Who the hell am I .... ?

Hello, I am Elez Dervisevic, born 22th April '70 in Damascus, Syria (that's at least written on my birth certificate). I finished school in Beirut, Lebanon (mainly in Collège Notre Dame de Jamhour and Collège Luise Wegmann) and studied civil engineering in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. I left the war zone at the beginning of the war and came to Spain (more presicely I left Sarajevo 29/07/92 and came to Spain 29/09/92).

I first settled in Madrid for 2 and a half years and after a two-year stay in Lisbon, Portugal, and a four-year stay in El Puerto de Santa María, in Andalucía., the all-year sunny south of Spain, we've finally settled down in Alcalá de Henares, a Madrid neighbouring city.

I have two daughters : Aleksandra (7 years) and Natacha (3 and a half years).

I am an engineer working in Armasur, a reinforcement subcontractor for projects in Andalucía. Our main project has been Dragados's Øresund Approach Bridges site in Puerto Real (a bridge being done in the south of Spain to join Denmark and Sweden, crazy no ?!¿¡). We are now on a crazyer. A concrete floating caisson of 352 m x 42 m x 19 m for Monaco that is being done in La línea de la Concepción, near Gibraltar.

I am a great fan of the Internet, specially addicted to MIDI files, MP3 files (I have a huge collection, more than 5 GB), animated GIF, and generally all the fancy things you can usually find on the net.

I have a chat room on Undernet called #sarajevo, so you can find me there (my nick is of course Ezo and my wife's Trape).

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