Tammy lulf - 11/30/99 18:38:50
My Email:tammy.lulf@sterling.sykes.com
Location: Colorado
Favorite color: Purple
Referred by:: no one
I just recently adopted one of your dragons and his name is Draco. He is so cute I just couldn't resist. I really like the things I see in here and I hope you respond to my e-mail.
Hi Ya! What lovely pics of everyone! I have been here before, I remember this lovely family and friends. See ya, just another Crazy Lady stopping by...Laurie aka Silverrabbit ~¿è
I love your site! You have done a wonderful job!
It is enjoyable to visit your beautiful designed web pages. I wish, you the very best.
great page!!!!! i love the medieval period and princesses and dragons and stuff! can u visit my web page and tell me what u think of it!! thanks!!!!! don't forget to sign my guestbook!
Great site you have...lightly crazy !
desire to work with a practioner.
What a wonderful web site..
Give Sandee a big hug from all of us..
I will be back soon..
Hava great day
Hi dear sis...thank you for making my birthday an extra-special occasion...thank you for signing my guestbook...I have so enjoyed my visit.,
May Loving
Angels Watch Over You Today.
Where Angels Pass,
They Leave A Trail Of Love.
Wishing you all the very best! Dee | ![]() Spread Joy Wherever You Go |
Really beautiful site!!! Are you a crazy lady?
Wonderful site, it's soooooo pretty =) I am
enjoying my visit here.
Just trying to get around to visit everyone's page. Yours is just great!
Hello, Net Sis!
Just came by to say "hi", and I will be back soon!!!
We came by to welcome you to Crazy Ladies Society and to thank you for joining. We had a wonderful visit here! This is a great site!
The founders of Sisters of the Golden Moon, LTD. wish to formally launch our group with an invitation to
visit our site at:
We invite you to visit our Universe and become acquainted with our exclusive group!
Sisters of the Golden Moon, LTD is fashioned in a celestial theme consisting of Our Universe which
encompasses all members. We believe every female is a star in her own right and we have chosen the title
Star for all members. Stars form constellations and we have formed four constellations for your review.
Please accept this letter as a formal invitation to view our site and consider supporting Sisters of the Golden
Moon, LTD. with your exclusive membership. We promise to proclaim you a star sister and have a
program in place which we feel will enhance your online realm. We have assorted activities for you to
align with in the form of Constellations.
Please give us your comments on Sisters of the Golden Moon, LTD ... we're interested in your first
impression and we are open for suggestions!
Lipstick, MysticalRose, LadyRedRo§e
Founders, Sisters of the Golden Moon, LTD.
What a wonderfully beautiful page you have here. It shows your hard work and dedication. I'm so glad I have had a chance to meet someone so wonderful and beautiful in my life time. I really wanted to say thanks f
r being such a wonderful Friend and Sister. I pray all is well with you and hope to bear from you as you update your page.
The founders of Sisters of the Golden Moon, LTD. wish to formally launch our group with an invitation to
visit our site at:
We invite you to visit our Universe and become acquainted with our exclusive group!
Sisters of the Golden Moon, LTD is fashioned in a celestial theme consisting of Our Universe which
encompasses all members. We believe every female is a star in her own right and we have chosen the title
Star for all members. Stars form constellations and we have formed four constellations for your review.
Please accept this letter as a formal invitation to view our site and consider supporting Sisters of the Golden
Moon, LTD. with your exclusive membership. We promise to proclaim you a star sister and have a
program in place which we feel will enhance your online realm. We have assorted activities for you to
align with in the form of Constellations.
Please give us your comments on Sisters of the Golden Moon, LTD ... we're interested in your first
impression and we are open for suggestions!
Lipstick, MysticalRose, LadyRedRo§e
Founders, Sisters of the Golden Moon, LTD.
Just love your pages and hearing from you again. It seems a long time since the party at Emily's. Did so enjoy meeting you ,Pat and Liz. wish we weren't so far apart. Love,Evie
A tribute to your beautiful website, Di. It is really a thing of beauty. A nice touch the English Rose Midi, too. My dear Ice has great taste in friends. I hope that you would become mine as well.
Only thought it fair to come visit and resign this great Ladies Guestbook if I requested of her to sign mine. ooOO Wonder if my page is deserving of one of her awards??? Hint Hint...
Take care Di!
You have a very nice Web Page . You were a Cute Baby , age hasn't hurt you a bit . More Later
Bailey Jones aka Pharoah
Hi, Di! Thanks for telling me about your page...this is really lovely, and I'm not nearly through browsing yet. Great job.
Hi there! Am so glad to see you again as the Lady of the Week and to visit your site again. Just loved your coordinated backgrounds and could read them all with the colors you used. Nice to visit you again after our first party at Emily's. Evaline
Thanks for stopping in my world and for signing my book. I thank you for the invite to visit you.
I have enjoyed my time among your beautiful pages, you have many great friends. All the best to you in life.*S* Ruth
Hi! I love your pages. I have been in LOTH for about a few months now and never post but I have been surfing hte LOTH webring to see everyone pages. I think the music is just so peaceful on your pages.
Love and Light
i love this site, beautiful artwork everywhere. definitely worthy many return visits.
Hi! We had some time to surf today, and we really enjoyed visiting your page. Keep up the great work.
Pinto Half Arabians, National Show Horses, and Arabians
have a friend that sent this page to me i love it it is beautiful i want to make a homepage but dont know how to
great page i love the roses they are very beautiful. Would love to keep in touch to look and see what you have added to your page once in awhile. Have a great day
Really enjoyed visiting your site. Plan to come back often.
You have a lovely site!
Hi Dee,
Sorry it has taken so long for me to visit. I was looking at my sister Anns page and saw that you had signed her Guest Book. You have such a lovely page and I am honered that you are my Net Sisters; big sister. I hope that
e can form a bond and friendship to span the heavens.
I really like you site. I will be back again to see any changes, Jill
I really like your site. I can tell it was put together with lots of love. Jill
I thought it was a very sweet on how you showed your family past and present. Your dolphins were sooo darling too. Well you have a nice day and take care of yourslelf. oh one more thing tell your puppy(older puppy) hi for me i love dogs too. Bye JC
I don't know how I got here but I love everything I'm seeing and reading. I've listed this in my favorites and hope I can really return to your land of magig. I don't have a web page yet, it's something I want to do but totally intimidated by things lik
I see in your urls. I love all of it.
very nice photos
I love this sight and the victorian backgrounds used in all the sayings. I keep marking all the sites I want to send to share friends.
Well Met! Thou hast a very noble page indeed! Your webpage appears to be family-friendly and child-safe so I would like to take this opportunity to invite thee to consider the possibility of entering thy webpage into competition at The Crusades! There
re five teams to choose from and, if you pass the sign-up test of valor, all would welcome you with open arms! If you take us up on our offer to join the competition, please make sure that your site is family-friendly and child-safe (this is your sign-up
est of valor) before you sign-up. Then come and join the fun, get your webpage some publicity and win an award or two or three!
The Crusades! The Honorable Way to Fight for Glory!
DragonMasters Rule the Skies!
![]() | ![]() |
Nice place to visit
What a wonderful site you have made here. You have done a very nice job, and I enjoyed visiting your site very much. Thanks for sharing, ~Nancy
Thank you for signing the guestbook on the page my Secret Sister gave me. I love that page. Thank you for any part you played in making that page happen...it's great. Your site is great also...I am off to explore it more.
Thank-you for letting me view the pages of your life. I feel as if I have known you for many years, and yet me have never met. I am sure that all who have and will visit your site will agree with me when I say how warm and welcomed I felt. Thank-you ag
in very much! I hope one day that we too will be able to meet. BillieJo
Hi Ladee Di , I joined the Net Sisters a couple of days ago and wanted to visit some of their sites..so here I am. You have a wonderful site and very well layed out. I was wondering how you made the header on your main page. If you visit my site you will
ee what I mean LOL..I don't do graphics. All the graphics on my site are credited to the people that made them on my Credits & Links Page. Ok enough of that..he he he ..Well I'm off to visit another site to get to know my new sisters. So as Tigger says "
a! Ta! for now".
Hi, I thought I'd let you know that I really did enjoy your pages. I also love the backrounds you've choosen. I came accross your award page, please if you have the time, stop by my page and let me know what you think. Although the page is still under con
truction, I am working on coming up with a little for everyone. Keep up the wonderful work here and I will come back.
Came here from Lady Gabbrup's New Referral pages.
I love you dedication to the Net Sisters.
I'll be adding your gifts to my Nets Sisters Dedication Page...which is still in the works.
Great site you have as well. I'll be visting it all now but I wanted to make sure I signed in and didn't forget.
Awesome home page! I had a wonderful time visiting! Hope it's ok if I come back now and then! Keep up the terrific work! :o)
Thankyou so much for the nice welcome, and the signing of my guestbook! Your page is just beautiful! I am enjoying Netsisters very much! *hugs* ~Love Sister Shauna~
I will have to come back to see the rest! Your pages are so great. I love the pretty background on your Home Page...how dainty..did you make this? You have lovely effects with your grahics and the way your whole site is arranged. I will be back soon to fi
ish viewing everything..there are so many places to go from your page. Thanks. I enjoyed my visit so far. Anna
Hi Ladee Di i was looking at the Net Sisters Dedication pages and i had to say yours was lovely.......
Wonderful pages you have here. The graphics & backgrounds are beautiful.
Greetings from New Zealand. I enjoyed visiting your pages.
Please stop by and visit us sometime. This is our other site.
We would like to invite you to join our Birthday club web-ring.
From Tina
Double Wow! You sure have won a lot of awards!
That is really great! Enjoyed my visit a lot.
Laurie :)
laurie - 02/20/99 20:13:04
My URL:http://www.inergy.com/silverrabbit
My Email:mysilverrabbit@uswest.net
Location: colorado
Favorite color: purple
Wow, you sure have great pages, someday I hope
mine are this nice. Just Laurie, again.
sister laurie - 02/20/99 20:10:25
My URL:http://www.inergy.com/silverrabbit
My Email:mysilverrabbit@uswest.net
Location: colorado
Favorite color: purple
Hi ya, me again, I have been enjoying surfing
around your site. You are so talented. I look
forward to visiting your site again. Bye for
now, Sister Laurie :)
sister laurie - 02/20/99 20:01:15
My URL:http://www.inergy.com/silverrabbit
My Email:mysilverrabbit@uswest.net
Location: colorado
Favorite color: purple
The pics of your family are so cool. I love picture albums, these pages are great. Give me a warm feeling. By the way, here is my gift to you.
Thanks for the help. See ya soon, hugz Sis Laurie
May Net Sisters Live Forever!
Ellen aka cajunrose - 02/20/99 05:51:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Quarter/7743
My Email:cajunrose2u@hotmail.com
Favorite color: Purple
Referred by:: Sue and her Secret Sister
I've had a very pleasant visit with you. Would love to join Net Sisters myself. Seems you are all such wonderful ladies.
Jeannie Majestic (formerly Queen) - 02/18/99 00:39:43
My Email:ljmajestic@aol.com
Location: Georgia
Favorite color: Pink
So glad to talk to you.....keep in touch!
Chelsea - 02/15/99 01:39:29
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/mom/index.html
My Email:Lovellca@aol.com
Location: California
Favorite color: Pinks/Purples
Referred by:: Another guestbook
This is a very nice page and I really enjoyed it.
Anne - 02/09/99 04:46:00
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/activism/tymoraanne
My Email:TymoraAnne@aol.com
Location: TX
Favorite color: Mysterious Saphiress Elite (Heh.. New word for Blue..)
Referred by:: Guestbook
Hi!!! Thanx for signing my guestbook.. (I'm finally getting around to viewing other sites.. =/) I like your site!! It's pretty cool, especially that link to the Dragon Orpanage.. See ya!
AriesBC - 02/05/99 08:06:21
My URL:http://goplay.com
My Email:AriesBC@goplay.com
Location: Mission,Canada
Favorite color: pink
Referred by:: browsing
hi there
just browsing around tonight and dropped in here.
enjoying your place, thank you
Richard - 02/03/99 06:46:49
My Email:dick@wescotek.com
Location: H.B.
Favorite color: red
Referred by:: fate
Liked your profile in match com, thought I would stop by for a visit since we live close by. Great site. See you on the beach.
Sandy - 01/30/99 20:27:05
My URL:http://www.damn.comcen.com.au/entermythemes.htm
My Email:sandy@damn.comcn.com.au
Location: Australia
Favorite color: purple
What an absolutely beautiful site.
Please accept this gift from me.
Hiya Big Sis :)
Your page is absolutely beautiful and is a pleasure to look at and read :) It is certinatly a credit to you and you should be very proud of it, thanks for sharing it with me
Love and Hugz
Sister Princess
Your little sis :)
Charlotte - 01/20/99 06:28:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Garden/4409
My Email:mscharlottesbnb@hotmail.com
Location: California
Favorite color: you knows
Referred by:: my "sis"!
Came by to visit (again). You've made some changes!
Sister blueyed1 - 01/10/99 17:29:13
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl/blueyed1/index.html
My Email:bluesmail@yahoo.com
Location: Chicago, IL, USA
Favorite color: blue!!!!!!!!!!!!
Referred by:: you, of course!!! lol
Beautiful page, hon. Had to stop by again to refresh my memory. lol Love and {{{Hugs}}}
SummerBreeze - 01/06/99 02:53:40
My URL:http://come.to/SummerBreeze
My Email:debi@istar.ca
Location: Canada
Favorite color: red
Referred by:: my guestbook, my birthday book and cuz I thought it was about time I actually signed this!! lol
Thanks so much for taking the time to visit my page and sign my guestbook! Also, thanks for sigining my birthday book! Last but not least, thank you soooooooooo much for making that graphic for Sis Meilani for me!! You really are a very special woman Lade
Di!! (((((((BIG HUGZ))))))
Lady sL - 01/03/99 17:13:59
My URL:http://come.to/staceyl
My Email:staceyl.@usa.net
Location: NS
Favorite color: blank, white, blue and green
Beautiful site you have here! Enjoyed my visiting really much. Keep up the great work.