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This genealogy search was started over 25 years ago
by my Grandma Watson. She and her brothers wanted to find
out more about the Chaffin side of her family. They did a
great job and told alot of great tales.
Most all of my family was in or came thru them there
Tennessee Hills.
I hope you find one of your surnames within my line.
My Most Wanted surname is WATSON.
When you go to my A-Z surnames you can click
on a name and it will take you to a list
of given names. Then if you click on a given
name it will take you to the family sheet.
Go to "My Surnames List"
To find out more about me you can go to my LadyDra Page
Go to my Links Page to find Genealogy Resources
and other great Genealogy info you can
get from the net.
Links Page (this is being disabled at this time. Hopefully I will work on it soon and it will be back. PLEASE do not email me about them!
If you see anyone that you connect with please
drop me a note. I am waiting to hear from

Wenckens Web Designs
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Rhiyah thanks for the banners. You have done a Great Job!!
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or some fun things to do go to my Link Page
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Last updated July 26th, 1998.
Site maintained by Wenckens Web Designs.
©1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Shelia Wenckens
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