On Friday the 24th September 1999 my mother went to her rest at the hour of 9 pm after waiting to say goodbye to her youngest living son.

I was that son.

My mum was that person who desired to serve others and when at different periods of her life she would be looking after her mother while she was sick.

When anyone in Gundagai needed some help she would be willing to help them and this with the assistance she provided for our family while running the family furniture shop.

After my younger brother was born she would help others as well as care for him.

This lady had a heart that suffered because of the heartlessness of others who lived by the principle of caring for self before anyone else.

My younger brother was born with a disability and for most of the time my mum was the only care giver as we the sons and brothers of that person cared only for ourselves and made the heart of our mother greive.

She was patient especially with me and as I was learning the joy and rewards of caring for one I was learning to give more then to receive was better as it fostered a caring spirit that could only come from GOD.

While my brother was little we would go to Sydney for treatment for him and when he was nearly 10 he had to go into a home in Sydney and mum had to go and stay there for a few weeks three times a year to care for him and others in order to keep the budget of the place down.

Mum enjoyed those times as it fostered a need for others that was group oriented for the good of others in the community.

Mum and dad were always willing to assist anyone in need first family then anyone else then themselves last.


On the day that my mum died she had waited for me to come and to see her even though she found it difficult to speak she let me know that she knew who it was and that she was glad that I was there.

During that time we had a prayer that had an impact on me in that she would hold my hand till the prayer was finished then she let go of my hand.

While I was speaking to God she would squease my hand to tell me to go on as she wanted me to know that she had given herself to the Lord of Hosts.

The poem at the bottom of this page titled Resurrection was placed there to show we do have a hope that at the second coming of Christ we will meet never more to depart and to be in the presence of the Lord of Glory.

With my mum she will rise immortal and we which are alive will be translated by the Word of the Lord to become immortal as He has wanted for our race and so we shall always be with the Lord.



My end is my beginning
And I shall see his face.
My last thought,

my only hope,
Salvation by His grace.

Dust I was before I ran,
And dust after life's race
But my redeemer liveth
That I may see His face!

Shalom! My friends, shalom
Sing the ‘Glory Song' for me
Come resurrection morn!
Together we shall be.

Crescending sound's! Praise!
Hallelujahs ring out,
And soar apace!

 Oh Glory! Glory!  King of Glory!
At last we see thy face!

Nancy Rose Carter. 1987