mars planes to land when Alameda was fogged in, or weather too rough. Bill was a talanted sign painter and in 1950 started to work at the Benicia Arsenal, later at Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield, Ca. Where he stayed for over 20 years. He put signs on many of the airplanes, plus painted camoed VIP planes . Once for President Ron Reagan. Bill did all his work free hand, and was a master at doing gold leaf signs. At the time he went to work at Travis, it was due to being the only qualified sign painter in northern California. Bill and Brady's first cousin, Farris Sinclair was killed on the Arizona ship at Pear Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941. Bill's serial number was 358 65 98 , was in the 1091 CB Detachment, entered 22, Mar. 1945, CB #630. He had 10 mo. of Sea Duty, rank AS, S2C, SLC, Ptu 3C. He was on Okinawa on June 5, 1945 when the big typhoon hit causing a lot of damage. Bill was unhurt, just upset as he lost his watch when his arm got buried in the sand. Later he got a bayonet through his left arm from a Jap, hiding in a cave. He carried the scar forever. More About WILLIAM CLYDE KELSEY: Burial: April 1997, Magalia, California Butte Co. Cause of Death: Heart Failure Medical Information: Bill had open heart surgery in 1994, kidneys failed and was on dialys for 27 months before having a fatal heart attack on Nov. 12, 1996. He had arrested three times earlier. Children of NOLA WILSON and WILLIAM KELSEY are: 66. i. WILLIAM MICHAEL6 KELSEY, b. March 01, 1951, Vallejo, California Solano Co.. 67. ii. HAROLD RAY KELSEY, b. August 06, 1953, Lakeport, California - County of Lake. 35. ALICE FAYE5 WILSON (CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born February 01, 1937. She met (1) JOSEPH SUTTON. She met (2) WARREN HARRIS. She met (3) DEAN WEMKEN. She married (4) OVERTON ESTES. Children of ALICE WILSON and JOSEPH SUTTON are: 68. i. TOMINA6 SUTTON. 69. ii. LYNETTE SUTTON. 36. NATHAN ALBERT5 WILSON (CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born February 14, 1937. He married ANNE HERRERA. Children of NATHAN WILSON and ANNE HERRERA are: 70. i. JON6 WILSON, b. Palm Springs, Ca.. 71. ii. KEN WILSON, b. Palm Springs, Ca.. 37. LORETTA ANN5 WILSON (CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born February 18, 1942 in Yuba City, Ca.. She married RAY BRASHEARS April 13, 1963 in Vallejo, California, son of PAUL BRASHEARS and PARADINE COOTS. He was born October 19, 1932 in Lepanto, Arkansas. Children of LORETTA WILSON and RAY BRASHEARS are: 72. i. CARRIE ANN6 BRASHEARS, b. January 07, 1966, Vallejo, California. 73. ii. LORAY LYNN, b. March 22, 1968, Vallejo, Ca.. 38. BAZZLE JOHN -JR.5 WILSON (CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born February 01, 1944 in Lakeport, California. He married DIANE SUSAN BURTON January 1968. Notes for DIANE SUSAN BURTON: Dian Susan Burton Wilson, remarried, to a Gary Edward Wilson. Parents are Donald and Jewell Burton. Diane and Gary lived in Jan Jose, Ca. Addresses are Springer Way, Woodgrove Lane, West Taylor St, and possibly others. More About DIANE SUSAN BURTON: Divorced: 1971 Child of BAZZLE WILSON and DIANE BURTON is: i. GEGORY DORMAN6 WILSON, b. October 15, 1968, Vallejo, California Solano Co.. 39. GEORGE5 PARK (ERNEST IVAN4, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) He married LINDA. Children of GEORGE PARK and LINDA are: i. GEORGE JR.6 PARK. ii. ERIN PARK. 40. STEVEN5 LAYSHOT (EULAN VANCE4, ESTHER3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born November 17, 1947 in Richmond, California. He married LUCINDA. Children of STEVEN LAYSHOT and LUCINDA are: i. NICHOLE6 LAYSHOT, b. 1980. ii. DANIEL LAYSHOT, b. 1983. 41. WILLIAM5 ANTELL (MERLE WILLIAM4, WILLIAM MCKINLEY3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born October 10, 1946. He married GAIL OHARA. Children of WILLIAM ANTELL and GAIL OHARA are: i. WENDY LYNN6 ANTELL, b. February 26, 1971. ii. TRISHA LEIGH ANTELL, b. June 09, 1973. 42. SHERIDA RAY5 ANTELL (RAYMOND ROLAND4, WILLIAM MCKINLEY3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born August 08, 1946 in Vallejo, California. She married WATLINGTON. Children of SHERIDA ANTELL and WATLINGTON are: i. RAYMOND6 WATLINGTON, b. July 29, 1964, Midwest City, Ok.. ii. KELLY DAWN WATLINGTON, b. November 26, 1968, Midwest City, Ok.. 43. MARY FRANCIS5 ANTELL (RAYMOND ROLAND4, WILLIAM MCKINLEY3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born July 19, 1950 in Menlo Park, Ca.. She married UNKNOWN BAKER. Children of MARY ANTELL and UNKNOWN BAKER are: i. ANGELA6 BAKER, b. September 21, 1968, Midwest City, Ok.. ii. CHRISTOPHER BAKER, b. April 12, 1971, Midwest City, Ok.. Generation No. 6 44. DEBRA FAY6 PARK (MERLE IVAN5, CHARLES EDWARD4, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born September 20, 1953. She married KEVIN MEIKLEHAM May 12, 1975. Children of DEBRA PARK and KEVIN MEIKLEHAM are: i. JERAY7 MEIKLEHAM, b. April 09, 1981. ii. MIKAL PARK, b. September 04, 1968. 45. MELINDA KAY6 EURICK (JOHNNY LOU5 SAVELL, LUCY MELINDA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born February 14, 1969 in Long Beach, Ca., and died January 15, 1999 in Sacramento, Ca.. She married SERAL PHILLIP ASHLEY June 21, 1991. More About MELINDA KAY EURICK: Burial: Citrus Heights, Ca. Child of MELINDA EURICK and SERAL ASHLEY is: i. SARAH7 ASHLEY. 46. LYDIA GAIL6 PARK (VIRGEL CLYDE5, GEORGE WILLIAM4, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born April 12, 1957. She married ROBERT ALLEN JOHNS JR. September 16, 1978. Children of LYDIA PARK and ROBERT JR. are: i. MEREDITH LAYNE7 JOHNS, b. December 03, 1979. ii. CHRISTOPHER ELLIOTT JOHNS, b. September 21, 1982. 47. KELLY RAY6 PARK (VIRGEL CLYDE5, GEORGE WILLIAM4, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born November 06, 1963. He married PATRICIA PARK. Child of KELLY PARK and PATRICIA PARK is: i. MORGAN KATHERINE7 PARK, b. December 06, 1994. 48. SCOTT ALLEN6 PARK (VIRGEL CLYDE5, GEORGE WILLIAM4, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born December 11, 1971. He married YVETTE PARK. Children of SCOTT PARK and YVETTE PARK are: i. CODY CLYDE7 PARK. ii. HALEY ELIZABETH PARK. 49. CAROL JUNE6 WILSON (HAROLD ROBERT5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) She married RONALD SMITH. Children of CAROL WILSON and RONALD SMITH are: 74. i. CHERYL7 SMITH. 75. ii. ROBERT SMITH. 50. SUSAN LOUISE6 WILSON (HAROLD ROBERT5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) She married STANLEY JUTTEN. Children of SUSAN WILSON and STANLEY JUTTEN are: i. CANDANCE7 JUTTEN. ii. CHRISTY JUTTEN. 51. JUDY6 WILSON (HAROLD ROBERT5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) She married (1) TYLER THOMPSON. She married (2) TED UNKNOWN. She married (3) ED LOKHEM. Child of JUDY WILSON and TYLER THOMPSON is: 76. i. TYLER JR.7 THOMPSON. 52. JANET IRENE6 WILSON (HAROLD ROBERT5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) She married MIKE SMART. Children of JANET WILSON and MIKE SMART are: i. JENNIFER7 SMART. ii. JENILLE SMART. 53. HAROLD6 ROBERT, JR. WILSON (HAROLD ROBERT5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born February 28, 1961 in Redwood Valley, Ca.. He married ROBIN LYNN WILCOX COOTS August 01, 1989. She was born July 18, 1959 in Hollywood, Ca.. Children of HAROLD ROBERT and ROBIN COOTS are: i. DAVID LOUIS7 COE, b. May 30, 1981. ii. HAROLD ROBERT WILSON, b. May 22, 1983. iii. SABRINA MARIIE WILSON, b. May 30, 1987. iv. RUSTY JOSEPH WILSON, b. July 04, 1993. 54. JOSEPH6 WILSON (HAROLD ROBERT5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born September 16, 1968 in Arcata, California. He married KIMBERLY MARIE MCCOY. She was born April 08, 1973 in Los Angeles, Ca.. Children of JOSEPH WILSON and KIMBERLY MCCOY are: i. JESSIE ROBERT7 WILSON, b. December 13, 1992. ii. DYLAN JAMES WILSON, b. July 31, 1994. 55. DAVID MONROE6 WILSON (CHARLES EDWARD5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born March 28, 1947 in Lakeport, California - County of Lake. He married SHARON RACHEL HODGE August 05, 1966, daughter of CHARLIE HODGE and LORETTA CONGLETON. She was born October 05, 1947 in White Salmon, Washington. Notes for SHARON RACHEL HODGE: Parents of Sharon Hodge are Charlie Newton Hodge and Luretta Norma Congleton Hodge. Charlie was born Jasn. 1, 1901 in Laurel Co. Ky., Luretta born July 3, 1919 in St Ignace, Michigan. Children of DAVID WILSON and SHARON HODGE are: 77. i. TRACY RACHEL7 WILSON, b. December 30, 1969, Roseburg, Oregon. 78. ii. DAVID CHARLES WILSON, b. October 28, 1967, Roseburg, Oregon. 56. BONNIE JEAN6 WILSON (CHARLES EDWARD5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born May 05, 1950 in Lakeport, California - County of Lake. She married JOHN RAYMOND ARGO August 10, 1967. Children of BONNIE WILSON and JOHN ARGO are: i. TIA LYNN7 ARGO, b. January 17, 1968; m. JAMES LLOYD, March 28, 1987, Roseburg, Oregon. ii. NOEL WADE ARGO, b. September 04, 1970; d. January 1971, Roseburg, Oregon. iii. TYEE OREGON ARGO. iv. BRUCE RAYMOND ARGO, b. January 27, 1974. 57. KAREN6 WILSON (CHARLES EDWARD5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born August 29, 1951 in Lakeport, California - County of Lake. She married WILLIAM WADE SMITH 1970. Children of KAREN WILSON and WILLIAM SMITH are: 79. i. GALE JEAN7 SMITH, b. August 24, 1969. ii. SARAH LEE SMITH, b. March 18, 1971; d. December 15, 1980, Hayfork, California. Notes for SARAH LEE SMITH: When Sarah died in 1980, the shock was total, as it was thought she had the flu. However it was meningitis. She was such a little girl, one wonders why, and asks why? Never finding an answer as to why God wanted her so soon. At the funeral of Sarah's, a poem was read that her Grandmother, Opal J. Smith wrote. " Sarah of Mine " A little girl and tom--boy all in one: Someone so full of life and had such fun, A smile so gentle and gay Touch our lives so many ways. Brown eyes so bright and snappy Made everyones life a little more happy A special love for everyone and everything Gave your heart so much joy you could sing. A sister so special and true One you could tell your problems to When she was so tiny and small She was afraid of creepy critters, bugs and all A blanket she carries that mama made To keep her body warm where ever she laid I remember when she was so small, how she would stumble and fall She would look up and give a smile and sigh as if to say I hope I'll not always be this way A fishing hook she could not bait, Oh Lord, why couldn't you wait, Up in heaven with Him to stay. Maybe to be a bright and shinning star, To help light the world near and far, Or an angel for a special day or just to be happy and gay. To help calm the angry sea or to be with Him through all enternity. But one day I know, He will let me see, Why he took her away from me. Why He gave that special call, For my Sarah, so tiny and small. iii. JAMIE LYNN SMITH, b. November 20, 1976. 58. DONALD EDWARD6 WILSON (CHARLES EDWARD5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born September 12, 1954 in Lakeport, California - County of Lake. He married CINDY SUE HUTCHISON September 18, 1971 in Vancouver, Washington, daughter of DAVID HUTCHISON and EVELYN BLOSSOM. She was born June 06, 1954 in Douglas, Kansas. Notes for DONALD EDWARD WILSON: Don and Cindy took a foster child in 1984, one John Wesley May Jr. born June 19, 1974, born in Florence, Oregon. Children of DONALD WILSON and CINDY HUTCHISON are: i. STACY WAYNE7 WILSON, b. July 06, 1972, Mercy Hosp. Douglas Co. Oregon. ii. CARL GENE WILSON, b. July 23, 1973, Douglas Community Hosp. Douglas Co. Oregon; m. AMY, June 1993. iii. NATHAN LAWRENCE WILSON, b. July 06, 1980, Douglas Communiy Hosp. Douglas Co. Oregon. iv. STEPHANIE DAWN WILSON, b. June 24, 1981, Douglas Community Hosp. Douglas Co. Oregon. 59. DIANE JEAN6 WILSON (AVERY GEORGE5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born March 23, 1953 in Fairchild AFB, Washington. She married C. LORRIN BERRY August 19, 1973 in Spangle, Washington, son of CLYDE BERRY and BETTY THOMSPON. He was born September 12, 1947 in La Grande, Oregon. Notes for DIANE JEAN WILSON: Diane Jean and C. Lorrin adopted Tasha Diane at birth. Child of DIANE WILSON and C. BERRY is: i. TASHA DIANE7 BERRY, b. February 03, 1986, Portland, Oregon. 60. JEFFERY ALLAN6 WILSON (AVERY GEORGE5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born May 09, 1957 in Coeur D'Alene, Idaho. He married (1) LORRAINE JEAN PARKER June 19, 1977, daughter of CALVIN PARKER and JOANNE JEAN. She was born February 01, 1957 in Spokane, Washington. He married (2) LORETTA JANE WADE WILLSEY August 2000. Notes for JEFFERY ALLAN WILSON: Jeffery Allen Wilson and Lorraine adopted Emily, Katie and Shane. Jeff and Lori divorced prior to 2000, and Jeff married Loretta, a childhood sweetheart. Loretta was divorced from Terry Lee Willsey, the father of her children. Children of JEFFERY WILSON and LORRAINE PARKER are: i. EMILY7 WILSON, b. August 22, 1989, Seoul, South Korea. ii. KATIE WILSON, b. December 29, 1990, Zhanjiang City, China. iii. SHANE ALLAN WILSON, b. October 07, 1990, Moses Lake, Washington; d. November 16, 1990, Moses Lake, Washington. 61. DENNIS WAYNE6 COTY (DOROTHY LEE5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born June 27, 1948 in Eureka, Ca. Humbolt Co., and died February 26, 2002 in Loma Linda VA Hospital. He married (1) BONNIE MCGEE. He married (2) LORAY GRANT 1967 in Coachella, Ca., daughter of RICHARD GRANT and MARYLIN UNKNOWN. She was born 1949. Notes for DENNIS WAYNE COTY: Dennis married Bonnie, lives in southern Ca. Child of DENNIS COTY and LORAY GRANT is: 80. i. CHRISTOPHER TODD7 COTY, b. June 26, 1970, Okinawa, Japan. 62. LINDA LEE6 COTY (DOROTHY LEE5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born August 08, 1949 in Lakeport, Ca. Lake Co.. She married (1) PAUL HENSON. He was born August 1950, and died December 26, 1992 in Carson City, Nevada. She married (2) LARRY BRADLEY. Notes for LINDA LEE COTY: Jason and Jacob father is Harold Henson, Father of twins, Jasmine and Jacqueline is Larry Bradley. Children of LINDA COTY and PAUL HENSON are: i. JASON PAUL7 HENSON, b. October 18, 1972. ii. JACOB CURTIS HENSON, b. April 04, 1977. iii. JASMINE AMBER COTY, b. April 20, 1981. iv. JACQUELINE FRANCINE COTY, b. April 20, 1981. 63. YVONNE MARIE6 COTY (DOROTHY LEE5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born December 12, 1953 in Norco, Ca. Riverside Co.. She married BRUCE MARLON SHIPMAN September 07, 1975, son of MARVIN SHIPMAN and WANDA ALBRITTON. He was born March 17, 1950 in Tampa, Florida. Children of YVONNE COTY and BRUCE SHIPMAN are: 81. i. JAYNA MARIE7 SHIPMAN, b. September 09, 1976, Yerington, Nv.. ii. JARAD PATRICK SHIPMAN, b. April 04, 1978, Tampa, Fl.. iii. ATHEN PATRICK SHIPMAN, b. March 06, 1981, Kingsbeach , Ca.; m. AMANDA LYNN HAM, March 12, 1999, Carrabelle, Fl.. 64. LOREN DALE6 COTY (DOROTHY LEE5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born June 04, 1956 in Artesia, Ca. L.A. Co., and died July 1978 in California. He married CLARICE WHITFIELD. She died June 14, 1988. Notes for LOREN DALE COTY: Loren was hit by a hit and run in the desert area of southern Ca. Child of LOREN COTY and CLARICE WHITFIELD is: 82. i. AMBER LAUREN DALE7 COTY, b. 1978. 65. CARRIE DARLENE6 COTY (DOROTHY LEE5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born August 08, 1959 in Indio, Ca. Riverside Co.. She married JAMIE HULL. Children of CARRIE COTY and JAMIE HULL are: i. CHRISTOPHER NOEL7 HULL, b. July 27, 1977. ii. DUSTON HULL, b. December 10, 1980. 66. WILLIAM MICHAEL6 KELSEY (NOLA LOUISE (MEG)5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born March 01, 1951 in Vallejo, California Solano Co.. He married DEBRA LOUISE LITTLE March 13, 1971 in Lake Tahoe, Nev.. She was born October 10, 1953. Notes for WILLIAM MICHAEL KELSEY: W. Michael and Debra were divorced in the 1980"s. As yet neither has remarried, however both have "partners." W, Michael and Laura Smith live at 11 Del Centro in Benicia, California. Laura two youngest children reside with them. Nicole and Billy. Children of WILLIAM KELSEY and DEBRA LITTLE are: 83. i. DESIREE'7 KELSEY, b. July 23, 1972, Vallejo, California Solano Co.. 84. ii. DEANNA KELSEY, b. May 08, 1975, Vallejo, California Solano Co.. 85. iii. MICHAEL JAMES KELSEY, b. April 03, 1977, Vallejo, California Solano Co.. 67. HAROLD RAY6 KELSEY (NOLA LOUISE (MEG)5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born August 06, 1953 in Lakeport, California - County of Lake. He married (1) CHRISTINE DICKERSON March 28, 1970 in Benicia, California. He married (2) DEANNE MICHELLE ABEYTA January 16, 1982 in Benicia, California. She was born December 28, 1960 in Concord, California. More About HAROLD RAY KELSEY: Divorced: 1976 Children of HAROLD KELSEY and CHRISTINE DICKERSON are: 86. i. SHANNAN RANEE'7 KELSEY, b. January 18, 1971, Vallejo, California. 87. ii. RAYLYNN KELSEY, b. February 20, 1975, Vallejo, California. 88. iii. DENISE KELSEY, b. April 19, 1976. Children of HAROLD KELSEY and DEANNE ABEYTA are: iv. JENNIFER NICOLE7 KELSEY, b. January 18, 1983. v. TIFFANY RAE KELSEY, b. August 23, 1984. 68. TOMINA6 SUTTON (ALICE FAYE5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) She met (1) STEVE JONES. She met (2) LARRY STANCLIFF. Child of TOMINA SUTTON and STEVE JONES is: i. BREANNE JONES7 SUTTON. Child of TOMINA SUTTON and LARRY STANCLIFF is: ii. BRAD STANCLIFF7 SUTTON. 69. LYNETTE6 SUTTON (ALICE FAYE5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) She married KEVIN RUDE. Children of LYNETTE SUTTON and KEVIN RUDE are: i. TASHA7 RUDE. ii. JOHNATHAN RUDE. iii. JUSTIN RUDE. iv. KEITH RUDE. v. JACOB RUDE. 70. JON6 WILSON (NATHAN ALBERT5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born in Palm Springs, Ca.. He married (1) ETIENNA (E.T.). He married (2) JANET. Children of JON WILSON and ETIENNA (E.T.) are: i. KARI7 WILSON. ii. JONATHAN WILSON. 71. KEN6 WILSON (NATHAN ALBERT5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born in Palm Springs, Ca.. He married DIANE (DEE-DEE). Children of KEN WILSON and DIANE (DEE-DEE) are: i. ZACK7 WILSON. ii. BRICE WILSON. iii. ALEXANDRIA WILSON. 72. CARRIE ANN6 BRASHEARS (LORETTA ANN5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born January 07, 1966 in Vallejo, California. She married (1) PHILLIP WHITTINGTON. She married (2) DAVID REID April 06, 1991 in Texas. He was born in Texas. Children of CARRIE BRASHEARS and DAVID REID are: i. CHELSEA7 REID, b. May 01, 1995. ii. ADAIN REID, b. February 25, 1997. iii. STEPHEN PIERCE WITTINGTON REID, b. April 27, 1988. 73. LORAY6 LYNN (LORETTA ANN5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born March 22, 1968 in Vallejo, Ca.. She married WILLIAM ROBERTSON in Benicia, California. Children of LORAY LYNN and WILLIAM ROBERTSON are: i. SHERIDANRAY7 ROBERTSON, b. December 11, 1992. ii. ALLEYSA ANN ROBERTSON, b. December 24, 1994. Generation No. 7 74. CHERYL7 SMITH (CAROL JUNE6 WILSON, HAROLD ROBERT5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) She married GEORGE UNKNOWN. Children of CHERYL SMITH and GEORGE UNKNOWN are: i. MARCUS8. ii. LUCAS. iii. GEORGE. iv. KAYCEE. 75. ROBERT7 SMITH (CAROL JUNE6 WILSON, HAROLD ROBERT5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) He married TANASHA UNKNOWN. Child of ROBERT SMITH and TANASHA UNKNOWN is: i. ALEX8 SMITH. 76. TYLER JR.7 THOMPSON (JUDY6 WILSON, HAROLD ROBERT5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) He married (2) LISA. Children of TYLER JR. THOMPSON are: i. ALEX8 THOMPSON. ii. CHRISTOPHER THOMPSON. Child of TYLER THOMPSON and LISA is: iii. NICKIE8 THOMPSON. 77. TRACY RACHEL7 WILSON (DAVID MONROE6, CHARLES EDWARD5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born December 30, 1969 in Roseburg, Oregon. She married JAY ROCK POPE June 22, 1991 in Tenmile, Oregon, son of ROCK POPE and CHARLOTTE WALCH. He was born February 20, 1967 in Bandon, Oregon. Notes for JAY ROCK POPE: Devan is the son of Jay Pope and Stephaine Baird. Child of TRACY WILSON and JAY POPE is: i. DEVAN JAY8 POPE, b. November 08, 1987, \Roseburg, Oregon. 78. DAVID CHARLES7 WILSON (DAVID MONROE6, CHARLES EDWARD5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born October 28, 1967 in Roseburg, Oregon. He married DENYSE MARIE POPE July 13, 1988 in Roseburg Oregon. She was born March 27, 1968 in New Jersey. Notes for DAVID CHARLES WILSON: David is a member of the Methodist church, was baptized in 1968 in Tenmile, Oregon Child of DAVID WILSON and DENYSE POPE is: i. CHARLES ALEXANDER8 WILSON, b. May 03, 1991, Oakland, California. 79. GALE JEAN7 SMITH (KAREN6 WILSON, CHARLES EDWARD5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born August 24, 1969. She married JIM PHILLIPS. Children of GALE SMITH and JIM PHILLIPS are: i. COLTON8 PHILLIPS, b. 1991. ii. AUSTIN PHILLIPS. 80. CHRISTOPHER TODD7 COTY (DENNIS WAYNE6, DOROTHY LEE5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born June 26, 1970 in Okinawa, Japan. He married (1) JULLIANA WEATHERS 1985 in Napa, Ca.. She was born January 18, 1970. He married (2) ARY B. INTHAXAY 1992 in South Lake Tahoe, Nevada. She was born December 31, 1974 in Laos. Child of CHRISTOPHER COTY and JULLIANA WEATHERS is: i. SARAH ELIZABETH8 COTY. 81. JAYNA MARIE7 SHIPMAN (YVONNE MARIE6 COTY, DOROTHY LEE5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born September 09, 1976 in Yerington, Nv.. She married (1) JAIRCINIO MUNOZ. She met (2) CHARLES CHENG PHILIPS, son of PHIL PHILIPS and KATHY PHILIPS. He was born April 18, 1878 in Abelene, Texas. Child of JAYNA SHIPMAN and JAIRCINIO MUNOZ is: i. KALILA ISLA8 MUNOZ, b. May 08, 1995, So, Lake Tahoe, Ca.. Children of JAYNA SHIPMAN and CHARLES PHILIPS are: ii. LANI LEI8 PHILLIPS, b. July 24, 2000, Tucson, Arizone. iii. JASMINE LEI PHILLIPS, b. December 30, 2001, Mercy San Juan Hosp., Carmichael, Ca. (Sacramento). 82. AMBER LAUREN DALE7 COTY (LOREN DALE6, DOROTHY LEE5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born 1978. She married PACO 2001. Child of AMBER COTY and PACO is: i. KYRA8 COTY. 83. DESIREE'7 KELSEY (WILLIAM MICHAEL6, NOLA LOUISE (MEG)5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born July 23, 1972 in Vallejo, California Solano Co.. She married BOBBY ENOS November 02, 1991. Notes for DESIREE' KELSEY: Desiree and Primo Rosal are the parents of Anthony Kelsey, Desiree and husband, Robert Enos is the parents of Katrina Leanne Enos. Desiree and Sean are the parents of Sean Patrick Kelsey Children of DESIREE' KELSEY and BOBBY ENOS are: i. ANTHONY8 KELSEY, b. August 17, 1989. ii. KATRINA LEANN ENOS, b. May 14, 1992. iii. SEAN PATRICK ARTHUR, b. November 1998. 84. DEANNA7 KELSEY (WILLIAM MICHAEL6, NOLA LOUISE (MEG)5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born May 08, 1975 in Vallejo, California Solano Co.. She married HAROLD HELSEL in Texas. Children of DEANNA KELSEY and HAROLD HELSEL are: i. ELIZABETH RANEE8 KELSEY, b. January 17, 1990. ii. ABAGAIL LYNN HELSEL, b. December 22, 1997. iii. AUTUMN MARIE HELSEL, b. December 02, 1999. 85. MICHAEL JAMES7 KELSEY (WILLIAM MICHAEL6, NOLA LOUISE (MEG)5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born April 03, 1977 in Vallejo, California Solano Co.. He married JOLEEN BRUDVIG in Arkansas. Child of MICHAEL KELSEY and JOLEEN BRUDVIG is: i. CHRISTAN MICHAEL8 KELSEY, b. August 08, 1998, Arkansas. 86. SHANNAN RANEE'7 KELSEY (HAROLD RAY6, NOLA LOUISE (MEG)5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born January 18, 1971 in Vallejo, California. She met (1) CHRISTOPHER CHARLES DEMATTEO LL. He was born April 12, 1973 in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. She met (2) MORGAN HOUSNER. She met (3) ROB BETCHER. Notes for SHANNAN RANEE' KELSEY: Parents of Crystal: Rob Betcher b. Jan 1, 1968. Rob's mother is victoria Hutton. Parents of Jessica Shaylynn is Morgan Hausner, b. Oct. 10, 1969, parents of Morgan Clyde Hausner are Horst Hausner, b. in Germany and Cecilia Buskini. Christopher Charles DeMatteo 11, parents are Christopher C. DeMatteo 1, b. Dec. 17, 1941 in Brooklyn, N.Y. and Catherine Ann Fresone, b. April 10, 1948 in Brooklyn, N.Y. Children of SHANNAN KELSEY and CHRISTOPHER LL are: i. CRYSTAL8 KELSEY, b. July 12, 1988. ii. JESSICA SHALYNN KELSEY, b. July 29, 1992. iii. NICHOLAS RAY DEMATTEO, b. October 26, 1999. 87. RAYLYNN7 KELSEY (HAROLD RAY6, NOLA LOUISE (MEG)5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born February 20, 1975 in Vallejo, California. She met SCOTTIE AMMONS. He was born 1971 in N.C.. Notes for SCOTTIE AMMONS: Scottie Ammons is also father of Cody Ammons, born in 1994. Scotties's parents are David and Barbara Ammons. David is half Lumbie Indian and half Columbian. Child of RAYLYNN KELSEY and SCOTTIE AMMONS is: i. KAYLA MARIE8 KELSEY, b. 1997, CT.. 88. DENISE7 KELSEY (HAROLD RAY6, NOLA LOUISE (MEG)5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born April 19, 1976. She married / KALINOWSKI. Children of DENISE KELSEY and / KALINOWSKI are: i. MAX8 KALINOWSKI. ii. JUPITER KALINOWSKI.William Antel (Antell) was a memmoite minister, was ordained in 1919 approx. More About WILLIAM ANTELL: Burial: Hewitt Cem. near Hardin, Jefferson co., ark More About REBECCA ANN CLARK: Burial: Hewitt Cemetary, Hardin, Arkansas Children of WILLIAM ANTELL and REBECCA CLARK are: 3. i. WILEY3 ANTELL, b. November 1891; d. February 22, 1962. ii. LYDIA ANTELL, b. November 1886; m. UNKNOWN LAWSON. iii. MELINDA ANTELL, m. JOE STEVENS. 4. iv. REBECCA ANTELL, b. April 01, 1885; d. February 07, 1962. 5. v. SUSAN ANTELL, b. June 1894; d. 1918. 6. vi. THOMAS ROOSEVELT ANTELL, b. February 18, 1903; d. December 1981, Muskogee, Oklahoma. 7. vii. ARVILLA ANTELL, b. March 07, 1881, Greenville, Mo.; d. August 28, 1959, Pine Bluff, Arkansas. 8. viii. ESTHER ANTELL, b. December 16, 1887. 9. ix. WILLIAM MCKINLEY ANTELL, b. October 06, 1899; d. April 04, 1978, Pike, Arkkansas. x. WILLIE TABITHA ANTELL, b. October 06, 1899; d. October 06, 1899. More About WILLIE TABITHA ANTELL: Burial: Greenville, Mo. xi. CORIE ANTELL, b. Unknown. xii. JUNE ANTELL. Generation No. 3 3. WILEY3 ANTELL (WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born November 1891, and died February 22, 1962. He married GLADYS BATES. More About WILEY ANTELL: Burial: Hewitt Cemetary, Hardin, Arkansas Children of WILEY ANTELL and GLADYS BATES are: i. JUNE4 ANTELL. ii. LILLIE ANTELL. iii. JIM ANTELL. iv. JOHN ANTELL. 4. REBECCA3 ANTELL (WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born April 01, 1885, and died February 07, 1962. She married (1) UNKNOWN FOX --KEENE. She married (2) UNKNOWN KEEN. Notes for REBECCA ANTELL: Niece of "Aunt Becky" sent this message: " I think aunt becky is one of my favorite characters, she was uncle Tom's sister. These are true stories,,but;;; Aunt Becky ( Rebecca Keene) lived in the swamps of south arkansas, down in desha county, used to be a lot of swamps down there but they have been pretty well drained now. I remember being afraid to get out of the car after dark because of the snakes and other vermin. I would hurry from the car to the house where I would be safe--yeh--lamp light, no electricity--felt drunk and staggering because the floors were unlevel. I can remember aunt becky coming out the door yelling " I'd damn get out of that car and come on in this house" and she'd tell, I think her husbands name was "Nen", to go dress a couple of chickens, that these folks were hungry. We would go in, she'd build up the fire in the wood cook stove. We kids would ease around in the house gazing with wonder at all the strings of rattlesnake buttons strung up. The strings of onions and peppers, the turkey wings on nearly every door facing to be used for fans in the summer. It was one of the most fasinating homes I have ever been in. After we had eaten fried chicken, gravy, hot biscuits and raw homey from the comb, we kids would go to bed(?), usually pallets. Lord, we were afraid of the bugs and spiders and lizards, and we would lay there, waiting for something to crawl across us and listen to the grownups visit. Laying there one night, one of us saw something on the ceiling and a few spots on the walls, it was the stars:: there were holes in the house.. I don't know how many children aunt beck had. I think they were pretty well grown. Aunt becky worked and hunted just like a man. She got really put out once with daddy cause he wouldn't stay and go bear hunting with her. She said the dogs had treed on last week and she knew right where to go. Anyway, that kinda gives you an idea about aunt beck. A wonderful, hard working woman. Earlky one morning, she was out squirrel hunting ( out of season ) and the game warden caught her. She had several squirrels hanging on her belt. The game warden told her that he would have to take her rifle and she would have to pay a fine. She argued with him for a while, back and forth, good naturedly. She had her gun across one elobw and she just kinds turned where the barrell was almost pointing at him and she told him, that " what they was going to do, was go on back down to her house and while he dressed the squirrels, she woul make biscuits and gravey and they would have those nice youngs squirrel fried up nice and chrispy and they would have breakfast, needless to say, she fed the state game wardem breakfast that morning and she didn't lose her rifle nor pay a fine. This from Arvilla Antell Edwards: NOTE: I, Meg, had heard the story of the squirells from my mother, Carrie Park Wilson. More About REBECCA ANTELL: Burial: Hewitt Cem. near Hardin, Jefferson co., ark Children of REBECCA ANTELL and UNKNOWN --KEENE are: i. BERTHA4 FOX. ii. CASSIE FOX. iii. SUSAN (FLOSSIE) FOX. iv. KATIE KEEN. v. LLOYD KEEN. 5. SUSAN3 ANTELL (WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born June 1894, and died 1918. She married MARSHALL GEORGE. More About SUSAN ANTELL: Burial: Campground Cem. Prague, Arkansas Children of SUSAN ANTELL and MARSHALL GEORGE are: i. HERSHALL4 GEORGE, m. CLEO. ii. RAYMOND GEORGE, m. DOROTHY. iii. REX GEORGE. 6. THOMAS ROOSEVELT3 ANTELL (WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born February 18, 1903, and died December 1981 in Muskogee, Oklahoma. He married (1) AUDIE CLEO BOYD. She was born November 18, 1911, and died March 28, 1990 in Healdton, Oklahoma, Carter Co.. He married (2) MINNIE OLA BIRD Bet. 1924 - 1926. She was born July 29, 1905, and died August 12, 1934. More About THOMAS ROOSEVELT ANTELL: Burial: Haskell Co. , Brooken Cem. Ok. More About AUDIE CLEO BOYD: Burial: Haskell Co. , Brooken Cem. Ok. More About MINNIE OLA BIRD: Burial: Sunny Lane Cem. Oklahoma City, Ok. Child of THOMAS ANTELL and AUDIE BOYD is: i. CARL4 BOYD, d. Henderson, Ky,. Children of THOMAS ANTELL and MINNIE BIRD are: ii. VELMA4 ANTELL. iii. JUANITA ANTELL. iv. IMOGENE ANTELL. v. ROY DEAN ANTELL. vi. DAVID EARL ANTELL. 7. ARVILLA3 ANTELL (WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born March 07, 1881 in Greenville, Mo., and died August 28, 1959 in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. She married GEORGE WASHINGTON PARK August 27, 1896 in Greenville, Missouri, son of ELSBERY PARK and HENRIETTE WARMOTH. He was born February 28, 1874 in Salem, Illinois, and died May 05, 1943 in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Notes for ARVILLA ANTELL: Arvilla Antell Park and husband George Washington Park are buried in Hewitt cemetary, Jefferson Co. about 1 1/2 miles from Doylestown. George & Arvilla lived in Doylestown in a four room, two story house, with a front porch across the length, upstairs and down. Doylestown was once a thriving little community, haveing a post office, depot, cattle holding pens, at least two stores and a tie yard. It was located about half way between Pine Bluff and Sheridan, Arkansas. It sat on the railroad about three miles west of hwy 270. Lots of stories and mentioned names have survived over the many years, including the Moss place,and the Murdocks. Arvilla , at one time was the post mistress and ran the store in Doylestown. Arvilla's daughter, Carrie, said her mother was also a notary and was the lady people asked for help when a family member became ill. When I was a little girl, I remember my grandmother, Arvilla, coming to California. She visited us often, but lived about ten miles away in Lakeport. She was 64 at that time and as limber as a girl. I noticed she still treated my mother, Carrie, as if she still needed constant training, especially where the children were concerned. Naturally her interference was resented by the children. However, never did Arvilla ever correct any of the children herself. It really was great she was once again with her youngest daughter, however missed Arkansas and later decided to return to her home there and remained the rest of her life. I remember my mother telling about Arvilla going squirrel hunting with her gun and little dog. From all the stories told about Arvilla, I felt she was a woman that was born 50 years before her time as she was independant and pretty well did what she wanted instead of what was considered the norm for women of that era. When Arvilla left California, we never saw her alive again. More About ARVILLA ANTELL: Burial: Hewitt Cemetary, Hardin, Arkansas Notes for GEORGE WASHINGTON PARK: I, George's grand daughter, Meg, never remembered my grandfather, so all I knew was what my mother, carrie told me. I do have pictures of him, one I remember so well is of one of him and my grandmother, Arvilla, both holding hugh arms full of beautiful apple blossoms. My mother told me he was a very gentle man, and a wonderful father. She tells of a trip in a covered wagan the family took to Ok. and the incidents of that trip. Seems during that time, money was not plentiful, yet from the story, none felt poor or deprived of anything. How wonderful for children to have so much love, they didn't feel the need of luxury. Children of ARVILLA ANTELL and GEORGE PARK are: 10. i. CLARENCE EVERT4 PARK, b. October 20, 1897, Wayne Co. Missouri. 11. ii. CHARLES EDWARD PARK, b. September 21, 1900, Greenville, Wayne Co. Missouri; d. September 29, 1982, Colorado Springs , Colorado. 12. iii. LUCY MELINDA PARK, b. November 04, 1902; d. December 28, 1986, Sacramento, Ca.. 13. iv. GEORGE WILLIAM PARK, b. November 26, 1904, Wayne Co. Missouri; d. March 17, 1956, Carmie, Illinois, White Co.. 14. v. CARRIE HENRETTA PARK, b. October 02, 1905, Greenville, Mo,(Wayne Co.). 15. vi. HAROLD HENRY PARK, b. April 24, 1911, Grant Co. Arkansas; d. December 29, 1994, Canon city,Colorado. 16. vii. ERNEST IVAN PARK, b. March 03, 1917, Grant Co. Arkansas. 8. ESTHER3 ANTELL (WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born December 16, 1887. She married (1) WILLIAM LAYSHOT. She married (2) JOHN BENNINGFIELD. Children of ESTHER ANTELL and WILLIAM LAYSHOT are: i. MARIAN PAUL4 LAYSHOT, b. June 21, 1908, Bixby, Oklahoma; m. GLADYS. ii. ROSA JUANITA LAYSHOT, b. February 12, 1911, Mount Ida, Oklahoma; d. July 07, 1999; m. ELMER GARNARD. iii. RUBY LAYSHOT, b. January 11, 1913, Mount Ida, Oklahoma; d. December 10, 1917. Notes for RUBY LAYSHOT: When Ruby was very small, she caught her dress on fire and died from her burns. iv. WILLIAM CHARLEY LAYSHOT, b. August 23, 1919, Bixby, Oklahoma; d. May 10, 1985, Burlington, Colorado; m. (1) M ILDRED; m. (2) JUNE. 17. v. EULAN VANCE LAYSHOT, b. July 14, 1921, Beggs, Oklahoma,Okmulgee Co,; d. Albany,Oregon. Children of ESTHER ANTELL and JOHN BENNINGFIELD are: vi. JAMES RICHARD4 BENNINGFIELD, b. January 18, 1924, Beggs, Oklahoma; m. MAXINE. vii. JOHN ARLIS BENNINGFIELD, b. July 27, 1926, Beggs, Oklahoma; d. 1942. Notes for JOHN ARLIS BENNINGFIELD: At the age of 16, John was struck by an automobile and killed. viii. RAYMOND ROY LAYSHOT, b. June 20, 1929, Beggs, Oklahoma. 9. WILLIAM MCKINLEY3 ANTELL (WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born October 06, 1899, and died April 04, 1978 in Pike, Arkkansas. He married GEORGEANNA JOSEPHINE CROSS. She was born March 27, 1903, and died November 11, 1981. Notes for WILLIAM MCKINLEY ANTELL: A story told by William's niece, Arvilla Antell, adds some color to a name. Seems "Bill" advertised in a newspaper for a wife. Georgina answered the ad. No matter how these two met, they must have "clicked" as they married and had a family. More About WILLIAM MCKINLEY ANTELL: Burial: Hewitt Cemetary, Hardin, Arkansas More About GEORGEANNA JOSEPHINE CROSS: Burial: Hewitt Cem. near Hardin, Jefferson co., ark Children of WILLIAM ANTELL and GEORGEANNA CROSS are: 18. i. MERLE WILLIAM4 ANTELL, b. June 13, 1924, Ridgley, West Virginia. 19. ii. RAYMOND ROLAND ANTELL, b. March 11, 1926, Beggs, Oklahoma; d. March 28, 1983. 20. iii. RAMONA KATHLEEN ANTELL, b. April 04, 1933, Burlington, Colorado. iv. JOSEPHINE WINONA ANTELL, b. February 10, 1936, Ruralton, Kansas; m. IDUS H. RISNER. Generation No. 4 10. CLARENCE EVERT4 PARK (ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born October 20, 1897 in Wayne Co. Missouri. He married RUBY DAVIS, daughter of FRANK DAVIS. Notes for CLARENCE EVERT PARK: A little tidbit related by Arvilla Edwards, seems C.Evert had asked Ruby's sister to marry him, she declined so Ruby said he'd marry him. Evidently the marriage worked wonderfully as they raised a family and spent their lives together. Children of CLARENCE PARK and RUBY DAVIS are: 21. i. PEARL5 PARK, d. Unknown. ii. COY PARK, m. DOLLY. iii. MAXINE PARK. iv. THELMA PARK, b. November 27, 1926. 11. CHARLES EDWARD4 PARK (ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born September 21, 1900 in Greenville, Wayne Co. Missouri, and died September 29, 1982 in Colorado Springs , Colorado. He married MARY ALICE MOORE June 18, 1927. She was born October 03, 1903 in Edson, Kansas. More About CHARLES EDWARD PARK: Burial: Fairview Cemetary, Burlington, Colorado Children of CHARLES PARK and MARY MOORE are: 22. i. MERLE IVAN5 PARK, b. March 26, 1930. 23. ii. DOROTHY EILEEN PARK, b. June 09, 1931. 12. LUCY MELINDA4 PARK (ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born November 04, 1902, and died December 28, 1986 in Sacramento, Ca.. She married (1) WILLIAM EDGER PEDIGO. She married (2) JOHN WESLEY SAVEL. More About LUCY MELINDA PARK: Burial: Westwood Cemetary, Westwood, Ca. Children of LUCY PARK and WILLIAM PEDIGO are: 24. i. CLARENCE CLIFFORD5 PEDIGO, b. September 09, 1920. 25. ii. MARTHA OPEL PEDIGO, b. June 06, 1923, Doylestown, Arkansas. 26. iii. HELEN PEDIGO. Children of LUCY PARK and JOHN SAVEL are: 27. iv. JOHNNY LOU5 SAVELL, b. June 06, 1930, Okmulgee, OK.. 28. v. JERRY SAVEL. 13. GEORGE WILLIAM4 PARK (ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born November 26, 1904 in Wayne Co. Missouri, and died March 17, 1956 in Carmie, Illinois, White Co.. He married (1) DELLA. He married (2) ANNIE ROBERTSON. She was born October 10, 1907 in Henry, Tn. henry Co., and died November 20, 1966 in Sterling, Co. Logan Co.. Children of GEORGE PARK and DELLA are: i. VERNON5 PARK. ii. HAZEL PARK. Children of GEORGE PARK and ANNIE ROBERTSON are: 29. iii. VIRGEL CLYDE5 PARK, b. May 12, 1936. iv. JOY ARVILLA PARK, b. July 19, 1938, Pine Bluff, Arkansas (Doylestown); m. VERNIE HASKELL EDWARDS, May 10, 1961; b. August 14, 1927, Neosho, Mo. Newton Co.. v. GEORGE WILLIAM PARK, b. January 04, 1940. vi. JOANN PARK, b. October 13, 1945. vii. TED GENE PARK, b. August 21, 1928. viii. VERNON PARK. 14. CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK (ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born October 02, 1905 in Greenville, Mo,(Wayne Co.). She married BAZZLE JOHN WILSON October 31, 1925 in Missouri, son of AVERY WILSON and IDA AMSDEN. He was born June 14, 1905 in Centerville, Mo., and died April 01, 1975 in Paradise, Ca.. Notes for CARRIE HENRETTA PARK: Carrie was born near Greenville, Wayne Co., Missouri on October 2, l908. She was the fifth child of George Washington Park and Lucy Arvilla Antel Park. There being three older brothers, Clarence Evert, Charles E. and George W.and one sister, Lucy Melinda. In 1911 a younger brother was born, Harold H. and another brother, Ernest Ivan arrived in 1917. In 1910 the Park family moved to Grant Co., Arkansas , Carrie was aged two, Her grandparents, William Antell/Antel and Rebecca Anne Clark Antel lived there, near a rail road. Carrie's father, George W. worked for William Antel, William being his father in law. They hauled logs for a while, then took to farming. The first year of farming was "share" cropping with a man named Fred Young. By then Carrie was about four years old. Carrie remembers episodes of events during the years living there, once Her mother sent her to the Young home for some Caster Oil, when arriving at the Young home, Mrs. Young wasn't there. So Carrie told one of the Young boys, Fay, that her Mama wanted him to give her some caster oil. Fay gladly gave her some caster oil, which tasted horrible. On arriving back home, her mother asked her where the caster oil was, she replyed, "Fay gave it to me mama and it tasted awful. Mama retorted, " I wanted it for your baby brother, "Harold". That happened in 1911. The next year the Parks bought forty acres of land. It was near Doylestown, that was the postoffice. Mr. Park built a log house, but before a well could be dug, the family had to carry water from a spring. They also had to take their laundry to the spring and wash on a rub board. All had to work hard, as they also farmed. They grew corn, oats, hay for the horses, and raised pigs and chickens. Their cash crops were peanuts and cotton. There were a few peach trees, so with their vegatable garden, milk, eggs, butter, ham, and bacon, the family enjoyed a good living for a while. About this time, Carrie was almost 6 years old, school age. She was always the one lagging behind on the way to school. As a shortcut the children cut through the cotton field. Needless to say there were lots of army worms. Carrie carried a memory of those worms forever. Carrie has her life story on cassette tape, however her daughter, Nola (Meg) has typed up all events up to Jan of 2000. For Carrie at the age of 91 and 1/2 is still around and doing wonderful. Carries lives in Northern California in Magalia, county of Butte. In June of 1995 Carrie's oldest son, Harold died of mesothelioma, a rare maliginant tumor, caused by asbestos. Harold was 69 years old, other than the tumor, he had the body of a man many years younger. Carrie also lost her husband, Bazzle John when he was 69 years old. Bazzle suffered a stroke and was never well until he's final stroke in March, and passing away on April 1, 1975. At presant her remaining 8 children are all well. Carrie has lived through the most historical era of the U.S.A. She has seen the automobiles invented, the airplanes, the many new inventions in science, the medical breakthroughs, etc; She can tell of so many things, it's a history course just listening to her life story. Carries has so many grand-children, great-grand-children and also great-great-grand children, one can not count them all. Carrie is a tribute to all mothers. Notes for BAZZLE JOHN WILSON: Bazzle, born in 1905, my father. He was tall, like his father, and in many ways very much like him. In his younger days he was a farmer, but after coming to Ca. he was a well driller for awhile, but his main profession was as a carpenter. he built a house for the family in Kelseyville, a town about 10 miles from Lakeport, California. After a fire destroyed the entire home, he moved the family back to Lakeport. It was a struggle to provide for so many children, so there would be times he had to work out of town just to have a job. Before age slowed him down, I can remember him playing with us kids. One game was with rubber guns. He always came out on top as he could stretch the rubber bands so much tighter than any of us kids, and he was a good shot. Needless to say when he got a good hit, it sometimes left a blister... I can still remember the sting. On hot days, Dad would load all of us on his flat bed truck and haul us down to the creek for a swim. The water was ice cold, but felt wonderful. He gave us plenty of time to play in the cold water. How we loved it. My Dad was overly strict with the eldest boys, especially the first born, Harold. But the older he got, the more mellow he was. I'm sure his father was the same with him, being the first born, so he just did as he thought he was supposed to. Our anchor was our Mother, she was the real security, the buffer from harm, or so we felt. Bazzle's grave is on the top of a knoll facing the old Magalia Church in Chemshew Cem., Magalia, Ca. More About BAZZLE JOHN WILSON: Burial: Magalia, California Children of CARRIE PARK and BAZZLE WILSON are: 30. i. HAROLD ROBERT5 WILSON, b. November 27, 1926, Parma, Missouri; d. June 04, 1995, Josephine Co., Selma, Oregon. 31. ii. CHARLES EDWARD WILSON, b. February 23, 1929, Newport, Arkansas. 32. iii. AVERY GEORGE WILSON, b. November 13, 1930, Pine Bluff, Arkansas (Doylestown). 33. iv. DOROTHY LEE WILSON, b. March 27, 1932, Pine Bluff, Arkansas. 34. v. NOLA LOUISE (MEG) WILSON, b. September 25, 1934, Darysaw, Arkansas (Sheridan) Grant Co.. 35. vi. ALICE FAYE WILSON, b. February 01, 1937. 36. vii. NATHAN ALBERT WILSON, b. February 14, 1937. 37. viii. LORETTA ANN WILSON, b. February 18, 1942, Yuba City, Ca.. 38. ix. BAZZLE JOHN -JR. WILSON, b. February 01, 1944, Lakeport, California. 15. HAROLD HENRY4 PARK (ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born April 24, 1911 in Grant Co. Arkansas, and died December 29, 1994 in Canon city,Colorado. He married (1) HATTIEJUNE ANTELL. She was born October 31, 1916, and died November 12, 1980. He married (2) HAZEL. He married (3) ELOIS. Child of HAROLD PARK and HATTIEJUNE ANTELL is: i. CARRIE JANET5 PARK, b. January 26, 1935; m. DAVE SCOTT. Child of HAROLD PARK and HAZEL is: ii. DEBRA5 PARK. Children of HAROLD PARK and ELOIS are: iii. GEORGE5 PARK. iv. JUDITH PARK. 16. ERNEST IVAN4 PARK (ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born March 03, 1917 in Grant Co. Arkansas. He married (1) ADABELLE SAVEL. He married (2) MARGARET. He married (3) WILMA. Children of ERNEST PARK and ADABELLE SAVEL are: i. JAMES ERNEST5 PARK, b. August 27, 1936, Sheridan, Ar.; d. July 11, 1999, U.C. Davis Hosp. Sacramento, Ca.; m. RONNIE, September 25, 1965. More About JAMES ERNEST PARK: Burial: Ashes, scattered in Nev. 39. ii. GEORGE PARK. Child of ERNEST PARK and MARGARET is: iii. JERRY5 PARK. Children of ERNEST PARK and WILMA are: iv. ERNIE5 PARK. v. BILL PARK. vi. ROY PARK. 17. EULAN VANCE4 LAYSHOT (ESTHER3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born July 14, 1921 in Beggs, Oklahoma,Okmulgee Co,, and died in Albany,Oregon. He married (1) EVELYN LORANE RICE. He married (2) CATHRYN. Child of EULAN LAYSHOT and EVELYN RICE is: 40. i. STEVEN5 LAYSHOT, b. November 17, 1947, Richmond, California. 18. MERLE WILLIAM4 ANTELL (WILLIAM MCKINLEY3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born June 13, 1924 in Ridgley, West Virginia. He married AUDREY M. JOHNSON. Children of MERLE ANTELL and AUDREY JOHNSON are: 41. i. WILLIAM5 ANTELL, b. October 10, 1946. ii. PATRICIA ANN ANTELL, b. February 04, 1948; m. PHILLIP KOREY. iii. RAYMOND ANTELL, b. March 24, 1952. 19. RAYMOND ROLAND4 ANTELL (WILLIAM MCKINLEY3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born March 11, 1926 in Beggs, Oklahoma, and died March 28, 1983. He married (1) FRANCIS MARTIN. He married (2) NANCY. More About RAYMOND ROLAND ANTELL: Burial: Hewitt Cem. near Hardin, Jefferson co., ark Children of RAYMOND ANTELL and FRANCIS MARTIN are: 42. i. SHERIDA RAY5 ANTELL, b. August 08, 1946, Vallejo, California. 43. ii. MARY FRANCIS ANTELL, b. July 19, 1950, Menlo Park, Ca.. 20. RAMONA KATHLEEN4 ANTELL (WILLIAM MCKINLEY3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born April 04, 1933 in Burlington, Colorado. She married JOHN MELTON PHILLIPS. Children of RAMONA ANTELL and JOHN PHILLIPS are: i. JOHN5 PHILLIPS, b. April 19, 1953. ii. BETTY PHILLIPS, b. September 18, 1954; m. RICHARD HODGES. iii. PAUL STEPHEN PHILLIPS, b. January 01, 1966. Generation No. 5 21. PEARL5 PARK (CLARENCE EVERT4, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) died Unknown. She married FRANK MATTHEWS. Child of PEARL PARK and FRANK MATTHEWS is: i. LEWIS6 MATTHEWS. 22. MERLE IVAN5 PARK (CHARLES EDWARD4, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born March 26, 1930. He married (1) JOYCE GIMLIN. He married (2) MARIE WALDON June 27, 1975. Children of MERLE PARK and JOYCE GIMLIN are: 44. i. DEBRA FAY6 PARK, b. September 20, 1953. ii. MICHAEL PARK, b. September 04, 1968. 23. DOROTHY EILEEN5 PARK (CHARLES EDWARD4, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born June 09, 1931. She married GEORGE HOWARD. He was born April 04, 1928. Children of DOROTHY PARK and GEORGE HOWARD are: i. KRISTI DIAN6 HOWARD, b. September 12, 1953. ii. GEORGE CHARLES HOWARD, b. September 10, 1956. iii. KATHY DANIENE HOWARD, b. April 21, 1964. iv. KERRY DANNA HOWARD, b. April 21, 1964. v. PATRICK TRACY HOWARD, b. December 05, 1959. 24. CLARENCE CLIFFORD5 PEDIGO (LUCY MELINDA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born September 09, 1920. He married WANDA JEAN BEARD-HURST September 1998 in Harmony Baptist Church. Notes for CLARENCE CLIFFORD PEDIGO: Clarence now lives in Roland , Arkansas. Sons born to Clarence and wife were deceased on the day of birth. Twins; Buried in May Cemetery near Houston, Arkansas. Twins were from prevous marriage to Estelle. Children of CLARENCE PEDIGO and WANDA BEARD-HURST are: i. EDWIN6 PEDIGO. ii. EDWARD PEDIGO. 25. MARTHA OPEL5 PEDIGO (LUCY MELINDA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born June 06, 1923 in Doylestown, Arkansas. She married LEO T. DOUGHTY. He was born May 09, 1916 in Thornburg, Arkansas, and died April 22, 1993 in Houston, Arkansas. More About LEO T. DOUGHTY: Burial: Cemetary south of Jct. 9 & 10 Hwy. Children of MARTHA PEDIGO and LEO DOUGHTY are: i. JERRY LEON6 DOUGHTY. ii. PHARA LEE DOUGHTY, m. UNKNOWN SARANAC. Notes for UNKNOWN SARANAC: Phara Lee resides in Michigan. iii. DENNIS CLARK DOUGHTY. iv. SANDRA JEAN DOUGHTY. v. SHARI DOUGHTY. 26. HELEN5 PEDIGO (LUCY MELINDA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) She married (1) LOUIS TICHELAAR. She married (2) ARTHUR GREENE. She married (3) JOSEPH (JOE) WYMAN. Children of HELEN PEDIGO and LOUIS TICHELAAR are: i. EDWARD LEWIS6 TICHELAAR. ii. JANICE TICHELAAR. iii. SUE ELLEN TICHELAAR. iv. MARY HELEN TICHELAAR. Children of HELEN PEDIGO and ARTHUR GREENE are: v. LOUIS TICHLER OR6 GREENE. vi. JANICE TICHLER OR GREENE. vii. SUE ELLEN TICHLER OR GREENE. viii. MARY HELEN TICHLER OR GREENE. 27. JOHNNY LOU5 SAVELL (LUCY MELINDA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born June 06, 1930 in Okmulgee, OK.. She married CARL EURICK September 18, 1966 in Las Vegas Nv.. He was born April 01, 1919 in Seattle, Wa/, and died Deceased in Oak Harbor, Wa.. More About CARL EURICK: Burial: American Legion Cemetary Child of JOHNNY SAVELL and CARL EURICK is: 45. i. MELINDA KAY6 EURICK, b. February 14, 1969, Long Beach, Ca.; d. January 15, 1999, Sacramento, Ca.. 28. JERRY5 SAVEL (LUCY MELINDA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) He married HELEN LANG. Children of JERRY SAVEL and HELEN LANG are: i. SUSAN6 SAVEL, d. 1995. ii. SHERRY SAVEL. 29. VIRGEL CLYDE5 PARK (GEORGE WILLIAM4, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born May 12, 1936. He married ELYVEN BOSTIC. Children of VIRGEL PARK and ELYVEN BOSTIC are: 46. i. LYDIA GAIL6 PARK, b. April 12, 1957. 47. ii. KELLY RAY PARK, b. November 06, 1963. 48. iii. SCOTT ALLEN PARK, b. December 11, 1971. 30. HAROLD ROBERT5 WILSON (CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born November 27, 1926 in Parma, Missouri, and died June 04, 1995 in Josephine Co., Selma, Oregon. He met (1) VIRGINIA RIEVERA. He married (2) JOYCE. Notes for HAROLD ROBERT WILSON: Harold was working on Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Vallejo, California when he was drafted into the Army. He spent time on Korea and was evactuated from Japan three days before the atom bomb was dropped . While in Korea a bomb blew up a bldg. very near him and damaged his hearing. He drew a small disability pension from the loss of his hearing. While working on Mare Island he met and married his first wife, Virginia, the mother of his children. Harold had moved Virginia to Kelseyville C., next door to his parents inorder for her to have help while he served in the Army. When he returned home, he had jobs of caring for pear orchards. He went back to school in order to learn pruning, grafting and spraying. He even flew a small airplane. ( I only went one time with him for a flight,,, that was enough) Harold's real love was to be a hunter, which he did every free day or evening he had. But he finally obtained a job as a state hunter. Later he was a federal hunter. The stories he told about events during his years of hunting are wonderful. Harold had the gift of being able to master any thing he wanted, he played guitar,, took up welding and became a foreman. Harold always kept in touch with all his siblings, he wanted to help each and every one in any way he could. harold passed away in 1996, but will never be forgotten and always missed. More About HAROLD ROBERT WILSON: Burial: Veteran's Cemetary-, Oregon Children of HAROLD WILSON and VIRGINIA RIEVERA are: 49. i. CAROL JUNE6 WILSON. 50. ii. SUSAN LOUISE WILSON. 51. iii. JUDY WILSON. 52. iv. JANET IRENE WILSON. 53. v. HAROLD ROBERT, JR. WILSON, b. February 28, 1961, Redwood Valley, Ca.. 54. vi. JOSEPH WILSON, b. September 16, 1968, Arcata, California. 31. CHARLES EDWARD5 WILSON (CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born February 23, 1929 in Newport, Arkansas. He met (1) JEAN CHARLTON. She was born August 17, 1930 in Dallas, Texas. He married (2) LORRAINE REED March 30, 1956, daughter of FREEMAN REED and ELVA TUCKER. She was born April 04, 1935 in Kelseyville, California. Notes for CHARLES EDWARD WILSON: Charles Edward and Barbara Jean were divorced, both have remarried. Charles is married to Lorraine, who has three children, Mitchell, Roy Lee and Edwina. Barbara Jean married Lorraine's ex-husband, Mr. Phillips. Charles also had a love for hunting and was a state hunter until he retired. During his "work" years he also had a Xmas tree farm in northern California. He currently lives in Oregon, has a few cattle and still spends a lot of time doing what he loves most,,hunting. Children of CHARLES WILSON and JEAN CHARLTON are: 55. i. DAVID MONROE6 WILSON, b. March 28, 1947, Lakeport, California - County of Lake. 56. ii. BONNIE JEAN WILSON, b. May 05, 1950, Lakeport, California - County of Lake. 57. iii. KAREN WILSON, b. August 29, 1951, Lakeport, California - County of Lake. 58. iv. DONALD EDWARD WILSON, b. September 12, 1954, Lakeport, California - County of Lake. v. CHARLENE GAIL WILSON, b. September 27, 1955, Lakeport, California - County of Lake; m. PATRICK LEE BROWN, April 19, 1975; b. February 04, 1952, Seattle, Washington. 32. AVERY GEORGE5 WILSON (CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born November 13, 1930 in Pine Bluff, Arkansas (Doylestown). He married (1) LILA PATZER, daughter of BENJAMIN PATZER and LYDIA MERKEL. He married (2) ELAINE WOODS. Notes for AVERY GEORGE WILSON: A.G. served as a teletype operator, after enlisting in the United States Air Force. He spent time in Guam and later in Idaho, where he met and married his first wife, Lila. He later married "Laney" A.G. has lived apart from family since he went into the Air Force, so little is known about his life style, his loves, his hates. He and Laney attend church, have hobbies, rarely visit family and is lax with phoning or writing., As a teen ager A.G. was popular, loved to dance, had very close friends, was a lot of fun to be around. He was the clean cut, nice teen age boy every mother wished for. Children of AVERY WILSON and LILA PATZER are: 59. i. DIANE JEAN6 WILSON, b. March 23, 1953, Fairchild AFB, Washington. 60. ii. JEFFERY ALLAN WILSON, b. May 09, 1957, Coeur D'Alene, Idaho. 33. DOROTHY LEE5 WILSON (CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born March 27, 1932 in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. She married JACKIE LEE COTY December 28, 1947 in Lakeport, California, son of ORLEY COTY and GLADYS SALLING. He was born December 09, 1929 in Cozad, Ne. Lincoln Co., and died June 17, 1986 in Anchorage, Alaska. More About JACKIE LEE COTY: Burial: June 21, 1986, Anchor Point, Alaska Children of DOROTHY WILSON and JACKIE COTY are: 61. i. DENNIS WAYNE6 COTY, b. June 27, 1948, Eureka, Ca. Humbolt Co.; d. February 26, 2002, Loma Linda VA Hospital. 62. ii. LINDA LEE COTY, b. August 08, 1949, Lakeport, Ca. Lake Co.. 63. iii. YVONNE MARIE COTY, b. December 12, 1953, Norco, Ca. Riverside Co.. 64. iv. LOREN DALE COTY, b. June 04, 1956, Artesia, Ca. L.A. Co.; d. July 1978, California. 65. v. CARRIE DARLENE COTY, b. August 08, 1959, Indio, Ca. Riverside Co.. 34. NOLA LOUISE (MEG)5 WILSON (CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born September 25, 1934 in Darysaw, Arkansas (Sheridan) Grant Co.. She married WILLIAM CLYDE KELSEY October 29, 1949 in Lakeport, California, son of ORRIN KELSEY and JESSIE DAVIS. He was born October 29, 1927 in Chandler, Texas Smith Co., and died November 12, 1996 in Cave Junction, Oregon Josephine Co.. Notes for NOLA LOUISE (MEG) WILSON: First called Meg by her oldest brother, Harold. Not as a compliment, but because he accused her of acting as if she were Princess Meg. The moniker was overheard by her to be husband, William and he picked it up and called her Meg the rest of her life. Needless to say everyone else did too except for her mother. Notes for WILLIAM CLYDE KELSEY: William ( Bill ) Kelsey joined the Navy in 1942, served as a SeaBee, on Okinawa, Japan. He was discharged one day, reenlisted the next and served again. In all he served seven years in the Navy. He met his wife while stationed in Alameda, while on duty at the alternate Mars base at Lakeport, Ca. The Mars base was set up on the "Clear Lake" site for the Mars planes to land when Alameda was fogged in, or weather too rough. Bill was a talanted sign painter and in 1950 started to work at the Benicia Arsenal, later at Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield, Ca. Where he stayed for over 20 years. He put signs on many of the airplanes, plus painted camoed VIP planes . Once for President Ron Reagan. Bill did all his work free hand, and was a master at doing gold leaf signs. At the time he went to work at Travis, it was due to being the only qualified sign painter in northern California. Bill and Brady's first cousin, Farris Sinclair was killed on the Arizona ship at Pear Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941. Bill's serial number was 358 65 98 , was in the 1091 CB Detachment, entered 22, Mar. 1945, CB #630. He had 10 mo. of Sea Duty, rank AS, S2C, SLC, Ptu 3C. He was on Okinawa on June 5, 1945 when the big typhoon hit causing a lot of damage. Bill was unhurt, just upset as he lost his watch when his arm got buried in the sand. Later he got a bayonet through his left arm from a Jap, hiding in a cave. He carried the scar forever. More About WILLIAM CLYDE KELSEY: Burial: April 1997, Magalia, California Butte Co. Cause of Death: Heart Failure Medical Information: Bill had open heart surgery in 1994, kidneys failed and was on dialys for 27 months before having a fatal heart attack on Nov. 12, 1996. He had arrested three times earlier. Children of NOLA WILSON and WILLIAM KELSEY are: 66. i. WILLIAM MICHAEL6 KELSEY, b. March 01, 1951, Vallejo, California Solano Co.. 67. ii. HAROLD RAY KELSEY, b. August 06, 1953, Lakeport, California - County of Lake. 35. ALICE FAYE5 WILSON (CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born February 01, 1937. She met (1) JOSEPH SUTTON. She met (2) WARREN HARRIS. She met (3) DEAN WEMKEN. She married (4) OVERTON ESTES. Children of ALICE WILSON and JOSEPH SUTTON are: 68. i. TOMINA6 SUTTON. 69. ii. LYNETTE SUTTON. 36. NATHAN ALBERT5 WILSON (CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born February 14, 1937. He married ANNE HERRERA. Children of NATHAN WILSON and ANNE HERRERA are: 70. i. JON6 WILSON, b. Palm Springs, Ca.. 71. ii. KEN WILSON, b. Palm Springs, Ca.. 37. LORETTA ANN5 WILSON (CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born February 18, 1942 in Yuba City, Ca.. She married RAY BRASHEARS April 13, 1963 in Vallejo, California, son of PAUL BRASHEARS and PARADINE COOTS. He was born October 19, 1932 in Lepanto, Arkansas. Children of LORETTA WILSON and RAY BRASHEARS are: 72. i. CARRIE ANN6 BRASHEARS, b. January 07, 1966, Vallejo, California. 73. ii. LORAY LYNN, b. March 22, 1968, Vallejo, Ca.. 38. BAZZLE JOHN -JR.5 WILSON (CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born February 01, 1944 in Lakeport, California. He married DIANE SUSAN BURTON January 1968. Notes for DIANE SUSAN BURTON: Dian Susan Burton Wilson, remarried, to a Gary Edward Wilson. Parents are Donald and Jewell Burton. Diane and Gary lived in Jan Jose, Ca. Addresses are Springer Way, Woodgrove Lane, West Taylor St, and possibly others. More About DIANE SUSAN BURTON: Divorced: 1971 Child of BAZZLE WILSON and DIANE BURTON is: i. GEGORY DORMAN6 WILSON, b. October 15, 1968, Vallejo, California Solano Co.. 39. GEORGE5 PARK (ERNEST IVAN4, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) He married LINDA. Children of GEORGE PARK and LINDA are: i. GEORGE JR.6 PARK. ii. ERIN PARK. 40. STEVEN5 LAYSHOT (EULAN VANCE4, ESTHER3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born November 17, 1947 in Richmond, California. He married LUCINDA. Children of STEVEN LAYSHOT and LUCINDA are: i. NICHOLE6 LAYSHOT, b. 1980. ii. DANIEL LAYSHOT, b. 1983. 41. WILLIAM5 ANTELL (MERLE WILLIAM4, WILLIAM MCKINLEY3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born October 10, 1946. He married GAIL OHARA. Children of WILLIAM ANTELL and GAIL OHARA are: i. WENDY LYNN6 ANTELL, b. February 26, 1971. ii. TRISHA LEIGH ANTELL, b. June 09, 1973. 42. SHERIDA RAY5 ANTELL (RAYMOND ROLAND4, WILLIAM MCKINLEY3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born August 08, 1946 in Vallejo, California. She married WATLINGTON. Children of SHERIDA ANTELL and WATLINGTON are: i. RAYMOND6 WATLINGTON, b. July 29, 1964, Midwest City, Ok.. ii. KELLY DAWN WATLINGTON, b. November 26, 1968, Midwest City, Ok.. 43. MARY FRANCIS5 ANTELL (RAYMOND ROLAND4, WILLIAM MCKINLEY3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born July 19, 1950 in Menlo Park, Ca.. She married UNKNOWN BAKER. Children of MARY ANTELL and UNKNOWN BAKER are: i. ANGELA6 BAKER, b. September 21, 1968, Midwest City, Ok.. ii. CHRISTOPHER BAKER, b. April 12, 1971, Midwest City, Ok.. Generation No. 6 44. DEBRA FAY6 PARK (MERLE IVAN5, CHARLES EDWARD4, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born September 20, 1953. She married KEVIN MEIKLEHAM May 12, 1975. Children of DEBRA PARK and KEVIN MEIKLEHAM are: i. JERAY7 MEIKLEHAM, b. April 09, 1981. ii. MIKAL PARK, b. September 04, 1968. 45. MELINDA KAY6 EURICK (JOHNNY LOU5 SAVELL, LUCY MELINDA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born February 14, 1969 in Long Beach, Ca., and died January 15, 1999 in Sacramento, Ca.. She married SERAL PHILLIP ASHLEY June 21, 1991. More About MELINDA KAY EURICK: Burial: Citrus Heights, Ca. Child of MELINDA EURICK and SERAL ASHLEY is: i. SARAH7 ASHLEY. 46. LYDIA GAIL6 PARK (VIRGEL CLYDE5, GEORGE WILLIAM4, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born April 12, 1957. She married ROBERT ALLEN JOHNS JR. September 16, 1978. Children of LYDIA PARK and ROBERT JR. are: i. MEREDITH LAYNE7 JOHNS, b. December 03, 1979. ii. CHRISTOPHER ELLIOTT JOHNS, b. September 21, 1982. 47. KELLY RAY6 PARK (VIRGEL CLYDE5, GEORGE WILLIAM4, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born November 06, 1963. He married PATRICIA PARK. Child of KELLY PARK and PATRICIA PARK is: i. MORGAN KATHERINE7 PARK, b. December 06, 1994. 48. SCOTT ALLEN6 PARK (VIRGEL CLYDE5, GEORGE WILLIAM4, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born December 11, 1971. He married YVETTE PARK. Children of SCOTT PARK and YVETTE PARK are: i. CODY CLYDE7 PARK. ii. HALEY ELIZABETH PARK. 49. CAROL JUNE6 WILSON (HAROLD ROBERT5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) She married RONALD SMITH. Children of CAROL WILSON and RONALD SMITH are: 74. i. CHERYL7 SMITH. 75. ii. ROBERT SMITH. 50. SUSAN LOUISE6 WILSON (HAROLD ROBERT5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) She married STANLEY JUTTEN. Children of SUSAN WILSON and STANLEY JUTTEN are: i. CANDANCE7 JUTTEN. ii. CHRISTY JUTTEN. 51. JUDY6 WILSON (HAROLD ROBERT5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) She married (1) TYLER THOMPSON. She married (2) TED UNKNOWN. She married (3) ED LOKHEM. Child of JUDY WILSON and TYLER THOMPSON is: 76. i. TYLER JR.7 THOMPSON. 52. JANET IRENE6 WILSON (HAROLD ROBERT5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) She married MIKE SMART. Children of JANET WILSON and MIKE SMART are: i. JENNIFER7 SMART. ii. JENILLE SMART. 53. HAROLD6 ROBERT, JR. WILSON (HAROLD ROBERT5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born February 28, 1961 in Redwood Valley, Ca.. He married ROBIN LYNN WILCOX COOTS August 01, 1989. She was born July 18, 1959 in Hollywood, Ca.. Children of HAROLD ROBERT and ROBIN COOTS are: i. DAVID LOUIS7 COE, b. May 30, 1981. ii. HAROLD ROBERT WILSON, b. May 22, 1983. iii. SABRINA MARIIE WILSON, b. May 30, 1987. iv. RUSTY JOSEPH WILSON, b. July 04, 1993. 54. JOSEPH6 WILSON (HAROLD ROBERT5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born September 16, 1968 in Arcata, California. He married KIMBERLY MARIE MCCOY. She was born April 08, 1973 in Los Angeles, Ca.. Children of JOSEPH WILSON and KIMBERLY MCCOY are: i. JESSIE ROBERT7 WILSON, b. December 13, 1992. ii. DYLAN JAMES WILSON, b. July 31, 1994. 55. DAVID MONROE6 WILSON (CHARLES EDWARD5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born March 28, 1947 in Lakeport, California - County of Lake. He married SHARON RACHEL HODGE August 05, 1966, daughter of CHARLIE HODGE and LORETTA CONGLETON. She was born October 05, 1947 in White Salmon, Washington. Notes for SHARON RACHEL HODGE: Parents of Sharon Hodge are Charlie Newton Hodge and Luretta Norma Congleton Hodge. Charlie was born Jasn. 1, 1901 in Laurel Co. Ky., Luretta born July 3, 1919 in St Ignace, Michigan. Children of DAVID WILSON and SHARON HODGE are: 77. i. TRACY RACHEL7 WILSON, b. December 30, 1969, Roseburg, Oregon. 78. ii. DAVID CHARLES WILSON, b. October 28, 1967, Roseburg, Oregon. 56. BONNIE JEAN6 WILSON (CHARLES EDWARD5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born May 05, 1950 in Lakeport, California - County of Lake. She married JOHN RAYMOND ARGO August 10, 1967. Children of BONNIE WILSON and JOHN ARGO are: i. TIA LYNN7 ARGO, b. January 17, 1968; m. JAMES LLOYD, March 28, 1987, Roseburg, Oregon. ii. NOEL WADE ARGO, b. September 04, 1970; d. January 1971, Roseburg, Oregon. iii. TYEE OREGON ARGO. iv. BRUCE RAYMOND ARGO, b. January 27, 1974. 57. KAREN6 WILSON (CHARLES EDWARD5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born August 29, 1951 in Lakeport, California - County of Lake. She married WILLIAM WADE SMITH 1970. Children of KAREN WILSON and WILLIAM SMITH are: 79. i. GALE JEAN7 SMITH, b. August 24, 1969. ii. SARAH LEE SMITH, b. March 18, 1971; d. December 15, 1980, Hayfork, California. Notes for SARAH LEE SMITH: When Sarah died in 1980, the shock was total, as it was thought she had the flu. However it was meningitis. She was such a little girl, one wonders why, and asks why? Never finding an answer as to why God wanted her so soon. At the funeral of Sarah's, a poem was read that her Grandmother, Opal J. Smith wrote. " Sarah of Mine " A little girl and tom--boy all in one: Someone so full of life and had such fun, A smile so gentle and gay Touch our lives so many ways. Brown eyes so bright and snappy Made everyones life a little more happy A special love for everyone and everything Gave your heart so much joy you could sing. A sister so special and true One you could tell your problems to When she was so tiny and small She was afraid of creepy critters, bugs and all A blanket she carries that mama made To keep her body warm where ever she laid I remember when she was so small, how she would stumble and fall She would look up and give a smile and sigh as if to say I hope I'll not always be this way A fishing hook she could not bait, Oh Lord, why couldn't you wait, Up in heaven with Him to stay. Maybe to be a bright and shinning star, To help light the world near and far, Or an angel for a special day or just to be happy and gay. To help calm the angry sea or to be with Him through all enternity. But one day I know, He will let me see, Why he took her away from me. Why He gave that special call, For my Sarah, so tiny and small. iii. JAMIE LYNN SMITH, b. November 20, 1976. 58. DONALD EDWARD6 WILSON (CHARLES EDWARD5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born September 12, 1954 in Lakeport, California - County of Lake. He married CINDY SUE HUTCHISON September 18, 1971 in Vancouver, Washington, daughter of DAVID HUTCHISON and EVELYN BLOSSOM. She was born June 06, 1954 in Douglas, Kansas. Notes for DONALD EDWARD WILSON: Don and Cindy took a foster child in 1984, one John Wesley May Jr. born June 19, 1974, born in Florence, Oregon. Children of DONALD WILSON and CINDY HUTCHISON are: i. STACY WAYNE7 WILSON, b. July 06, 1972, Mercy Hosp. Douglas Co. Oregon. ii. CARL GENE WILSON, b. July 23, 1973, Douglas Community Hosp. Douglas Co. Oregon; m. AMY, June 1993. iii. NATHAN LAWRENCE WILSON, b. July 06, 1980, Douglas Communiy Hosp. Douglas Co. Oregon. iv. STEPHANIE DAWN WILSON, b. June 24, 1981, Douglas Community Hosp. Douglas Co. Oregon. 59. DIANE JEAN6 WILSON (AVERY GEORGE5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born March 23, 1953 in Fairchild AFB, Washington. She married C. LORRIN BERRY August 19, 1973 in Spangle, Washington, son of CLYDE BERRY and BETTY THOMSPON. He was born September 12, 1947 in La Grande, Oregon. Notes for DIANE JEAN WILSON: Diane Jean and C. Lorrin adopted Tasha Diane at birth. Child of DIANE WILSON and C. BERRY is: i. TASHA DIANE7 BERRY, b. February 03, 1986, Portland, Oregon. 60. JEFFERY ALLAN6 WILSON (AVERY GEORGE5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born May 09, 1957 in Coeur D'Alene, Idaho. He married (1) LORRAINE JEAN PARKER June 19, 1977, daughter of CALVIN PARKER and JOANNE JEAN. She was born February 01, 1957 in Spokane, Washington. He married (2) LORETTA JANE WADE WILLSEY August 2000. Notes for JEFFERY ALLAN WILSON: Jeffery Allen Wilson and Lorraine adopted Emily, Katie and Shane. Jeff and Lori divorced prior to 2000, and Jeff married Loretta, a childhood sweetheart. Loretta was divorced from Terry Lee Willsey, the father of her children. Children of JEFFERY WILSON and LORRAINE PARKER are: i. EMILY7 WILSON, b. August 22, 1989, Seoul, South Korea. ii. KATIE WILSON, b. December 29, 1990, Zhanjiang City, China. iii. SHANE ALLAN WILSON, b. October 07, 1990, Moses Lake, Washington; d. November 16, 1990, Moses Lake, Washington. 61. DENNIS WAYNE6 COTY (DOROTHY LEE5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born June 27, 1948 in Eureka, Ca. Humbolt Co., and died February 26, 2002 in Loma Linda VA Hospital. He married (1) BONNIE MCGEE. He married (2) LORAY GRANT 1967 in Coachella, Ca., daughter of RICHARD GRANT and MARYLIN UNKNOWN. She was born 1949. Notes for DENNIS WAYNE COTY: Dennis married Bonnie, lives in southern Ca. Child of DENNIS COTY and LORAY GRANT is: 80. i. CHRISTOPHER TODD7 COTY, b. June 26, 1970, Okinawa, Japan. 62. LINDA LEE6 COTY (DOROTHY LEE5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born August 08, 1949 in Lakeport, Ca. Lake Co.. She married (1) PAUL HENSON. He was born August 1950, and died December 26, 1992 in Carson City, Nevada. She married (2) LARRY BRADLEY. Notes for LINDA LEE COTY: Jason and Jacob father is Harold Henson, Father of twins, Jasmine and Jacqueline is Larry Bradley. Children of LINDA COTY and PAUL HENSON are: i. JASON PAUL7 HENSON, b. October 18, 1972. ii. JACOB CURTIS HENSON, b. April 04, 1977. iii. JASMINE AMBER COTY, b. April 20, 1981. iv. JACQUELINE FRANCINE COTY, b. April 20, 1981. 63. YVONNE MARIE6 COTY (DOROTHY LEE5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born December 12, 1953 in Norco, Ca. Riverside Co.. She married BRUCE MARLON SHIPMAN September 07, 1975, son of MARVIN SHIPMAN and WANDA ALBRITTON. He was born March 17, 1950 in Tampa, Florida. Children of YVONNE COTY and BRUCE SHIPMAN are: 81. i. JAYNA MARIE7 SHIPMAN, b. September 09, 1976, Yerington, Nv.. ii. JARAD PATRICK SHIPMAN, b. April 04, 1978, Tampa, Fl.. iii. ATHEN PATRICK SHIPMAN, b. March 06, 1981, Kingsbeach , Ca.; m. AMANDA LYNN HAM, March 12, 1999, Carrabelle, Fl.. 64. LOREN DALE6 COTY (DOROTHY LEE5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born June 04, 1956 in Artesia, Ca. L.A. Co., and died July 1978 in California. He married CLARICE WHITFIELD. She died June 14, 1988. Notes for LOREN DALE COTY: Loren was hit by a hit and run in the desert area of southern Ca. Child of LOREN COTY and CLARICE WHITFIELD is: 82. i. AMBER LAUREN DALE7 COTY, b. 1978. 65. CARRIE DARLENE6 COTY (DOROTHY LEE5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born August 08, 1959 in Indio, Ca. Riverside Co.. She married JAMIE HULL. Children of CARRIE COTY and JAMIE HULL are: i. CHRISTOPHER NOEL7 HULL, b. July 27, 1977. ii. DUSTON HULL, b. December 10, 1980. 66. WILLIAM MICHAEL6 KELSEY (NOLA LOUISE (MEG)5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born March 01, 1951 in Vallejo, California Solano Co.. He married DEBRA LOUISE LITTLE March 13, 1971 in Lake Tahoe, Nev.. She was born October 10, 1953. Notes for WILLIAM MICHAEL KELSEY: W. Michael and Debra were divorced in the 1980"s. As yet neither has remarried, however both have "partners." W, Michael and Laura Smith live at 11 Del Centro in Benicia, California. Laura two youngest children reside with them. Nicole and Billy. Children of WILLIAM KELSEY and DEBRA LITTLE are: 83. i. DESIREE'7 KELSEY, b. July 23, 1972, Vallejo, California Solano Co.. 84. ii. DEANNA KELSEY, b. May 08, 1975, Vallejo, California Solano Co.. 85. iii. MICHAEL JAMES KELSEY, b. April 03, 1977, Vallejo, California Solano Co.. 67. HAROLD RAY6 KELSEY (NOLA LOUISE (MEG)5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born August 06, 1953 in Lakeport, California - County of Lake. He married (1) CHRISTINE DICKERSON March 28, 1970 in Benicia, California. He married (2) DEANNE MICHELLE ABEYTA January 16, 1982 in Benicia, California. She was born December 28, 1960 in Concord, California. More About HAROLD RAY KELSEY: Divorced: 1976 Children of HAROLD KELSEY and CHRISTINE DICKERSON are: 86. i. SHANNAN RANEE'7 KELSEY, b. January 18, 1971, Vallejo, California. 87. ii. RAYLYNN KELSEY, b. February 20, 1975, Vallejo, California. 88. iii. DENISE KELSEY, b. April 19, 1976. Children of HAROLD KELSEY and DEANNE ABEYTA are: iv. JENNIFER NICOLE7 KELSEY, b. January 18, 1983. v. TIFFANY RAE KELSEY, b. August 23, 1984. 68. TOMINA6 SUTTON (ALICE FAYE5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) She met (1) STEVE JONES. She met (2) LARRY STANCLIFF. Child of TOMINA SUTTON and STEVE JONES is: i. BREANNE JONES7 SUTTON. Child of TOMINA SUTTON and LARRY STANCLIFF is: ii. BRAD STANCLIFF7 SUTTON. 69. LYNETTE6 SUTTON (ALICE FAYE5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) She married KEVIN RUDE. Children of LYNETTE SUTTON and KEVIN RUDE are: i. TASHA7 RUDE. ii. JOHNATHAN RUDE. iii. JUSTIN RUDE. iv. KEITH RUDE. v. JACOB RUDE. 70. JON6 WILSON (NATHAN ALBERT5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born in Palm Springs, Ca.. He married (1) ETIENNA (E.T.). He married (2) JANET. Children of JON WILSON and ETIENNA (E.T.) are: i. KARI7 WILSON. ii. JONATHAN WILSON. 71. KEN6 WILSON (NATHAN ALBERT5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born in Palm Springs, Ca.. He married DIANE (DEE-DEE). Children of KEN WILSON and DIANE (DEE-DEE) are: i. ZACK7 WILSON. ii. BRICE WILSON. iii. ALEXANDRIA WILSON. 72. CARRIE ANN6 BRASHEARS (LORETTA ANN5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born January 07, 1966 in Vallejo, California. She married (1) PHILLIP WHITTINGTON. She married (2) DAVID REID April 06, 1991 in Texas. He was born in Texas. Children of CARRIE BRASHEARS and DAVID REID are: i. CHELSEA7 REID, b. May 01, 1995. ii. ADAIN REID, b. February 25, 1997. iii. STEPHEN PIERCE WITTINGTON REID, b. April 27, 1988. 73. LORAY6 LYNN (LORETTA ANN5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born March 22, 1968 in Vallejo, Ca.. She married WILLIAM ROBERTSON in Benicia, California. Children of LORAY LYNN and WILLIAM ROBERTSON are: i. SHERIDANRAY7 ROBERTSON, b. December 11, 1992. ii. ALLEYSA ANN ROBERTSON, b. December 24, 1994. Generation No. 7 74. CHERYL7 SMITH (CAROL JUNE6 WILSON, HAROLD ROBERT5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) She married GEORGE UNKNOWN. Children of CHERYL SMITH and GEORGE UNKNOWN are: i. MARCUS8. ii. LUCAS. iii. GEORGE. iv. KAYCEE. 75. ROBERT7 SMITH (CAROL JUNE6 WILSON, HAROLD ROBERT5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) He married TANASHA UNKNOWN. Child of ROBERT SMITH and TANASHA UNKNOWN is: i. ALEX8 SMITH. 76. TYLER JR.7 THOMPSON (JUDY6 WILSON, HAROLD ROBERT5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) He married (2) LISA. Children of TYLER JR. THOMPSON are: i. ALEX8 THOMPSON. ii. CHRISTOPHER THOMPSON. Child of TYLER THOMPSON and LISA is: iii. NICKIE8 THOMPSON. 77. TRACY RACHEL7 WILSON (DAVID MONROE6, CHARLES EDWARD5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born December 30, 1969 in Roseburg, Oregon. She married JAY ROCK POPE June 22, 1991 in Tenmile, Oregon, son of ROCK POPE and CHARLOTTE WALCH. He was born February 20, 1967 in Bandon, Oregon. Notes for JAY ROCK POPE: Devan is the son of Jay Pope and Stephaine Baird. Child of TRACY WILSON and JAY POPE is: i. DEVAN JAY8 POPE, b. November 08, 1987, \Roseburg, Oregon. 78. DAVID CHARLES7 WILSON (DAVID MONROE6, CHARLES EDWARD5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born October 28, 1967 in Roseburg, Oregon. He married DENYSE MARIE POPE July 13, 1988 in Roseburg Oregon. She was born March 27, 1968 in New Jersey. Notes for DAVID CHARLES WILSON: David is a member of the Methodist church, was baptized in 1968 in Tenmile, Oregon Child of DAVID WILSON and DENYSE POPE is: i. CHARLES ALEXANDER8 WILSON, b. May 03, 1991, Oakland, California. 79. GALE JEAN7 SMITH (KAREN6 WILSON, CHARLES EDWARD5, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born August 24, 1969. She married JIM PHILLIPS. Children of GALE SMITH and JIM PHILLIPS are: i. COLTON8 PHILLIPS, b. 1991. ii. AUSTIN PHILLIPS. 80. CHRISTOPHER TODD7 COTY (DENNIS WAYNE6, DOROTHY LEE5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born June 26, 1970 in Okinawa, Japan. He married (1) JULLIANA WEATHERS 1985 in Napa, Ca.. She was born January 18, 1970. He married (2) ARY B. INTHAXAY 1992 in South Lake Tahoe, Nevada. She was born December 31, 1974 in Laos. Child of CHRISTOPHER COTY and JULLIANA WEATHERS is: i. SARAH ELIZABETH8 COTY. 81. JAYNA MARIE7 SHIPMAN (YVONNE MARIE6 COTY, DOROTHY LEE5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born September 09, 1976 in Yerington, Nv.. She married (1) JAIRCINIO MUNOZ. She met (2) CHARLES CHENG PHILIPS, son of PHIL PHILIPS and KATHY PHILIPS. He was born April 18, 1878 in Abelene, Texas. Child of JAYNA SHIPMAN and JAIRCINIO MUNOZ is: i. KALILA ISLA8 MUNOZ, b. May 08, 1995, So, Lake Tahoe, Ca.. Children of JAYNA SHIPMAN and CHARLES PHILIPS are: ii. LANI LEI8 PHILLIPS, b. July 24, 2000, Tucson, Arizone. iii. JASMINE LEI PHILLIPS, b. December 30, 2001, Mercy San Juan Hosp., Carmichael, Ca. (Sacramento). 82. AMBER LAUREN DALE7 COTY (LOREN DALE6, DOROTHY LEE5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born 1978. She married PACO 2001. Child of AMBER COTY and PACO is: i. KYRA8 COTY. 83. DESIREE'7 KELSEY (WILLIAM MICHAEL6, NOLA LOUISE (MEG)5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born July 23, 1972 in Vallejo, California Solano Co.. She married BOBBY ENOS November 02, 1991. Notes for DESIREE' KELSEY: Desiree and Primo Rosal are the parents of Anthony Kelsey, Desiree and husband, Robert Enos is the parents of Katrina Leanne Enos. Desiree and Sean are the parents of Sean Patrick Kelsey Children of DESIREE' KELSEY and BOBBY ENOS are: i. ANTHONY8 KELSEY, b. August 17, 1989. ii. KATRINA LEANN ENOS, b. May 14, 1992. iii. SEAN PATRICK ARTHUR, b. November 1998. 84. DEANNA7 KELSEY (WILLIAM MICHAEL6, NOLA LOUISE (MEG)5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born May 08, 1975 in Vallejo, California Solano Co.. She married HAROLD HELSEL in Texas. Children of DEANNA KELSEY and HAROLD HELSEL are: i. ELIZABETH RANEE8 KELSEY, b. January 17, 1990. ii. ABAGAIL LYNN HELSEL, b. December 22, 1997. iii. AUTUMN MARIE HELSEL, b. December 02, 1999. 85. MICHAEL JAMES7 KELSEY (WILLIAM MICHAEL6, NOLA LOUISE (MEG)5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born April 03, 1977 in Vallejo, California Solano Co.. He married JOLEEN BRUDVIG in Arkansas. Child of MICHAEL KELSEY and JOLEEN BRUDVIG is: i. CHRISTAN MICHAEL8 KELSEY, b. August 08, 1998, Arkansas. 86. SHANNAN RANEE'7 KELSEY (HAROLD RAY6, NOLA LOUISE (MEG)5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born January 18, 1971 in Vallejo, California. She met (1) CHRISTOPHER CHARLES DEMATTEO LL. He was born April 12, 1973 in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. She met (2) MORGAN HOUSNER. She met (3) ROB BETCHER. Notes for SHANNAN RANEE' KELSEY: Parents of Crystal: Rob Betcher b. Jan 1, 1968. Rob's mother is victoria Hutton. Parents of Jessica Shaylynn is Morgan Hausner, b. Oct. 10, 1969, parents of Morgan Clyde Hausner are Horst Hausner, b. in Germany and Cecilia Buskini. Christopher Charles DeMatteo 11, parents are Christopher C. DeMatteo 1, b. Dec. 17, 1941 in Brooklyn, N.Y. and Catherine Ann Fresone, b. April 10, 1948 in Brooklyn, N.Y. Children of SHANNAN KELSEY and CHRISTOPHER LL are: i. CRYSTAL8 KELSEY, b. July 12, 1988. ii. JESSICA SHALYNN KELSEY, b. July 29, 1992. iii. NICHOLAS RAY DEMATTEO, b. October 26, 1999. 87. RAYLYNN7 KELSEY (HAROLD RAY6, NOLA LOUISE (MEG)5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born February 20, 1975 in Vallejo, California. She met SCOTTIE AMMONS. He was born 1971 in N.C.. Notes for SCOTTIE AMMONS: Scottie Ammons is also father of Cody Ammons, born in 1994. Scotties's parents are David and Barbara Ammons. David is half Lumbie Indian and half Columbian. Child of RAYLYNN KELSEY and SCOTTIE AMMONS is: i. KAYLA MARIE8 KELSEY, b. 1997, CT.. 88. DENISE7 KELSEY (HAROLD RAY6, NOLA LOUISE (MEG)5 WILSON, CARRIE HENRETTA4 PARK, ARVILLA3 ANTELL, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born April 19, 1976. She married / KALINOWSKI. Children of DENISE KELSEY and / KALINOWSKI are: i. MAX8 KALINOWSKI. ii. JUPITER KALINOWSKI.