Hello. Thank you for taking time to visit my page and to sign my guest book Hope you were blessed by your visit to my pages. Any comments are welcome (Please keep it clean.) Thank you; Dreama

Melissa Sparks - 11/14/00 23:09:53
My Email:cdreamersdr@aol.com
How did you find me?: dreama
Are you a Christian?: YES
What Church do you go to?: Church Alive
What's your hobby?: reading & making ceramics

" Hello Dreama " I think you have done a Great job I enjoyed the pitures of the children and hope to read your poems later. May God continue to bless you and your family as he has blessed mine. Love, Mississippi {:.)

Melissa Sparks - 11/14/00 22:55:32
My Email:cdreamersdr@aol.com
How did you find me?: dreama
Are you a Christian?: YES


Marcia - 06/14/00 22:25:07
My URL:/Heartland/Shores/7195/
My Email:marcia_cl@yahoo.com
Are you a Christian?: Yes
What Church do you go to?: A/G

Hello! I'm Marcia, your commuity leader from Heartland Helping Hands stopping by. It looks like you're doing a great job here! Your pages are very nice!

Kim Flowers (or silly) - 02/22/00 17:03:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Square/4038
My Email:silly_1979@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: Geocities
Are you a Christian?: Yeah :-)

Kewl page.:-) I really like the graphics.:-)

CJ - 02/07/00 17:46:04
My Email:skylark4@att.net
How did you find me?: was sent one of your poems
Are you a Christian?: yes
What Church do you go to?: Methodist
What's your hobby?: gardening, reading, fly fishin

Motivation is the key to success!

Jeannine - 10/31/99 05:27:08
My Email:jwaken1111@aol.com
How did you find me?: dumb luck
Are you a Christian?: Absolutely!
What Church do you go to?: Roman Catholic
What's your hobby?: Making people happy

I'm not sure I understand all of your web page or your poetry. Not much into fairies or angels or all of that. But the site is pretty.

Kevin Dandrea - 10/21/99 18:01:39
My Email:kdandrea@dotnet.com
How did you find me?: browsing
Are you a Christian?: no
What Church do you go to?: none


Stamatia Aselis - 09/28/99 05:24:52
My Email:suaselis@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: search


Bonnie - 07/05/99 14:09:52
How did you find me?: from a friend
Are you a Christian?: I try to be
What Church do you go to?: Baptist
What's your hobby?: Poetry

I enjoyed reading your poems immensely

Dreama Lake - 05/26/99 04:15:12
My Email:DREAMAinDayton@webtv.net
How did you find me?: By name
Are you a Christian?: yes

Great page ===Great Name !

Eric Knudson - 05/05/99 08:32:28
My Email:kingeidileg@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: your father showed me the page
Are you a Christian?: yes
What Church do you go to?: I don't
What's your hobby?: reading

Very nice page. Well done.

Larry D. Gawatz,Sr. - 04/21/99 01:27:24
My Email:LDGsr@webtv.net
How did you find me?: search
Are you a Christian?: yes
What Church do you go to?: St. James
What's your hobby?: fishing,bowling and citizen band radio

No comments at this time. still checking it out. Looks good.

Cherub Wings - 12/27/98 06:14:17
My URL:www.geocities.com/~rfmez
My Email:mez@shentel.net
How did you find me?: Just passing by
Are you a Christian?: YES
What Church do you go to?: Sacred Heart of Jesus
What's your hobby?: Poetry,painting & genealogy

Enjoyed your poetry! We have much in common, and I had to chuckle when I read that you too had your poetry stashed away! Mine were stashed in a dresser drawer until my husband encouraged me to share them with the world. Please stop by for a visit at: www.geocities.com/~rfmez The Home of "Cherub Wings" Blessings to you and yours, Margaret

Rena Degutis - 12/08/98 18:38:01
My Email:rdegutis@earthlink.net
How did you find me?: web
Are you a Christian?: yes
What Church do you go to?: baptist
What's your hobby?: make porc. dolls, needle crafts

Hi Dreama, Thanks for the choc. chip cookie recipe thought your web page was very country looking with the little apples. Hopefully going to try these cookies for the holiday season. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas, and God Bless. Rena

marsha null - 11/29/98 02:08:40
My Email:marsha@acsworld.net
How did you find me?: typed in cookies
Are you a Christian?: yes
What Church do you go to?: Calvary Bible
What's your hobby?: playing piano

thank you for your recipies. I am going to try several of them

**Darlene** - 11/12/98 08:36:21
My URL:http://www.frontiernet.net/~im4him
My Email:im4him@frontiernet.net
How did you find me?: Do not remember - visited your site before - Love your "Toddler Property Laws."
Are you a Christian?: Yes
What Church do you go to?: I am a missionary - protestant
What's your hobby?: Taking care of children


Author Unknown

A True Story

A soldier was finally coming home after having fought in Vietnam.
He called his parents from San Francisco. "Mom and Dad, I'm coming home, but I've a favor to ask.  I'd like to bring a friend home with me."

"Sure" They replied. "We'd love to meet him."
"There is something you should know", the son continued. "He was hurt pretty badly in the fighting. He stepped on a land mine and lost an arm and leg. He has nowhere else to go, and I want him to come live with us."

"I'm sorry to hear that, son. Maybe we can help him find somewhere to live."

"No, Mom and Dad, I want him to live with us."
"Son," Said the father," You don't know what you are asking.  Someone with such a handicap would be a terrible burden to us. We have our own life to live and we can't let something like this interfere with our lives. I think you should just come home and forget about this guy. He'll find a way to live on his own. "
At that point, the son hung up the phone. The parents heard nothing more from him.  A few days later, however, they received a call from the San Francisco police. Their son had died after falling from a building. They were told. The police believed it was suicide.
The grief stricken parents flew to San Francisco and were taken to the city morgue to identify the body of their son. They recognized him, but to their horror they also discovered something they didn't know their son had only one arm and leg. He himself was the man he wanted to bring home to his Mom and Dad.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- We are so much like the parents in this story. We find it easy to love those who are good looking or fun to have around, but we don't like people who inconvenience us or make us feel uncomfortable, We would rather stay away from people who aren't healthy, beautiful, or smart as we are. We don't want the inconvience that true love brings into our lives.
"Jesus said depart from me ... and they replied Lord when did we not love you and help you? And Jesus said when you didn't do it for one of the least of these then you didn't do it to me."
God comes in many disguises.

God loves us with an unconditional love and welcomes us into his family forever, regardless of how messed up we are. "For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16(KJV)We are to reach out to others.

Tom - 11/09/98 00:06:31
My URL:http://www.goldenopportunity.com/letty.html
My Email:toma@ix.netcom.com
How did you find me?: Another guestbook
Are you a Christian?: YES
What Church do you go to?: Morman
What's your hobby?: Writing & Family

Request Free Book! Thank you so much for the visit!

Ang - 11/03/98 05:01:39
My Email:doolweld@interlynx.net
How did you find me?: From Debbies Backgrounds Link

I thought your poems were nice and you have a fine page. To find out more about me go to my web site http://www.geocites.com/southbeach/shores/3784/ keep up the nice poems

Wee One Luck - 10/16/98 21:29:18
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:WeeOneLuck@smileyface.com
How did you find me?: TSF
Are you a Christian?: Yes


Wee One Luck is here, you needn't fear,
My Spirit stick(~Spirit Stick   Take It Please I insist~) is fully loaded,
The spirit is just for you and other fighters too!
So keep on smiling,
Keep on going,
Keep the Spirit Alive!

Don't forget to shout it out!
Let everyone hear that your team has spirit,
Your spirit it can't be measured in convetional ways,
Just by showing it everyday!

Wee One Luck Has come to spread spirit to you in the bestest way!
Shes come to tickle you and maybe spread a little dust too....
She wishes you The Bestest of LUCK on your SiteFights journeys....

Don't Forget to take a spirit stick and pass it around(theres a million of them to go around)... Just take on down and pass it around.. Theres a million in one to go around.....  Your so LUCKy You've just been tickled by Wee One Luck!

Spirit Imzadi - 10/03/98 20:10:57
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:spirit_imzadi@a-vip.com
How did you find me?: TSF
What's your hobby?: Finding time to relax


~~***~~ Sprinkle,sprinkle**~
If we had all the riches
that we could ever spend,
it could never buy
the treasures
the heart finds in a friend.
Just flew in by, to say a great big HI!
And pass a Spirit Stick along the way,

Good Luck in The Fights!
Have Fun Now!

Dont forget to Shout it Out
And Let the Cheers Begin

Spirit Imzadi

Wee One Sister of Mercy - 10/03/98 15:30:50
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:Spoo@psicorps.com
How did you find me?: The Site Fights, dear!
Are you a Christian?: Yes, but does it matter? :o)
What Church do you go to?: Evangelic-lutheran (and New Age at heart)
What's your hobby?: Making homepages and meditating and such..

You have a beautiful homepage, well done.

~ ~ * ~ * ~ s p r i n k l e * s p r i n k l e ~ * ~ * ~ ~

Oh look, who do we have here?
Who's come by to do a cheer?
It's Wee One Sister of Mercy!
Here you go, a spirit stick to share with all those people you hold dear!
Share it with everyone! That would be so much fun!

Hey there fighter, I see your spirit glow!
You know you've got it, just let it show!
Go now, run! Go post a cheer.
I can wait, I'll be right here!

~ ~ * ~ * ~ s p r i n k l e * s p r i n k l e ~ * ~ * ~ ~
As I look upon your site, a feeling of joy fills my heart. I can still feel the spirit as I depart. Great things have been accomplished here, I can feel it! You have the true spirit, please never conceal it! The Site Fights is a matter of friendship and hope! It's a matter of finding the spirit and with lost fights cope. You're doing great with this! Visiting you has been a bliss!

Wee One Sister of Mercy turns to leave.. She flutters her wings and takes out her bag of magic fairy dust! She must sprinkle her fairy dust, yes, she must! She giggles and smiles gently, reaches for the dust and throws it up ever so silently. You can hear a soft tingleing as it falls all over your site. Wee One Sister of Mercy bows and wanishes into the forest as a small ball of light.

Concider yourself tickled!
May the Great Spirit of Light always make your day shiny!

DHummingbird Fairy - 10/02/98 04:24:06
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:meryanos@sccoast.net



Fairy Dust Everywhere...........
To bring you SPIRIT and bring you CHEER!!!!!

Come with me and let'sSHOUT IT OUT!!!!!


Quick as a wink........
A slash of Blue
A sweep of Emerald
Some scarlet patches on the way.
SPIRIT and GOOD LUCK are here for you!!!!!

You have been dusted by a Site Fights Fairy
Leaving a SPIRIT STICK just for you!!!!!!!

This is a Fairy Dusting Spree.....to bring you Spirt and bring you Cheer!!!!

wee one sleepy - 09/30/98 12:41:56
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:odette@thesitefights.com
How did you find me?: siteifghts
Are you a Christian?: no
What's your hobby?: reading


dusting spree

I thought I'd just pop by in today,
To wish you Good Luck, in fight and play!!
Don't forget to make a Spirit Page,
If you don't happen to have one!! =)
And Most importantly,
The Site Fights is all about FUN!!!
Post your cheers at Shout it Out!!
Show your SPIRIT!!!
I know you have plently,
It doesn't really matter if you lost or won,
Here at The Site Fights,
EVERYONE is a winner!!!

I'll pass this Spirit Stick to you,
I know that your SPIRIT will remain true!!!
Don't ever fail to forget,
The folks at The Site Fights Luff you!! =)

Visit DRealm of the Fairies
Visit DForest
Visit DRealm of DSpirit

Spirit Newsletter

fairy cheese - 09/30/98 12:40:15
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:fairy_cheese@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: siteifghts
Are you a Christian?: no
What's your hobby?: dusting?


dusting spree

~*~*~*~Tickle Tickle ~*~*~* Sprinkle ~*~*~ ^_^ ~*~*

Hello! You have been dusted,
By Fairy Cheese
Good day *grining broadly*
She's a wandering fairy at the SiteFights,
Wandering around.... twittering and dancing....
Anyway =o))
Fairy Cheese has just dropped in to say!
Good Luck at the SiteFights!!
Share thy spirit with a spirit stick,
The very same stick I pass to you now
To share the spirit, with a token of friendship!
Don't forget to Shout out Loud!
Show your pride for your team!!
I have to go now,
but I'll be back,
To spread this spirit,
That makes everyone else go slightly mad!! LOL

The folks at the SiteFights luff you!!

~*~*~*~Tickle ~*~*~ Tickle Sprinkle ~*~* ^_^ ~*~*

Visit DRealm of the Fairies
Visit DForest
Visit DRealm of DSpirit
The Wandering Fairies of the SiteFights

Cheese for Spirit,
Cheese for cheering
Cheese for life
Cheese for loving!
And Cheese for giving, *grin*

Visit Fairy Cheese

Dawn - 09/28/98 02:04:42
My Email:ldyghstcat@aol.com
How did you find me?: from you at work
Are you a Christian?: yes
What Church do you go to?: Seventh Day Adventist
What's your hobby?: hiking, reading

very nice! have you thought of publishing in a book instead of free on line?

Darlene's Space Port - 09/27/98 12:06:09
My URL:http://members.aol.com/dhuddle841/index.html
My Email:dhuddle841@aol.com
How did you find me?: Site fights
Are you a Christian?: yes
What Church do you go to?: Northside
What's your hobby?: Computers

A fellow starfiighter here to spread some spirit and wish you good luck the score looks tied. I used the light force as a vote exchange. So far I'm the only Starfighter using it you might want to give it a try the link is on my page. Have fun I'm off to t e Dome on Monday.

Sylvester - 09/23/98 07:05:14
My Email:sylvester5@unforgettable.com
How did you find me?: You wrote me !!!
Are you a Christian?: Who is Christian ???
What Church do you go to?: We are not alone !!!
What's your hobby?: Music (double U, my band), basketball

hi dreama nice page and i hope you do the same think how I, you sign my guestbook !!! "LIVE LONG AND PROSPER" sylvester

Don Merrill - 09/21/98 17:19:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Breakers/5719
My Email:merrydon@mailcity.com
How did you find me?: another gb
Are you a Christian?: yes
What Church do you go to?: Catholic
What's your hobby?: see my home page

I love looking at all of the wonderful home pages and reading the beautiful poetry. If you get a chance please visit my homepage and sign my guest book.

Steen Brandt - 09/20/98 08:10:56
My URL:/TheTropics/6801/index.html
My Email:stone@mail1.stofanet.dk
How did you find me?: another guest book

After visiting your page and seeing how talented and creative you are, It was a pleasure visiting your site and meeting you all and I hope you have a successful and happy year.While I am here I will invite you to visit my humble home, click on the banner or travel.We always have an empty room so stay as long as you like, the rent is cheap and the food is good.

If you are looking for a handy way too create an ebcard try this: createebcard.zip

Alan - 09/17/98 03:34:23

Hi, You have a really nice site. Come and visit ours.

Fairy NightStar - 09/16/98 23:31:56
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:Nstar20@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: A little Fairy told me
Are you a Christian?: yes
What Church do you go to?: church of God
What's your hobby?: Fairy Dusting Guestbooks :-)



There's no hideing the fact...YOU have just been hit by a fairy (Don't worry it's only Fairy Dust).
Hello, my name is NightStar and I'm just a little loveable fairy from DRealm of Dfairy. I came to Dust your page with luck and good cheer and to make sure you have some SPIRIT!! I also came to try and get you to post a cheer in the !!! SHOUT IT OUT!!! It's fun, it's easy and best of all it shows your SPIRIT to your friends.

it's not hard to do
Just open your mouth
and let the words come through.
SHOUT a cheer for all to see
It's fun for you it's fun for me
so lets hear that SPIRIT
lets hear that CHEER
for ALL to hear.

And now I would like to give you your very own Spirit Stick and I hope you will pass the spirit stick on to others and keep the SPIRIT of The Site Fights alive. As you visit other Homepage's when you sign their guestbooks show them you have The Site Fight Spirit and give them the Sprit Stick to pass on to their friends. So have fun with this and show your Spirit through-out The Site Fights.


You have a Wonderfull webpage Dreama, your poems are very touching. I wish you well in your journies!!
I must be flying off now.... I'll be cheaking back every so often so keep up the good work and GOOD LUCK fighting at The Site Fights. Here's hopeing you'll do well!!!!

Fairy NightStar

Jay McGahee - 09/15/98 04:05:40


sean stayton - 09/15/98 03:10:16
How did you find me?: you told me to visit
Are you a Christian?: no
What Church do you go to?: I study the texts of every religious group i can find. (the more bizzar the better)
What's your hobby?: see above

Cool! I like your poems! I hope you win that poetry contest

**Darlene** - 09/11/98 11:37:05
My Email:im4him@frontiernet.net
How did you find me?: You told me!
Are you a Christian?: Yes
What Church do you go to?: Missionary - protestant
What's your hobby?: Computers,reading,music.


A True Story

A soldier was finally coming home after having fought in Vietnam.
He called his parents from San Francisco. "Mom and Dad, I'm coming home, but I've a favor to ask.  I'd like to bring a friend home with me."

"Sure" They replied. "We'd love to meet him."
"There is something you should know", the son continued. "He was hurt pretty badly in the fighting. He stepped on a land mine and lost an arm and leg. He has nowhere else to go, and I want him to come live with us."
"I'm sorry to hear that, son. Maybe we can help him find somewhere to live."
"No, Mom and Dad, I want him to live with us."
"Son," Said the father," You don't know what you are asking.  Someone with such a handicap would be a terrible burden to us. We have our own life to live and we can't let something like this interfere with our lives. I think you should just come home and forget about this guy. He'll find a way to live on his own. "
At that point, the son hung up the phone. The parents heard nothing more from him.  A few days later, however, they received a call from the San Francisco police. Their son had died after falling from a building. They were told. The police believed it was suicide.
The grief stricken parents flew to San Francisco and were taken to the city morgue to identify the body of their son. They recognized him, but to their horror they also discovered something they didn't know their son had only one arm and leg. He himself was the man he wanted to bring home to his Mom and Dad. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- We are so much like the parents in this story. We find it easy to love those who are good looking or fun to have around, but we don't like people who inconvenience us or make us feel uncomfortable, We would rather stay away from people who aren't healthy, beautiful, or smart as we are. We don't want the inconvience that true love brings into our lives. Jesus said depart from me ... and they replied Lord when did we not love you and help you? And Jesus said when you didn't do it for one of the least of these then you didn't do it to me. God comes in many disguises
The love of God is unconditional and welcomes us into his family forever, regardless of how messed up we are. Because of his great love for us, we are to reach out to others.

**Darlene** - 09/11/98 11:34:37
How did you find me?: You told me to come - remember?
Are you a Christian?: Yes
What Church do you go to?: Missionary - protestant
What's your hobby?: Taking care of children, computers,reading,music.


Jesus Loves You!

"Great and marvelous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways."
Revelation 15:3b(KJV)
Come Inside!

Rob Whatley - 09/10/98 22:16:44
How did you find me?: Thrust kicking and screaming into your presence 27 long years ago. And counting . . . . .
What's your hobby?: Too many to list.

There, I signed your guest book!

Jean Wheeler - 09/10/98 07:58:11
My URL:http://Under construction
My Email:caljean@mindspring.com
How did you find me?: Have you bookmarked
Are you a Christian?: Yes Ma'am!
What Church do you go to?: Missouri Synod Lutheran
What's your hobby?: Reading, writing, sewing, crocheting, and puter

Beautiful pages, lovely poems.

Lady Nymphaea - 09/07/98 19:29:34
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/dladies/fos/fos.html
My Email:lady_nymphaea@cheerful.com
How did you find me?: I followed the trail of fairy dust :o)


Welcome to the Starfighters!


(Oops, am I out of dust? Let me look...no, here's an extra bag, thank goodness!)

Lady Nymphaea has come today with copious (or reasonably so) amounts of Special Site Fights Fairy Dust to give your site that Spirit Shine!

Please shine your Spirit elsewhere, for all the fairies and fighters to see! Pass the Spirit Stick Shine your 
Spirit! to all your fellow fighters and don't forget to chant a cheer at Shout it Out!

We'd like it very much if you gave DFairy a visit. Don't forget to visit all the other Fairies too, especially the StarFairies!

The Big Fairy Spirit Stick

You've been dusted 
by Lady Nymphaea

Ali - 08/25/98 07:43:44
My Email:Mgirls-@bigpond.com
How did you find me?: just surfing
Are you a Christian?: no .
What Church do you go to?: none .
What's your hobby?: i'm a student

your poems are cool and they motivated me .so i'd like to leave you with a little poem i wrote myself . LITTLE FLY UPON THE WALL HAVE YOU JUST NO BRAINS AT ALL BECAUSE THIS WALL HAS JUST BEEN PLASTERED NOW YOUR STUCK YOU STUPID BASTARD and a slightly more motivating poem : EVERY DAY IS LIKE A NEW WAVE FACE YOUR FEARS LIVE YOUR DREAMS LUV ali

Elsie Wagner - 08/18/98 05:37:05
My Email:havasu1@tv.net
How did you find me?: Miki's Kitchen
Are you a Christian?: yes
What Church do you go to?: Lutheran
What's your hobby?: gardening

Loved your poetry.

Lisa - 07/28/98 08:14:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/5448/Victorian.htm
My Email:don_dove@geocities.com
How did you find me?: e-mail link
Are you a Christian?: Yes!!!
What Church do you go to?: Koza Baptist on Okinawa
What's your hobby?: reading, sewing, puter

Hi Dreama, Finally back on the puter after a bout with back problems. I am having a lovely time reading your poems and enjoying the way you have put your pages together. I'm off to see the recipes now. Joy & Blessings, Lisa "Victorian Elegance"

Darlene Badenhorst - 07/27/98 02:28:13
My URL:http://www.frontiernet.net/~im4him
My Email:im4him@frontiernet.net
How did you find me?: Your Dad told me.:=)
Are you a Christian?: Yes - Born Again
What Church do you go to?: I am a missionary.
What's your hobby?: Ministering on the internet,taking care of toddlers,reading,gardening,sewing,cooking,etc.

I love your poetry and will bookmark this page!! "Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies." Prov rbs 31:10(KJV)

Nancy C. Whatley - 07/23/98 05:02:10
My Email:
How did you find me?: YOU
Are you a Christian?: YES
What Church do you go to?: U KNOW
What's your hobby?: LOTS of STUFF

Great PAGE DREAMA.. keep it up.. You are a beautiful gal :-) [(dreama)]

Craig Hess - 07/09/98 05:46:04
My Email:snafu@vcn.com
How did you find me?: hiding in the bushes at night
Are you a Christian?: not lately
What's your hobby?: dancing in the moonlight

will return later to read the poetry

Nancy C. Whatley - 06/29/98 02:09:30
My Email:nancwhatle@msn.com
How did you find me?: YOUR DAD ;-)
Are you a Christian?: YES
What Church do you go to?: St. Marks Episcopal
What's your hobby?: Genealogy, Reading, lots of stuff growing roses

Hi Dreama, I found your father whilest searching for Whatleys, he told me about your webpage and to come and visit it.. here I am.. I spend lots of my time here at the internet searching down forebearers it is so neat!! I have learned more about history doing genealogy than I ever did in school I like your poems email me soon!! Thank you for a lovely website, and your kids are beautiful I have 5 kids 4 boys 1 girl age 24y age 22 > the only girl, age 16y, age 13y and 5y Talk with you soon, Nancy

Leah Aylward - 06/07/98 19:19:13
My Email:27608@easthigh.laramie1.k12.wy.us

This is very cool. I am gald that I got to see you.

Joe Mazzafro - 06/07/98 19:06:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~calvery
My Email:calvery@erols.com
How did you find me?: Family
Are you a Christian?: Oh yes :o)
What Church do you go to?: Calvery Chapel of Philadelphia
What's your hobby?: My church, computers, piano and my kids

Beautiful site have bookmarked it to come back often. God Bless Joe

john abrams - 06/05/98 20:20:16
My URL:http://www.efn.org/~jabrams/index.htm
My Email:jabrams@efn.org
How did you find me?: link
Are you a Christian?: yes
What's your hobby?: finding collectors


Dreama - 06/05/98 05:05:55

Hey! It's me again, WebMaster of this site! Got tired of looking at DreamWolf and decided to sign my guestbook again! (Also, I couldn't pursude anyone else to sign it! :-)

Dreamwolf - 05/22/98 12:58:01
My URL:http://home.pages.de/~weaveworld
My Email:dreamwolf@gmx.net
What's your hobby?: Nature, Animals, Music, Movies, Literature

I really enjoyed visiting your page! *Howl*

Dreamwolf - 05/22/98 12:53:46
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/weaveworld
My Email:dreamwolf@gmx.net
How did you find me?: Your entry in another guestbook
What's your hobby?: Nature, Animals, Movies, Music, Literature

I really enjoyed visiting your page! *Howl*

Melody M. Force - 05/22/98 02:40:05
How did you find me?: Duh!!!
What Church do you go to?: Methodist
What's your hobby?: Trucks


Mo - 05/21/98 09:52:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/1608/
My Email:auntiemo@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: Heartland birthday list

Hi.. you were on the Heartland birthday list.. thought I would stop by and leave wishes for a happy day... your poetry is beautiful..

Miki Gain - 05/20/98 05:48:48
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members3/index.html
My Email:mikitta@juno.com
How did you find me?: :)
Are you a Christian?: Yeap
What Church do you go to?: St. Matt's Episcopal
What's your hobby?: surphing

Dreama, your poetry is really excellent. I love the backgrounds you chose for each one. Keep up the excellent work!

Dianne - 05/20/98 03:12:30
My URL:http://www.mapledesigns.com
My Email:dianne@mapledesigns.com
How did you find me?: You found me :)
Are you a Christian?: Yes
What Church do you go to?: Lutheran - Missouri Synod
What's your hobby?: The Web!

Dreama, You have a lovely site here! Thanks for visiting my site and for your wonderful comments in my guestbook!
Take care, Dianne

End Time Ministries - 05/19/98 12:58:08
My URL:http://www.etm.org
My Email:info@etm.org
How did you find me?: surfing
Are you a Christian?: Yes
What Church do you go to?: End Time Ministries

Just saying hello from the Garden State, New Jersey! Be Blessed!

- 05/19/98 12:55:48


DorisAnn - 05/18/98 03:44:39
My Email:Dorisl@traix.com
How did you find me?: your request
Are you a Christian?: yes
What Church do you go to?: Episcopalian
What's your hobby?: genealogy/horses

I love your opening page and have not had time to view all poem but have enjoyed those I have read. Your Cousin DorisAnn

Miki Gain - 05/14/98 03:27:42
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members3/sidelines/index.html
My Email:mikitta@juno.com
How did you find me?: You gave me the address :)
Are you a Christian?: Yes!!
What Church do you go to?: St. Mathew's Episcopal Cathedral
What's your hobby?: Raising my son, taking care of my husband and creating web pages

This is a wonderful site, Dreama. You have done such a beautiful job with it. I am very impressed! I am glad I finally have YOUR url, cause I never could find it from your dad's site. Keep up the good work, my friend.

Jim Brooker - 05/11/98 22:31:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/1042
My Email:kadenus@accnorwalk.com
How did you find me?: Just lookin' around
Are you a Christian?: Sort of.
What's your hobby?: computers

Really enjoyed my visit to your site. You've done a great job. Please stop by out place sometime when you get the chance.

Lacinda - 05/07/98 23:19:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/9196
My Email:lacinda2@geocities.com
Are you a Christian?: Yes
What's your hobby?: Genealogy- computers

I really enjoyed my visit. You really have a great site here. Have a great day :)

Paul Whatley - 05/02/98 23:33:53
How did you find me?: Met through parents
What's your hobby?: pc

Hi, Dreama, you may not remember me but I am sitting on your left................:)

mikki - 04/20/98 23:42:55
My URL:/Heartland/Pointe/4217
How did you find me?: GeoGuide banner, I think!
What's your hobby?: knitting, and Web Surfing

Hi Dreama! I've really enjoyed reading some of your poems. Some of them seem so melancholy, but they're all beautiful. Your boys are gorgeous - but, my goodness! You must be pretty busy! I only have two, and I barely find time for myself! Wishing you all he best...

John Conant, Jr. - 04/15/98 03:20:35
My URL:http://www.flash.net/~jconant
My Email:jconant@flash.net
How did you find me?: The Economist magazine, but it's a long story :)
Are you a Christian?: YES!
What Church do you go to?: Canyon Del Oro Baptist Church, Tucson AZ
What's your hobby?: I've got a few...all on hold

I am so glad to meet more who beleive in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Virginia Young - 04/13/98 04:10:40
My URL:http://www.wtaccess.com/users/ginger
My Email:virginia@wtaccess.com
How did you find me?: geogide link
Are you a Christian?: yes
What Church do you go to?: Church of God
What's your hobby?: camping

I love what I have seen of your web page. I wanted to sign your guestbook before I forget. I have to look through some more, but I love your poems very much.

Kathy - 04/10/98 01:15:35
My Email:bkw22@geocities.com
How did you find me?: clicked on a banner in geocities
What's your hobby?: computers

lovely pages, and your poetry is very heartwarming, keep up the good work....

Roger Deuxmont - 04/05/98 23:39:08
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~deuxmontr/index-2.html
My Email:roger.deuxmont@xtra.co.nz
How did you find me?: Link from Vixens' page...
Are you a Christian?: most of the time!!
What Church do you go to?: Baptist...
What's your hobby?: my homepage...

good pages...

paper-face - 04/01/98 04:37:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Palladium/6732
My Email:tizra@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: Poetry Webring
What's your hobby?: writing, art, stuff

It's nice to see the passion and devotion in your voice, but what do you give to yourself? There are times you should be selfish, and from your poetry, you don't seem to be taking advantage of those times. Do you love yourself as much as you love others It'd be neat if you had a page with a little information about yourself so people can put a little background with the poetry you write. Best wishes to you, just remember that you are and always will be Numero Uno. Always. Love thyself. paper-face
Debbie Robillard - 03/25/98 18:25:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/5086
My Email:debbie@pipcom.com
How did you find me?: Christian Cat's web page
Are you a Christian?: Yes for 30 years
What Church do you go to?: norwood Pentecostal
What's your hobby?: sewing

Great page, love signing other Christian' web pages.

Jerri Lyn - 03/25/98 16:07:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/9063
My Email:weebaby@geocities.com
How did you find me?: Looking for flowers to pick...
Are you a Christian?: yes!!!
What Church do you go to?: St. Leo the Great Roman Catholic Church in Fairfax, VA
What's your hobby?: scrapbooking, building a web page

I came looking for a flower, but I looked at a couple of your pages after I found it. I like the flower sprays on the border of Cammy's page! Your "mine" rules remind me of a song by Trout Fishing in America. They're a folk children's duo that's a lot of un to listen to! Their second album is called "Mine!" and the track of the same name is great! It's set to a tango beat. E-mail me if you would like the lyrics.

El Duane Whatley - 03/07/98 13:54:46
My URL:/Athens/Parthenon/8424/index.html
My Email:ewhatley@orednet.org
How did you find me?: Your dear folks
Are you a Christian?: True
What's your hobby?: computers, genealogy, radio, motor home

Dreama, your poems are more wonderful each time I come to your pages. They evoke the emotions of both love, joy and sadness at once. Thank you. El Duane Whatley, your distant cousin.

Wayne Swafford - 03/06/98 23:59:25
My URL:/Heartland/Prairie/5894
My Email:wsea@mailcity.com
How did you find me?: ICQ
Are you a Christian?: Yes
What Church do you go to?: So. Baptist
What's your hobby?: Surfing the web

Great site. Keep up the good work and spreading the good news. Visit The Dating Dilemma

Shawna - 03/02/98 22:58:16
My Email:smkautzman@juno.com
Are you a Christian?: yes
What Church do you go to?: Newman Center
What's your hobby?: reading, dancing, working


Shawna Kautzman - 03/02/98 22:56:10
My Email:smkautzman@juno.com
Are you a Christian?: yes
What Church do you go to?: Newman Center
What's your hobby?: reading, dancing, working


monica - 03/02/98 06:44:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/4787
My Email:moni43@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: from a guestbook
Are you a Christian?: yep
What Church do you go to?: Apostolic
What's your hobby?: reading, puters

Hello there! Nice page you got here...it is very late...was working on my page...take care and God Bless...

Jill Bondurant - 02/24/98 13:23:53
My URL:/Heartland/Prairie/6104
My Email:Overseer5@metrolink.net
How did you find me?: Surfed on in
Are you a Christian?: Yes
What Church do you go to?: Baptist
What's your hobby?: Classical piano and singing

Loved your Heartland site, so pretty. I enjoyed your poetry too. Keep up the great work and God bless you.

Josie - 02/22/98 06:10:27
My Email:
How did you find me?: Mother in law
Are you a Christian?: yes
What Church do you go to?: Wasilla Baptist Church
What's your hobby?: cooking,crafts,reading, sewing, ....

I think your poems are wonderful.

Imrx - 02/19/98 00:52:56
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/ihoa
My Email:ihoa@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: word of mouth

Nice homepage....could do with a bit of tidying up. Your poems was nice too.

Nicki - 02/18/98 03:32:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/2506/welcome.html
My Email:nicki_young@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: through the geoguide
Are you a Christian?: You Bet(always)
What Church do you go to?: is this important?
What's your hobby?: Music/writing

Hi, I think your page is great...you are a great witter..keep up the great work...come visit my page, Jesus loves you!

Lisa - 02/16/98 03:14:40
My URL:http://plaza.v-wave.com/blab/beaner.htm
My Email:page@v-wave.com
How did you find me?: word of mouth
Are you a Christian?: yes
What Church do you go to?: St. Edmund's Catholic Church
What's your hobby?: Crochet, crafts, my homepage!

I love your page!!! It grows all the time! Where did you ever find winnie the pooh wallpaper!???? I must have some! My daughters both love Tigger the best but all the characters are fantastic! I hope you'll let me know and come by my page sometime! Thanks and keep up the great work!!

Peggy - 02/06/98 21:27:59
My URL:http://www.involved.com/crenfli/peg1.htm
My Email:peggy@involved.com
How did you find me?: Poetry Ring
Are you a Christian?: YES
What Church do you go to?: church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
What's your hobby?: computer

You have a very nice site. I love your poetry... you are very talented! I will pray that your children's father returns to them. Hang in there, and God Bless You! Please come visit my poetry page, and sign my guest book. Hugs, Peggy

Rob - 02/03/98 21:15:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/9851
My Email:robertech@bitsmart.com
How did you find me?: Surfing thru Geocities
Are you a Christian?: Yes!
What Church do you go to?: Presbyterian
What's your hobby?: Computers, poetry, music

What a beautiful site! I love it. The poems are beautiful. I'll be sure to come back and read some more. Rob.

Meredith Russell - 01/27/98 22:26:07
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~maru/index.com
My Email:meru@vcn.com
How did you find me?: you showed me this page
Are you a Christian?: yes
What Church do you go to?: none right now
What's your hobby?: oil painting, horseback riding

Nice site, Dreama!!! I will look forward to seeing more of your new backgrounds!!

Leanne Pazzi - 01/27/98 05:33:59
My URL:http://Heartland/Estates/1586
My Email:Lpazzi
How did you find me?: Debbie's Backgrounds
Are you a Christian?: Yes
What Church do you go to?: Christian Fellowship
What's your hobby?: reading, surfing the net

Thank you so much for your permission to copy your Marriage poem onto my site. Come by and visit soon. P.S. you can find your poem at Heartland/Estates/1586/Marriage.html. Enjoyed all your work, but this one meant the most!!

Phillip McKenzie - 01/26/98 01:08:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/1767
My Email:peebo@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: surfing
Are you a Christian?: yes
What Church do you go to?: Church of Christ
What's your hobby?: reading

Great page!!

Emm - 01/24/98 17:31:17
My URL:/Heartland/Plains/5947/
My Email:emmerald@idt.net
How did you find me?: you were kind enough to write to me - letting me know you took a background from my site : )
What's your hobby?: sports, computers, art, web design

WOW !!!! Dreama .... what an awesome page. The other graphics look like they were made for this background! I'll pop in from time to time to see your additions/changes/progress. Stop back to my backgrounds pages as it is always changing. Glad you found something you liked and thanks for taking the time to write and thank you so much for the link ....Emm....

Sylvester - 01/22/98 09:58:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/9561
My Email:sylvester5@unforgettable.com
How did you find me?: Guestbook from a friend!
Are you a Christian?: :-#
What's your hobby?: playing guitar, ice hockey,basketball

Rest in peace and pray for freedom in th whole world!I read you my own homepage!

Jasreel - 01/21/98 06:14:49
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Jasreel/ffong@cyberway.com.sg
My Email:ffong@cyberway.com.sg
How did you find me?: from another guestbook.
Are you a Christian?: No.I am a R.C.
What Church do you go to?: Holy Spirt
What's your hobby?: Surfing www

Hello! Great page U got! Luv the pix. Come and visit mine.Sign in the guestbook.See ya!

Tracy Sands - 01/20/98 18:33:42
My Email:dtsands@fair.net
How did you find me?: excite chat
Are you a Christian?: yes
What Church do you go to?: United Methodist
What's your hobby?: my daughter

Thank you for such a wonderful site.

Karen - 01/19/98 20:05:30
My URL:/Heartland/Acres/1627
My Email:merchi@cybertours.com
How did you find me?: You signed my guestbook
Are you a Christian?: yes, praise the Lord!
What Church do you go to?: An Evangelical Church
What's your hobby?: webpage building! :o)


Hi Dreama, I am so glad you visited me and signed my guestbook! I enjoyed my stay here! My award for your site is on its way to you! Good job, keep the poetry coming.

Visit again when you get the chance.

Jackie - 01/18/98 06:23:03
My URL:http://home1.gte.net/vixen1/
My Email:vixen1@gte.net
How did you find me?: through Cookin' With Grits
What's your hobby?: costuming

Nice job. I'm a "closet" poet myself and am enjoying browsing through your work. Take care. Jackie (aka Vixen and Diva)

Emm - 01/18/98 01:23:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/5947/
My Email:emmerald@idt.net
How did you find me?: you visited my site

Dreama... so glad you stopped by my site and in doing so, found the Poetry Web Ring. I have not been all thru your poetry yet, but I like what I have read so far. Take good care and stop by again anytime. Spread the word about my FREE border backgrounds!< r>
Kristi - 01/17/98 15:37:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/4138
My Email:kris-@geocities.com or dutchie080@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: You signed my guestbook
Are you a Christian?: yes
What Church do you go to?: Roman Catholic
What's your hobby?: music and writing

Hi! I really loved your poetry, especially Seasons of the Soul. Thanks for signing my guestbook, and I'll be sure to add your link to my page.

Vern - 01/16/98 20:34:22
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~vf/
My Email:vern@interpath.com
How did you find me?: From another guestbook
Are you a Christian?: That's a tough question
What Church do you go to?: Another tough question
What's your hobby?: Performing random acts of kindness

Very nice pages and great poetry.

E. Ross Helton - 01/15/98 20:38:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/1705/
My Email:erossh@juno.com
How did you find me?: Geoguide

I like your page. You've done a good job on it. Come by and visit sometime.

amy - 01/15/98 15:18:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/acres/8725/
My Email:seanpma@aol.com
How did you find me?: per amy lynn holt, cammy's page
Are you a Christian?: yes, catholic
What Church do you go to?: st. joseph parish
What's your hobby?: reading,fabric painting,baking, cooking

very cute, dreama! plz. visit my other site, also:

Sarah Salamaca - 01/15/98 04:26:40
My Email:alexs@iinc/com
How did you find me?: My Guestbook
Are you a Christian?: Yes!
What Church do you go to?: Free Methodist Church
What's your hobby?: Computer graphics and cross stitching!

Hi Dreama! So glad you enjoyed my site. I really liked yours as well. I also write poetry but I'm not sure I'd have the guts to display it publicly! Hats off to you!! Praise God for others believers on the Web! Come back for another visit sometime! Love, Sarah

Jonathan - 01/11/98 03:52:38
My URL:http://www.geocitis.com/EnchantedForest/8060/index.html
My Email:shattered2pieces@hotmail.com

Thanks for signing my guestbook. You're a great poet.

Rosmary Stewart - 01/09/98 00:16:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/4574
My Email:stewartr@pipcom.com
How did you find me?: you signed my guestbook so I thought I would visit your page
Are you a Christian?: YES :))
What Church do you go to?: Norwood Pentecostal Church
What's your hobby?: helping others

I loved your poetry it is beautiful keep it up, Thanks for visiting my page, May God Bless You Rose

Jackie Kulick - 01/08/98 16:27:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/LeftBank/4408
My Email:gkulick@ibm.net
How did you find me?: guestbook
Are you a Christian?: Yes.
What Church do you go to?: New Hope Baptist
What's your hobby?: Church/Music/Reading/Sewing

I really enjoyed reading your poetry. And I appreciate very much you signing my guestbook with such lovely comments. Also I loved your backgrounds. GOD BLESS - JACKS

Sheila - 01/07/98 16:52:11
My URL:/Heartland/Meadows/8141
My Email:manifestus@geocities.com
How did you find me?: Surfing
Are you a Christian?: YES :o)
What Church do you go to?: Calvary Chapel of Fallbrook
What's your hobby?: Graphic Arts

I really enjoyed my visit to your site. You have some very lovely poetry here. God Bless.

Felicia - 01/07/98 02:20:25
My Email:dusty.rocky@MCI2000.com
Are you a Christian?: yes
What Church do you go to?: Beckwith Baptist Church
What's your hobby?: reading

I really like your poems. And the songs. Especially The Rose and Just As I Am.

Anna M. Fleming - 01/06/98 13:16:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/1554
My Email:afleming@internettport.net
How did you find me?: Through my guestbook
Are you a Christian?: Yes
What Church do you go to?: None at the present
What's your hobby?: computers, birds, and gardening

I really enjoyed your pages, some of the poems brought tears to my eyes. You do a really great job and I hope you continue to write more. I wish you all the joy and blessings in this new year and each new year to come. May God be always with you. Sincerely, Anna.

sherry - 01/05/98 18:48:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/2877
My Email:sherry2@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: from my guestbook
Are you a Christian?: yes
What's your hobby?: computers

Thanks for visiting my cyberhome and the beautiful comments. Your poems are beautiful!!! Enjoyed reading them!

Twinmama - 01/04/98 01:31:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/7197
My Email:twinmama@writeme.com
How did you find me?: You signed our guestbook
What's your hobby?: world travel, books, music, theatre, movies, and more

Thanks for visiting our twins page. I read some of your poems. I can tell you put a lot of feeling into them.

ronnieg - 01/03/98 21:09:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/4338
My Email:ronnieg@geocities.com
How did you find me?: geocities

You have a real nice page. Keep up the good work. If you get a chance click on the banner and return the visit. Thanks

Mrs. Darlene Pineiro - 01/02/98 00:28:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/3754
My Email:momperky@rocketmail.com
How did you find me?: from your email
Are you a Christian?: Wholeheartedly
What Church do you go to?: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/3346
What's your hobby?: Designing Homepages

Thanks for the email Dreama. I hope now that you will be able to visit my site too. I think I have my URL correctly this time. I like your pages and the poems are nice! Thanks again! Darlene


Linda - 12/31/97 13:25:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/5918/index.html
My Email:wol888@wamusa.com
How did you find me?: you signed my guestbook
Are you a Christian?: yes
What Church do you go to?: non-demonational
What's your hobby?: crafts and the puter

You have lovely poems.. Did you write all these yourself? They are precious. Iread each and every one. I did not write the poetry on my pages, they are borrowed. teehe not have a way with words. Thank you for signing my guest book and talk about beautiful backgrounds yours are outstanding. I think I am jealous. teehee Georgeous. Come back and visit. I am always changiing things. Would like to add your page and your mother's to my links if that is alright. Please let me know. As Ever Linda

Beckie - 12/30/97 00:10:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/soho/cafe/6528
My Email:heavenly_poetry@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: You signed my book
Are you a Christian?: Sorta
What Church do you go to?: Luthern
What's your hobby?: writing,poems, building webpages

Beautiful site. I love all your poems. Excellent job on them. Sure we can link if you like. I'd be honored to link to your site.

Larry Collins - 12/29/97 21:32:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/prairie/1302
My Email:larry_collins@mail.msj.edu
How did you find me?: I saw your name in another guestbook
Are you a Christian?: YES
What Church do you go to?: Gospel Baptist Church
What's your hobby?: Music

I'm glad you shared your poems. I really liked the one called Mother. You have a good page.

Tammy - 12/29/97 01:06:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/6103
My Email:rickntammy@kenton.com
How did you find me?: Word of mouth
Are you a Christian?: yes

I love your homepage. You have a beautiful set of pages and real talent for poetry. And you are a special friend.

Theresa - 12/26/97 20:00:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~bluize/
My Email:bluize@geocities.com
How did you find me?: you signed my guestbook :-)
Are you a Christian?: yes
What Church do you go to?: Baptist
What's your hobby?: surfing the web, reading, creating web graphics and webpages

Hi! Thank you so much for inviting me to your page. It's beautiful! I see that you use alot of Debbie's backgrounds; she is a great gal! Hope your new year is happy and prosperous! Come back by my site anytime!

Joseph Hildebrand - 12/23/97 00:49:30
How did you find me?: On the telephone
Are you a Christian?: yes
What Church do you go to?: God's Church
What's your hobby?: fish

Very nice. Enjoyed them. Continue to write what is on your heart.

Jonathan Whatley - 12/17/97 05:29:02
My Email:jwhatley@cyberis.net
How did you find me?: My dad and ICQ
Are you a Christian?: You betcha
What Church do you go to?: Oregon Community Fellowship
What's your hobby?: Computers,Music,Star Wars

It's good to meet up with fellow beleivers who are proud of their faith. I like the look of your page

El Duane Whatley - 12/09/97 13:58:52
My URL:http://geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/8424
My Email:ewhatley@orednet.org
How did you find me?: William blessed me with knowing you.
Are you a Christian?: I am a child of the Father-God.
What Church do you go to?: I attend the Christian Church
What's your hobby?: genealogy, amateur radio, books, traveling, motor homes.

Hello, Dreama. Your pages choked me up, so they are very GOOD. You write about the same things I write about. There is nothing more valuable in this life than family. Thus: genealogy. You make your parents very proud, and proud they should be. Parent , in tandum with God the Father, help create new eternal beings. What a privilege. What an awesome responsibility. Bless you, dear one. Cousin El Duane Whatley, a slave of Jesus.

Rev. Frank Hartley - 12/03/97 19:57:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/6838
My Email:fhartley@epix.net
How did you find me?: your mother told me
Are you a Christian?: A BIG YES YES!!!!
What Church do you go to?: Dickson City Assembly Of God

I finally found some spare time and have had a chance to get around the internet and see some other peoples web pages today. This is great. Like your poety very much. It just wonderful to have your father, mother, and you all on the internet with web page . My only question is how do you all manage to schedule computer time? God bless you and your family. Keep up the good work.

Jonathan Hildebrand - 12/02/97 04:19:30
How did you find me?: You are my Mommy
Are you a Christian?: Yes
What Church do you go to?: The Church of the Living God.
What's your hobby?: Hot Wheels

I love you. I think you are the greatest Mom I ever thought of. I don't know how much I love you, but I love you I can't believe how much I love you. You are nicer than any Mommy I've ever seen. I love you as much as I love Jesus.

Jim Flanery - 11/29/97 01:54:34
My URL:http://www.webspawner.com/users/GodsPrayerChain
My Email:jfent@ipeg.com
How did you find me?: Your Dad
Are you a Christian?: Hope so - YEs Yes
What Church do you go to?: Maranatha Bible Church
What's your hobby?: Jesus and Cars

Dreama, you have a very nice looking family 3 boys and finally a girl huh?? God Bless - Jimbo Jim Flanery

Beth - 11/25/97 16:59:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~sweetpetite
My Email:swpetite@usa.net
How did you find me?: a little bird told me
Are you a Christian?: yes
What Church do you go to?: Central Wesleyan
What's your hobby?: homepages, of course :)

Well Dreama, I see why I haven't heard from you this week. It looks really wonderful. I love the backgrounds you chose. I am glad I was able to read more poetry of yours and can't wait to read more. I'm going to link you to my cyberneighbors page, o.k ?

Amy - 11/24/97 15:32:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/meadows/7361
My Email:marshmallow@mindspring.com
How did you find me?: You told me about your page.
Are you a Christian?: Yes
What Church do you go to?: Selma Original Free Will Baptist Church
What's your hobby?: raising my daughter

Dreama, you have a very nice home page. I love your poetry. You are very talented. Keep up the good work, and take good care. Amy :o)

Mark Whatley - 11/24/97 06:20:35
How did you find me?: sister
What's your hobby?: SNOWBOARDING


Kelly L. - 11/24/97 03:04:28
My URL:/Heartland/Prairie/8764/
My Email:tommieshome@geocities.com
How did you find me?: You
Are you a Christian?: yes
What Church do you go to?: pentacostal
What's your hobby?: sewing, web!!


A beautiful start Dreama and wonderful poetry! MORE PLEASE!
See you again soon!!

Barry O'Riley - 11/24/97 01:18:00
How did you find me?: word of mouth
Are you a Christian?: yes
What Church do you go to?: Church of the Living God
What's your hobby?: drawing

wonderful page, keep up the great work

Eileen Whatley ( Mom ) - 11/24/97 01:14:08
My URL:/~aysministries
My Email:lavina@trib.com
How did you find me?: You are my daughter :-)
Are you a Christian?: I am a Child of God By His Grace
What Church do you go to?: Church of The Living God!!!
What's your hobby?: My Family of God, my earthly family, & Genealogy

To my wonderful & special daughter, I am really proud of you, the decisions you have made in the past few months have, I know, been difficult. But, be strong, for God will reward you greatly. I am so glad you have made Him the center of your life. Mere words cannot say how much I love you All my love, Mom!!!

Rev. William J. Whatley - 11/24/97 00:59:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~aysministries
My Email:william@trib.com
How did you find me?: You Pointed a GUN at me head
Are you a Christian?: By God's Grace
What Church do you go to?: Church of the Living God
What's your hobby?: Genealogy

Hello DAUGHTER; You have the beginning of one of the GREATEST Pages on the WWW. God bless Dad

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