JAG Downey consists of  Julie, Ashley & Gary.  Click on the links to learn more about us and the rest of our family.  We hope you enjoy the pictures of the children and return often to see them grow.

Julie & Gary

We were married February 10, 1996 at Cypress Gardens in central Florida.  We enjoy spending quality time with our daughter, Ashley, as much as possible.  We also enjoy boating, fishing, hiking and visiting the State Parks.


Ashley was born August 12, 1997.  She has been a blessing from that day on.  It is fun just watching her many different facial expressions.  She can go from crying to laughing in a second.  Ashley keeps everyone around her busy, she is like a little tornado. 

                More pics of Ashley & the babies in the "Baby Page".

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This page was created by Gary Downey.
Last updated 3-11-04

