About the Pack


Cub Scout Pack 341 provides a year-round scouting program for about 60 to 80 elementary school boys, most of whom attend Mendon Center Elementary School in Pittsford.  We are part of the Otetiana Council of the Boy Scouts of America, which covers Monroe County.  Our pack is part of the Towpath District, which covers the southeastern part of the County.  Christ Episcopal Church, in the village of Pittsford, is our chartering organization (but the Pack itself is completely non-sectarian and we welcome scouts of all backgrounds).  The Pack is led by a large number of adult volunteers, many of whom are listed on the leadership page.  The Pack depends on adult leadership to deliver a quality program, and we encourage all parents to volunteer to help.  In addition to the ongoing leadership roles listed below, other ad hoc opportunities arise throughout the year.  Please let us know how you can help.


The Otetiana Council publishes a monthly electronic newsletter, Smoke Signals, for families in scouting.  You can sign up by visiting the council’s website – http://www.otetiana.org/. For current information about the pack, photos of recent events, and links to other useful scouting information, visit our website at http://www.geocities.com/Pack341.



Everything your Cub will need for his uniform is available at the Scout Shop, 474 East Avenue, Rochester, phone number 241-8551.  The Pack provides the uniform t-shirt and other materials for Tiger Cubs, and books, neckerchiefs and slides for the older boys.  The family will need to purchase a shirt, council shoulder patch, pack numerals, den number emblem and world crest.  Red patch vests may be purchased or made - discuss this with other members or your den.  Other uniform items are optional.

The Family’s Responsibilities


Cub Scouting gives families an opportunity to spend quality time together.  It is the role of the leaders to provide a good program.  The family provides help and support for the cub, their den and the Pack.  Families can help in many different ways, which will vary from family to family, depending on family structure and other responsibilities.  Some examples of family involvement include:

·        Working with their Cub Scout on achievements and electives

·        Attending Pack meetings

·        Helping with popcorn sales

·        Helping the annual Blue and Gold Dinner

·        Helping at occasional den meetings with a specific project, achievement or activity badge

·        Coordinating a Pack meeting or special activity

·        Providing refreshments

·        Providing transportation

·        Assisting with den outings

·        Communicating to other families in the den

·        Helping to teach a Webelos activity badge





Pack dues for all Cub Scouts and Tiger Cubs will be $45 for the year.  This amount covers the cost of registration, Boys Life Subscription, books, neckerchief, segments and awards.  The Pack also participates in the Council-sponsored popcorn sale in October.  The funds raised in this way cover the costs of special Pack events, the Pinewood Derby and administrative costs.  A Pack financial report for the prior year is available upon request.  Information on financial assistance for dues is available from Tom Brennan, Cubmaster.  Requests will be held in the strictest confidence.



Pack Meetings


The Pack holds a regular meeting once per month from September through June, usually at 7 PM on the third Tuesday but occasionally at other times. This year, we encourage the boys to sit together with their den at Pack meetings, to encourage a stronger den identity.  Because each meeting will probably be slightly longer than an hour, we’ll emphasize starting on time.  We’ll generally follow this agenda for Pack meetings:





7:00 to 7:05

Advance the Colors/Pledge of Allegiance

Duty Den

7:05 to 7:15


Cubmaster/Awards Chair

7:15 to 8:05

Special Presentation/Activity


8:05 to 8:10

Retreat the Colors

Duty Den


Den Duty Schedule


Webelos I - Den   # 15


Webelos II - Den   # 7


Webelos I - Den   # 12


Webelos I - Den   # 12


Bear – Den # 1


Bear – Den # 2


Wolf – Den # 4


Wolf – Den # 6


Tiger – Den # 5


Tiger – Den # 7