Julito's Heaven

I have a friend named Julito. He used to live with us, but now he lives in heaven. Julito likes to play games with his friends, Joey and Drew. They ride around heaven in a big silver limosine. Sometimes Julito drives the limosine. Sometimes Drew or Joey drives. Sometimes all three boys ride in the back and the limo just drives itself.

Sometimes they drive to the heavenly Pizza Hut and eat as much pizza as they want. Julito gets his with extra, extra extra pepperoni. Sometimes they stop the limosine and play basketball. They become very tall and can leap and jump around the basketball court, just like the players in "Space Jam" do.

Sometimes they ride around heaven in a big train, and they all three are engineers. Julito blows the whistle really loud when they go past the heavenly gates. They have formed a country music band. All three boys play the guitars and the drums. Sometimes they have a concert and a lot of angels come and listen to them play.

One night when I went to bed, I missed Julito so much that I decided to visit him in heaven. I became a white cat with gray spots just like Grandma's cat, except that I had soft furry wings and could fly. I flew up to the side of the silver limo and said "Pardon me, But do you have any Grey Poupon?". We all laughed and laughed. Then I grew really large and all three boys climbed up on my back and we flew all over heaven, waving to everybody. We even saw Mr. and Mrs. Brugh and Mrs. Brugh gave us all a real big hug. After awhile I became tired, so I flew back to the limosine. We all climbed inside, and I became as small as a kitten. I crawled up on Julito's lap and fell asleep. I woke up the next morning back in my own bed!

I still miss Julito all the time, but now I think of him playing and having lots of fun in heaven. I think I'll go back and visit him again really soon.

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