Luke is ready to go out and deal with the cold!
My Husband and I live on Kodiak Island, Alaska with our family which consits of Luke, (pictured above) Kodi our Black Lab, and the "Boss", Chiquita a 3 lb Chiuhuaha. I will be adding more pictures shortly as well as more information about us and our family. We are originally from Florida and have been in Kodiak since Sept of "93". We enjoy fishing for Salmon and Halibut. We are now in the planning stages working on our next transfer, sometime between the spring and Summer of 99
Here are a links to other sites
My Dobes homepage, Marty Youngs site Char_Jeans Dobe Page The Wolf Pack, Another Cool Dobe Site This is the Page for Doberworld links Marge Sheotes Doberman HomePage Marge Sheotes other Doberman HomePage Aol Instant Messenger LOAD this and CHAT with us when we are ONLINE Download the Latest Version of ICQ, A Very Cool ProgramTHIS IS THE WAY TO PAGE TWO OF BETTY'S PAGETHIS IS THE WAY TO PAGE THREE OF BETTY'S PAGE Drop Me an E-Mail

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