Contributor Credits

          Minter Family Research is a collection of several family lines that come together in Jackson County, Kentucky to form a line of descendants to my family. The progenitors of the line covered in this effort are Joseph Minter Jr., Richard Parsons, Thomas Flanery, Obediah Powell, Robinson Hurley, and John Creech. Also included are family lines of Mary Y. Alexander and Anna Dixon to bring family connections that are covered by other genealogy collections. Listing their descendants would be redundant to the Minter and Powell lines. I have used many sources to collect this information. As in all genealogy work, it may contain errors or omissions. Please forgive these shortcomings. Special thanks are extended to those many people who have provided information so that I could make this collection possible. Those who have provided information are listed in part as follows. Some contributors have e-mail address where they can be contacted for further information and research. Address will be provided for others, if contact is needed.




Edna Jones Jones, Hurley, Amyx, Powell, Johnson, Farmer, Minter, Mainous Tyner, Kentucky
Jody Sizemore, Mainous, Flanery, Taylor, Holcomb Scoville, Kentucky
Bessie Mae Crout Crout, Powell, McDowell, Wright Middletown, Ohio
William E. Powell (deceased) Powell, McDowell, Rader Lexington, Kentucky
Elsie Parrett Azbill, Parrett, Powell, Rader Ft. Walton Beach, FL
Brenda Kay Lewis Azbill, Cantrell, Lewis, Rader Dayton, Ohio
Arch. G. Mainous Mainous,Flanery,Minter Lexington, Kentucky
Fred Longhurst Creech, Dixon Salt Lake City, UT
Hester Avery Powell, Gabbard, Anderson Memphis, Tennessee
Wright C. Seal Seal, Seals, Seale Provo, Utah
Mary Lois Gomo Heckathorn, Minter, Henrickson, Margossian, Diaz, Ruf, Tappen, Bradbury, Zeibarth Oakley, California
Velma Coiner Holman,Coiner, Minter Gardner, Kansas
Lorene Korody Korody, Minter, Wright Kansas City, Missouri
Ocie Ellen Minter (deceased) Albertson, Minter, Moore Raytown, Missouri
Henry B. Moore Powell, Moore Foster, Alabama
Carl Eugene King King, Powell Fayetteville, Arkansas
Katheryn Powell Kearns Kearns, Powell, Smith Richmond, Kentucky
Roberta Cole Powell, Minter, Rader Roseburg, Oregon
Shirleen Powell Powell, Traer, Moore, Dunnigan Potsboro, Texas
Jesse McGhee (deceased ) McGhee, Powell, Seals, Pryor, Williams, Moore Ucaipa, California
William Charles Young Powell, Sears, Hare, Young, Duncan Pine Bluff, Arkansas
Donald Bennett Bennett, Seals, Winn, Masten Auburn, California
Lucy E. Minter (deceased) Minter, Seals, Elliott, Williams, Pryor, Sherrill Bakersfield, California
Harold Avery Minter (deceased) Minter, Powell, Rader, Seals, Larkins, McCollough Portland, Oregon
Ruby Ware Reynolds (deceased) Holcomb, Reynolds, Minter Hamilton, Ohio
Alton Lee Green (deceased) Seal, Seale, Seals Coleman, Texas
Lela O’Neil (deceased) O’Neil, Minter, Matson Pickneyville, Illinois
Drucella Jackson (deceased) Jackson, Chappell, Powell Tyner, Kentucky
Ms. Margie Mae Testerman Powell, Green, Testerman, Quick Cushing, Oklahoma
Marion Downs Downs, Powell, Traer, Smith, Moore, Dunnigan Durant Oklahoma
Janet Kay Eiskina Mainous, Eiskina, Wise, Flanery Pierce City, Missouri
Anne M. Sullivan Minter, Buchannan, Harris, Chilton Fairfax, Virginia
Ann D. Ohmsen Minter, Bailey, Harris Roanoke, Virginia
Kelly Blizzard Powell, Courtney, York Orlando FL
David Wilson MD Wilson, Hurley Cincinnati, Ohio
Elaine Madden Wilson, Hurley Welchburg, Kentucky
Louise W. Furgerson Minter, Pennington, Yeary/Yearly  
Patricia Allenby Powell, Allenby Roseburg, Oregon
Walt & Bernice Barnes Barnes Bancroft, Hutton, Brown Auburn, California
Louise Crandell Minter, Crandell Sandpoint, Idaho
William H. Hurley Hurley Louisville, Kentucky
Cecila Hoskins Minter, Hoskins Ewing, Virginia
Herb Simon Minter, Simon Kansas City, Missouri
Charles Harold Seal Powell, Chappell, Seal Hazard, Kentucky
Maynard L. Wilson Wilson, Hurley Naples, Florida

          Genealogy publications used for reference material were Early Settlers of Lee County Virginia, by Hattie Muncy Bales, Creech Lineage, by Lillian Broughton Creech, The Seal Family Tree by Alton Lee Green, Hurley and Related Families by William Neil Hurley, Jr. Other reference materials were Wills of Fauquier County, Virginia, Census records of Lee County, VA, Harlan Co. KY, Jackson Co. KY, and Washington Co. AR.

          Dennis L. Minter

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