Announcing the Newest Titus 2 Birthing Program:

Certified Christian Monitrice

We have been asked several times to consider offering a monitrice program. After prayer, consideration, meeting with board members, and consult from an attorney, we have determined to move in this direction. The program will be more expensive, but it will require quite a bit more paperwork and supervision, and some significant more responsibility to take care of legal liability. Cost of the program will be an additional $75 over and above the cost of the labor support training for the certification year and $30 per year to maintain certification above and beyond the annual Titus 2 dues of $24.

The Titus 2 Birthing Labor Support training will suffice for training for both the CCD and the new CCM program. There will be some new forms to include: Informed Consent, required Certification of Skill Level, Practice Guidelines, and a Titus 2 Release of Liability Form.

Understand that we will not be providing training in clinical skills! Your training must be acquired elsewhere and must be verified by a qualified, certified instructor (CPM, CNM, RN, doctor, or college medical skills instructor) who can sign off on your verification forms. (Some Titus 2 workshops sponsored by other organizations may choose to offer clinical skills training under their own skills credentialling for the convenience of Titus 2 attendees.)Each and every Skills form will be verified! (This covers our legal liability.) You cannot use clinical skills in this program without skill verification. If you do so, your certification will be revoked. Certification in this program does not guarantee that all skills are legal in your state - you must know what those guidelines are and respond accordingly.

I hope this new program offers a good option for caregivers providing labor support with the use of clinical skills. I also hope it offers a good option for consumers looking for certified professionals with clinical skills who are willing to provide labor support out of hospital. This could be a good option for midwifery students working towards certification but not there yet and those who have let certification lapse for whatever reason.

This certification does not give our birth professionals the ability, responsibility, or authorization to deliver babies, to make diagnoses, or to determine a course of treatment. The purpose of clinical skills is to assist families to remain at home as long as possible before moving to the hospital or birth center or to allow the monitrice to monitor the mom and baby until the midwife or other medical personnel hired to assist delivery arrive.

Circumstances under which these skills might be used include:


Program Guidelines


Required Paperwork:

Required Training:

Program Costs:

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Information Regarding Clinical Skills Training

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