Vaccine Information Workshops


With the news and TV full of programs regarding vaccine safety, it is sometimes difficult to decide what a parent should know in order to make decisions regarding immunizations. You can spend hours on the Internet and still not have all your questions answered. And, unfortunately for many, taking your questions to your doctor may not elicit information other than the straight AMA and AAP line.

Kathy does workshops to help both parents and health care professionals explore the risks of vaccines and the benefits of natural immunity. Workshop attendees receive a packet of information containing some of the latest research available and participate in a question and answer session. Questions not answered in the workshop are answered by correspondence when possible.

Vaccine Information for the Health Care Professional

A survey in Australia reveals that 89% of doctors admit to getting the bulk of their information about pharmaceuticals from the drug company salesman. (The Australian Doctor 1989) Information uncovered by Congress, the FDA, and concerned consumers indicates the drug companies are not always forthcoming about the safety and efficacy of vaccine tests and that those who help to determine which vaccines are recommended have distinct ties to the drug companies.

Many health care workers say they don't have the time or the energy to stay on top of current vaccine information. Many are ignorant of information that has been around for years. What may be helpful is a workshop that covers some of the more important information out there regarding risks, vaccine make-up and a reproducible packet of information that can be given to the client providing them with a variety of information regarding vaccine choice.

This workshop runs about four hours and includes time for questions and answers. CEU credits have been provided in a variety of settings.

Vaccine Information for the Family

A shorter workshop for parents and other family members provides a more consumer-oriented approach to the vaccine choice question. A simple overview of how the immune system works and which vaccines are currently recommended provides an introduction to the subject. Vaccine and disease benefits and risks are explored, and some simple information on vaccine ingredients is provided. Concerns about school and day care attendance, legal vaccine requirements and legal exemptions are explored. Information about the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System is covered so that parents who may need to file a report on a previous or future reaction are assisted in the process. Finally, a question and answer session round out the workshop so that parents can ask what is most on their minds.

A resource list is provided to each family, as well as a packet of information they can take home and read. Any further communication can be handled through email, US mail or over the phone.

Scheduling Information

Workshops for either professionals or parents can be scheduled by contact Kathy Rateliff via email. Requests should include information on the target audience and several options for workshop dates and times. Details can be worked out from there.

You can purchase an electronic copy of the PowerPoint presentation Kathy uses to teach vaccine safety workshops. For more information about this presentation and her 2006 updated version of "Vaccines: a Matter of Coice, Safety and Value", see the Immunization Choice page.

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