A Newsletter from the Highland Park Neighborhood Association.

"Keeping an eye on things!"

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Barbara Gray, Capt. Brian Cheek

2008 National Night Out

We wish to express condolences  to  the  Family and  friends  of long time Highland Park resident  Jack Keck.
From the Greensboro News and Record:

 GREENSBORO — Jack Keck, 83, passed away Tuesday March 3, 2009 at Blumenthal Jewish Nursing & Rehab Center.
Funeral Services will be held 2:30 p.m. Saturday March 7, 2009, at Lambeth- Troxler Funeral Chapel. Burial will follow at Lakeview Memorial Park.
Jack was born September 13, 1925, to Henry F. Keck and wife Kathleen Page Keck Key in Caswell County. After his WWII service, Jack lived most of his life in Guilford County. Among other skills, he worked as a sheet metal mechanic for several years. He was a member of True Light Baptist Church.
In addition to his parents he is predeceased by his wife, Arlena obe Keck in 1984; and his wife Evelyn Sharp Keck in 2008; and brother, Harry F. Keck.
He is survived by his daughters, Carol Keck and her husband Drayten Young; Diane Keck Campbell and her husband Walter; a step-daughter Evelyn Blackburn and husband Steve; a step-son Boyd Butler and wife Carolyn; ten grandchildren; and 14 great- grandchildren.

The family will receive friends Friday evening from 6 until 8 p.m. at Lambeth-Troxler Funeral Home.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to: Nathan Young College Fund, care of Diane Campbell, Rider University, 2083 Lawrenceville Road, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648-3099

National Night Out 2007 Neighborhood Picnic

Captain Janice Rogers
G'boro Police Dept.
National Night Out '07
Neighborhood Picnic
Volunteer Don Vasses
A-Pony-To-Go Pony Rides
Engine Company 52
G'boro Fire Dept.
Volunteer Lawyer Sutton
runs our Picnic Raffle
Councilwoman Sandy Carmany
Rex & Barbara Gray
Bob Carmany

Click on any photo to enlarge!

community meeting
Sgt. Newkirk, Lori Loosemore,
Cpl. Uehlein, Officers Schneider
 & LaBarre
Sgt. Hope Newkirk
Councilwoman Sandy Carmany
Community Watch Mtg., 4/2007
HPNA Comm. Watch Mtg., 4/2007
HPNA Comm. Watch Mtg., 4/2007
HPNA Comm. Watch Mtg., 4/2007
HPNA Comm. Watch Mtg., 4/2007

Greensboro Antiques & Art On Elm
           Antiques & Art on Elm is the new name for what was previously known as the Antique and Art Festival.  The date of the event is May 19 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

Volunteers Clean-Up Graffiti at Flav-O-Rich Building

grtaffiti clean up graffiti cleanup graffiti clran up graffiti clean up
Highland Park Neighborhood  Volunteers, the Greensboro Police Department and the Greensboro Merchants Association coordinate efforts to clean-up graffiti at the Flav-O-Rich Dairy on Saturday July 29, 2006.
National Night Out 2006
Click on Photo to Enlarge
Officer Steve Roberts
Chief Harold Scott
Co-Chair Barbara Gray
Bob Carmany
Councilwoman Sandy Carmany
National Night Out 2006

Officer Steve Roberts
GPD Resource Team
Julius Register
 Building Inspector
Co-Chairs Barbara & Julie
Nolan Tipton
Safety Engineer
Community Watch Mtg  3/2006

National Night Out 2005
2005 HIGHLAND PARK NATIONAL NIGHT OUT PICNIC ~ Click on any photo to enlarge!

Carol Sue Newton
Mayor Keith Holliday

Councilwoman Sandy Carmany
Bob Carmany

4 Oaks Ponies

Co-Chair Barbara, Officer Steve Roberts
Co-Chair Julie, Capt. Ron Rogers

Engine 16
Greensboro Fire Dept.

Lawyer Sutton
NNO Picnic Raffle

Highland Park March 22, 2005 Community Watch Meeting, photos below!
Read Councilwoman Sandy Carmany's review of this Community Watch meeting on her new Web Blog here:  Sandy's Place Comm Watch 3/22/05
To report grafitti, contact Detective Ernest Cuthbertson of the Greensboro Police Department at (336)373-2116.
                                                                                       Click on any photo to enlarge!
Crime Watch Meeting
March, 2005
Highland Park
Community Watch Meeting
Crime Watch Meeting
Detective Ernest Cuthbertson
Captain Harold Scott
Drug & Gang Awareness Program

Crime Watch Meeting
Captain M. Oates
Officer S. Roberts
Officer J. Carter

Crime Watch Meeting
Captain Harold Scott
Councilwoman Sandy Carmany

Crime Watch Meeting
Officer Jeff Carter
Comm. Resource Team

Crime Watch Meeting
Co-Chair Barbara Gray
Captain M. Oates

Crime Watch Meeting
Officer Steve Roberts
Comm. Resource Team

The 10th Annual Highland Park Neighborhood NATIONAL NIGHT OUT Potluck Picnic - photos below!
was held Tuesday, August 3, 2004
Sponsored by the Greensboro Police Department, Community Resource Team, Western Division 
Visit Balloons by Kris!
You Can Reach Four Oaks Ponies/Stables at (336) 887-4425 or heidi818@aol.com
Photos courtesy ofAbigail Seymour Photography, and Bill Liszka.

Click on any photo to enlarge!

Officer B. Bailiff,
Four Oaks Pony Rides

Captain R. Rogers,
Co-Chair B. Gray,
Asst. Chief W. Stafford

Lt. J. Stalls, Capt. H. Scott,
Capt. R. Rogers, Chief W. Stafford

2004 Highland Park
Neighborhood NNO Picnic

Bagpipe music by David Russor

Treasurer N. Turner with
Balloons by Kris!

Balloons by Kris

L. Sutton & NNO Raffle

N. Turner, D. Vasses

More Balloons by Kris!

  The 2004 Highland Park Community Watch Neighborhood Meeting with the Greensboro Police Department Community Resource Team, Western Division
 was held Tuesday, April 27, 2004 at Lindley Park Baptist Church. Photos below! A big "thank you" to Lindley Park Baptist Church, our neighborhood volunteers, Carol Sue Newton, Don Vasses, Rex Gray, William Liszka, Treasurer Nancy Turner and all neighbors who donated funds for making this meeting possible. For info on future Community Watch meetings please contact:
Co-Chair Barbara Gray 294-1125 or Co-Chair Julie Schindler 854-1681
Photos below.  Click on any thumbnail to enlarge photo!

Co-Chairs Barbara & Julie
Officer J. L. Carter

Officer S. P. Roberts
J.  Hutchens, Crime Scene Technician
S.  Reaves, Telecommunicator

Shatonie Reaves
911 Speakers Bureau Chairperson

Jeffrey L. Hutchens
Crime Scene Technician

2004 Community Watch Meeting

Highland Park Neighborhood
CFS Locations

Officer J. L. Carter explains 
Neighborhood CFS Map

Highland Park Neighborhood Directory

Co-Chair Barbrara Gray
Officer S. P. Roberts
& Rex Gray

Door Prize Winner
Brenda Gordon

Selected Winners Christmas Decorations Contest 2003
Click on any thumbnail to enlarge!

In Remembrance: Mr. David H. Pickler.  Highland Park neighbors wish to extend our deepest sympathy to the family of David and the love of his life Nancy Turner, long time Highland Park resident.  David passed away September 11, 2003.  Neighbors will rember David as a good friend and an avid supporter of Highland Park Neighborhood activities.  He was always there to lend a hand.  He will be missed.
Please click on the photograph of David for obituary.

The 9th Annual Highland Park Neighborhood Assoc. National Night Out 2003 Covered Dish Potluck Picnic was held at our rain location, Lindley Park Baptist Church, due to inclement weather this year.  Approximately 100 Highland Park Residents joined Greensboro Police Dept. & Greensboro Fire Dept. Engine 16 representatives & Councilwoman Sandy Carmany to celebrate America's Night Out Against Crime with a community potluck dinner and raffle.  Highland Park neighbors collected donations of dog & cat food and supplies for the Guildford County Animal Shelter at the dinner this year.  Photos Below! And see photos from previous years' National Night Out Picnics by scrolling below!

Click on any photo to enlarge!

CoChair Barbara, Officer D. Anderson,
CoChair Julie, Officer A. Bush, 
Lt. T. J. Phipps

Greensboro Fire Dept Engine 16,
CoChairs Barbara & Julie, 
NNO 2003 Raffle

CoChair Barbara &
Councilwoman Sandy Carmany

Volunteer Carol Sue Newton
organizes dinner & dessert lines, 
NNO 2003

Dr. Eliz Murray, CoChair Julie, 
Rex Gray & Dr.Ron Murray celebrate
Dr. Ron's birthday, NNO 2003

Greensboro Police Lt. T. J. Phipps,
NNO 2003

Jay Clarida with Raffle Prize
courtesy of The Fresh Market,
NNO 2003

National Night Out 2003 Celebration
Potluck Dinner

In Remembrance: William E. "Bill" Newton.  Highland Park neighbors wish to extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Mr.William E. "Bill" Newton .  Bill, a long time resident of Highland Park, died on March 24, 2003. He will be missed.
Please click on the photograph of Bill for obituary.

Click Here for

*** Previously in Highland Park/Past Notices & News: ***

***Photo Album - Previosly in Highland Park***

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Wanted! Services!

If you have comments or suggestions, email HPNA Co-Chair Barbara Gray at Bvg22@aol.com

We now have a New Guestbook!

Sign our New Guestbook   View our New Guestbook View our old Guestbook

                                        Photography by W. T. Liszka except where noted.

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