Missy - 09/24/00 15:57:52

It's been a long time, but we still miss him! My kids are always bringing up the fun stuff they all did together!

- 01/19/00 03:46:13


Ada Lopez - 01/19/00 03:45:36
My URL:http://www.compuserve.com/csmix/index.html
My Email:raslopez@cs.com

God Bless Julito

Anne Price - 05/03/99 02:24:41
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/momofrosie/godblessrosie.html
My Email:IMAnne@aol.com

What a wonderful and happy looking boy Julito is. As I have said to so many other parent's on our LOOK list for bereaved, I wish I could have met him. I hope our children are friends in heaven where my Rosie will introduce me to Julito when I join them ome day.

Leigh-Ann - 04/05/99 00:04:35
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/net_angels/
My Email:la@bouncey.force9.co.uk


Thanks for the invitation to your webpage... It is a really neat site and I can tell a lot of work has gone into it.... Please take a look at my site below... Love and Hugz Leigh-Ann aka MiScHeViOuS^

http://members.xoom.com/net_angels/ come visit me...

Jose G Roman - 03/17/99 20:46:21


Diana W. Dean - 02/24/99 05:35:13

Wow, where to start?This guy made nursing FUN!!!

- 02/18/99 04:59:05


MRS.A and Charlie - 01/01/99 18:03:35
My URL:http://www.inergy.com/Carolann
My Email:CarolAtkinson@webtv.net

What a wonderful child, Julito, that God sent to be part of our lives. He is sadly missed by his friends in Troop #38....and Mrs.A and Mr.C Shortly after Julito's death, Charlie was in the yard playing with a balloon. A gush of wind tore the balloon right from his little hand. Normally, Charlie would have cried and been very upset about losing this treasured item, but on this day, he let out giggle and said.."I sent a present to Julito in heaven"

Rhonda - 12/07/98 18:28:28


Rhonda - 12/07/98 18:28:20


Rhonda_H - 12/07/98 18:24:08


debbie oser - 11/04/98 15:44:23
My Email:gormanoser@webtv.net

i lost a premature baby,he was 10 weeks early.the doctor said he was healthy enough to leave,he died in my arms,he was 28 days old.i only had him home for 9 days.that was 2years ago,tomorrow.he was beautiful,my only son.my daughter loved him very much.hi name was william george oser the 3.

debbie oser - 11/04/98 15:34:58
My Email:gormanoser@webtv.net


- 10/21/98 22:22:32


10/04/98 20:22:00
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Nancy Davis - 09/17/98 03:35:56


Susan Grubb - 07/28/98 00:37:54
My Email:jim-susie-grubb@worldnet.att.net

I found your memorial site while searching for info on con. diaphragmatic hernia. I am the mother of a four year old survivor. CDH is very heart-wrenching birth defect. I am glad you julito had a rich and loving family on earth. best regards. susan grubb

Ken Rubin - 07/22/98 19:21:45

I'm a teacher getting students to do memory books. Yours was touching. Thanks!

Valerie - 06/24/98 13:48:10
My Email:vmaples@tsixroads.com

I remember Julito's infectious smile and seemingly endless energy. I am glad I got to meet him that special trip I made with Drew, and there is a certain amount of comfort knowing you two boys are together in heaven, smiling down at us, even as I type. Thank you for giving me a chance to get to know you! Valerie & family :)

lola - 05/01/98 06:15:41
My URL:/~sassyj
My Email:lola1025@airmail.net

nice memorial so sad when kids die before their parents.. i lost two adult children one 23 and 32 my pages are about them...

Rose Bayly - 04/29/98 03:20:02
My Email:r1gardnr@aol.com

What a beautiful surprise to discover Julito's own page!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Julito's life was warm and full of loving. No wonder he lived far beyond his expected lifespan. He was a special fellow, and I will carry the enrichment of having known him all my life. The Ohl family is one in a million. Bless you all. Love, Rose Special hugs to Crystal, who is growing taller than I am!

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