Mother Teresa Died Friday 5 September 1997 around 5 O'clock in the evening Greenwich Main Time(GMT). She was a miracules woman.  

Everybody has heard of her in his or her live and many will. I didn't know her though. I don't know much about her live or her idea's. You might ask yourself , why I am making a page about someone I heartly know anything about. The reason is that I experienced something special that I want the world to know.  

I have done some research and I learned a bit about her life and what she is all about. If you go to the links I have made to other page you can also learn about her, and her Ideas 

I have made links to all the sites I found that are related to Mother Teresa. Please visit there pages to see what they have to say about the death of this fabulous woman.  

Now you might ask yourself what it is that I am so eager to share with you. I will tell you if you press here.  

If you have any comment or if you just want to share something with me or just anything please mail me. Remember that I am not very familiar with the life of Mother Teresa and I have tried to research everything as much as I can. But if there is something wrong please tell me in a civilized manner, so I can change it.  

If you want to read some of the reactions I got press here.

Thanks for visiting this page.  

Ruben Daniels  

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