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Our farm is located in Falcon, CO, 10 miles East of Colorado Springs. We specialize in AWS Registered Friesian Cross Sport Horse Sales & Consignments.

Boarding is Available...

Full care boarding for $300 per month. Includes 2 daily feedings of grain, grass or alfalfa mix hay, a 12' x 12' stall with run, and pasture time. We have a full court arena on site and dirt roads and trails nearby. Our main barn has a heated tackroom, bathroom and telephone, a wash rack, and hot water. Call or email for more info and availability.

We're glad you galloped in...Enjoy your visit!

Updated 21 May 2004.
We now have two fine geldings and one mare for sale - registered American Warmblood Society (AWS) Friesian crosses. Our Friesian cross foals are born onsite and receive gentle handling from birth. They attend the annual AWS inspection as sucklings, so they are groomed, trailered, and shown at an early age. These lovely youngsters are well-suited for use in Combined Training: Dressage, Driving, Hunter Jumper, Eventing, and Pleasure riding. They possess sweet, trainable dispositions, so they are like "pets" and wonderful to own. They have good minds, size, beautiful movement, conformation and presence for the show ring or for pleasure riding/driving.

We have Model Horses, Equestrian Items, Antiques & Collectibles for sale or auction from time to time.

Click Here for Current eBay AUCTIONS...

Click the Play button to see the horses play.

First video clip is of our gelding, Wilhelm. Second clip is of Wilhelm and his full sister, Brunhilda. Hilda is in front. They are both for sale below.

Click on any picture to see a larger image!

Ballyhale Farm - a view of the main barn aisle...
Pike's Peak - the view from our West barn door...

A beautiful sunrise to the East of the farm...
My favorite cowboy, Alan...

IVAN is no longer for sale due to his untimely death at age 9 months. Sadly, we had to put him down due to an impaction of the small intestine. He was a good patient and tried valiantly to beat this. We decided to end his suffering in November 2002. Our thanks to Dr Unruh and Dr Brown for trying so hard to save his life, for keeping him comfortable, and for humanely ending his pain. Rest In Peace, Baby Ivan...
Sleepy newborn... Ivan at one week old & growing fast!
The human touch begins early Born on a snowy day. Brrrrr!
Ivan in his new blanket, lying in the sun...

LARS - Friesian cross yearling gelding for sale

Lars was born the day after Easter, 3/21/03, in the late evening. He's priced to sell at $7000. Lars is a very handsome, extremely large colt. Sire: Hans BN (German Friesian); Dam: Rococo Rose (AWS). This handsome colt is a solid dark bay, with a faint white crescent on his forehead. Lars was shown and registered at the American Warmblood Society (AWS) inspection, May 2003. Lars is suitable for Dressage, Combined Training, pleasure or show driving. He would make a fine show prospect. He is learning to lunge under bit and saddle now. Should mature at 16.3+ hands.
Update: Lars was gelded 20 May 04 and had his wolf teeth pulled. He's recovering nicely. Thanks, Dr Unruh!

BRUNHILDA is available!
A very fancy 6-yr old, half Friesian mare, foaled 5/23/00. Sire: Hans bN (German Friesian) Dam: Rococo Rose (AWS). Hilda's sire, Hans bN, is a Top Ten Award Winning Stallion Region 5 USDF. Brunhilda was inspected by the American Warmblood Society, 6/24/00. Hilda is AWS Red Preferred and qualifies for branding, scoring 71%! She is a solid dark bay. This girl is built like a tank. She's about 15.3 hands now and should be about 16 hands when mature. Comments by the AWS judge included "well-muscled, articulation, suspension, overeaching", "intelligent eye, willing, noble, bold". Hilda is quite a show-off! She has comfortable, balanced gaits. Nice bone and conformation. Intelligent. Hilda loves people. Hilda has just completed 6 months of professional dressage training with Simone Ahern, a German Berieter and USDF certified trainer and instructor. Hilda is well-behaved and comfortable to ride. She is ready to start training for her first competition. Offered at a reasonable $10000. Sales@Ballyhale Farm

WILHELM is for sale!
Foaled 5/16/99. Sire: Hans bN (German Friesian) Dam: Rococo Rose (AWS). Wilhelm, our 7-year old gelding, is half Friesian, AWS Red Preferred and branded, scoring over 72% at his inspection at the tender age of 5 weeks! Solid black bay. This big, sweet boy has presence and looks very Friesian! Willie also has the beautiful, suspended movement so desired in Dressage. Nice large bone. Superior conformation. He is very forward and would make a great driving horse! Suitable for dressage, driving, jumping or pleasure. VERY intelligent, sweet temperament and big, kind eyes. Already quite tall at 16.2+ hands. Wilhelm has recently completed 7 months of professional dressage training with Simone Ahern, a German Berieter and USDF certified trainer and instructor. Available now for $12000. Sales@Ballyhale Farm

At the trainer's:

Slimey Newborn & First Day Pics with Mommy Rose!

Butterscotch - a nice chestnut snowflake Appaloosa - SOLD April 2005!

This sweet mare is about 14.3 hands, 6 years old, with an interesting, showy display of color. She has a roan type chestnut coloring, with the Appaloosa characteristics of mottled skin and white sclera around her eyes. Butters just received her vaccinations and worming yesterday. She's well-behaved and a very easy keeper. No vices. She was trained Western, but has recently been ridden English with a snaffle bit and dressage saddle. She behaves under saddle and does not buck, bolt or misbehave. She is calm, easy to handle, and gets along with my other horses well. She ties, stands for the farrier, and loads well. Butters would make a great youth prospect or a fine horse for pleasure, trail, endurance riding, gymkhanna, and showing, English or Western. Priced to sell at $3500 OBO.

Our adopted gelding, WINDY WILLIAM! Not for sale.
Windy arrived on 11/14/01 from the Midwest Horse Welfare Foundation in Wisconsin via Nationwide Horse Transport. We adopted him for an extremely fair price. See the MHWF link below if you're interested in adopting a nice horse. A lot of these horses are rescued from neglect or from certain death at meat processing plants. MHWF also needs your tax-deductible donations of cash, feed, tack, stable and horse supplies, new or used. WINDY is a 6-yr old Standardbred gelding, solid dark bay, 16.2 hands. He is trained to harness race. He is very well-behaved and gentle. We will be training him for pleasure riding and pleasure driving. My husband, Alan, has even thrown Frisbees from Windy's back while riding him. Windy's very bomb proof! We're really happy we found him! Thanks, Scott!

Also available: STELLAR DEBUT - SOLD!
A lovely Friesian cross filly and full sister to Wilhelm. Foaled 4/4/98. AWS registered in June 99. STELLA is a BIG girl already at 15.2 hands. Should mature to 16.1+ h. Very trainable. Lunges under saddle. Has been backed and ridden several times and was calm and willing. Stella has nice movement and great bone size. Very sweet, willing-to-please temperament. Solid dark bay. Our main barn is in the background. $5000. SOLD!
Stella was sold to a college student in Colorado. She topped out at about 16.1 and became a nice English riding horse. Her new owner says she has a good mind and is a pleasure to own.

A registered Thoroughbred, this 1992, 16.2 h bay mare was California bred, by Never Tabled 77, out of Dreamin' J.C. 86. Britty was a racehorse and won ~$14K in the Southwest US. She has a loving nature and atheletic build. Trained as a green hunter in New Mexico. Nice movement, very forward, clean legs. This mare has several famous names in her pedigree: Magesterial, Round Table, Bold Ruler, Hail To Reason, Northern Dancer, Native Dancer, Nasrullah, Nearco. Good-tempered, but with plenty of spirit. Britty would also make a fine broodmare. Experienced riders only. A steal at $3500. SOLD!

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Links to other sites on the Web

American Warmblood Society (AWS)
Half Fast Farms, home of the stallion we breed to, Hans bN
Midwest Horse Welfare Foundation
A Great Website for Disc Golf
The Fabulous Florida Tour of Disc Golf
Ran-Bro Tool Company

Disc Golf in the Thin Air of Colorado. Try it! It's fun!

The future is always under construction, a second at a time... Come back and visit. More horse pics and expanded pages soon!

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