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I hope that you enjoy some of these useful (and in some cases, humorous) chat wavs that I have collected from various chat rooms and friends. My appreciation goes out to all who have contributed to this list. If there are some wonderful chat wavs that can be added to this list....please email them to me at


Now remember, use these in a friendly nature..and HAVE FUN!!!!!!!

 1lag.wav (43.7 KB) This lag is driving me crazy!
2hours.wav (34.2 KB) Requested function will require 2 hours to complete
2quiet.wav (112 KB) gee, it's so quiet, too quiet....
2thebest.wav (17.7 KB) Happens to the best of us
9000gig.wav (54.0 KB) What do you mean invalid parameter? 9000 gigs of ram and it can't answer a simple question!
a_test.wav (21.6 KB) This is a test of some kind, isn't it?
action.wav (28.9 KB) I cannot accept that course of action.
additedtochat.wav (93.6 KB) ATTENTION, ATTENTION.....
addictedtowavs.wav (57.8 KB) I'm not addicted to wavs.....
admirer.wav (30.7 KB) Well, what do you know? I've got an admirer.
afk2p.wav (55.5 KB) "I have to go to the bathroom. I can't think straight is how bad it is."
alive.wav (83.7KB) "It's Alive"
aletter.wav (33.8 KB) What's this? A letter for me.
alliwant.wav (177 KB) song: All I Want To Do Is Have Some Fun
anykey.wav (38.4 KB) Homer Simpson "Where's the anykey?"
anytime.wav (143 KB) song: Anytime you need a friend, I will be here
applause.wav (20.2 KB) self explanatory
ARGH...had to be done (80.6 KB) ARGH...tension breaker...had to be done.
argue.wav (46.0 KB) Is this the right room for an arguement?
Babye.wav (24.2 KB) K, luv ya, babye!
brb.wav (53.9 KB) Hey, hang on you guys, I'll be right back.
byetoto.wav (18.5 KB) Say goodbye, Toto.
caa.wav (100 KB) Hello, welcome to chataholics anonymous.....
cardiac.wav (27.2 KB) I think I'm about to have a cardiac arrest.
celebrte.wav (135 KB) song: Celebration
chiplaff.wav (20.6 KB) chipmunk laugh
clueless.wav (65.2 KB) It all boils down to one inevitable conclusion....I was totally clueless
coffee.wav (224 KB) (Yawn), I gotta have coffee......
comeagain.wav (9.65 KB) Please come again
comengo.wav (45.0 KB) My, people come and go quickly around here.
comeout.wav (35.2 KB) Comeout, comeout....wherever you are.
computers.wav (19.3 KB) (Gasp) Computers can do that?
confront.wav (19.3 KB) I don't like confrontations.
cookies.wav (142 KB) oooooo, Cookies....I love cookies.
crushed.wav (31.5 KB) Oh, I'm crushed.
cyberhug.wav (71 KB) song: I want to hold you in parentheses.
daffy.wav (21.2 KB) Your absolutely correct.
disgraful.wav (37.7 KB) Disgraceful, have you anything to say?
dontknow.wav (34 KB) I don't know what you are talking about.
drat.wav (65.8) Oh drat these computers, they're so naughty and complex. I could pinch them.
dude.wav (18.3 KB)
elvis.wav (68.1 KB) Thank you, thank you very much.
erinlaf.wav (72.5 KB)
failure.wav (68 KB) What we have here is a failure to communicate.
fdonut.wav (25 KB) mmmmm, forbidden donut
feelgood.wav (91.5 KB) song: I feel good
follow1.wav (48.1 KB) Follow the yellow brick road.
french.wav (58.2 KB) I'm french, why do you think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king.
frendshp.wav (78.1 KB) This looks like the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
genius.wav (49.9 KB) Yea, what are you a genius?
getalife.wav (12 KB)
gointodo.wav (27.1 KB) What am I going to do.....
goodidea.wav (29.8 KB)
goodmo.wav (51.8 KB) Robin Williams' famous morning greeting.
goodnit.wav (285 KB) song: Goodnight sweetheart
goofed.wav (14 KB) You must have goofed up somewhere.
gowayboy.wav (31.2 KB) Go away boy...I say go away boy, you bother me.
group_hug.wav (53.8 KB) OK everyone, time for a group hug
hard_way.wav (36.7 KB) Why do they always want to do it the hard way?
Hate_Computers.wav (18.8 KB) I hate computers
hdabrain.wav (40.3 KB) If I only had a brain.
hellobab.wav (79.6 KB) (Bells) Hello, Baby!
hereiam.wav (18.7 KB) Well, here I am
howarya.wav (22.9 KB)
howdoit.wav (10.8 KB) How do I do it?
howdy.wav (18.6 KB) Minnie Pearl
Hula.wav (215 KB) Whatta ya want me to do, dress in drag and do the hula?......
humanhead.wav (19 KB) The human head weighs 8 pounds.
icanfly.wav (75.4 KB) song: I believe I can fly
ilikeit2.wav (12.6 KB)
illshutup.wav (169 KB) Ok, I'll shut up.....
iloveyou.wav (13.5 KB)
impaired.wav (77.9 KB) The following program is closed captioned for the thinking impaired.
incharge.wav (18.6 KB) Hey, psst....whoever's in charge.
introubl.wav (22.9 KB) We're in trouble now.
Invincible.wav (16.8 KB) I'm invincible.
iq.wav (36.3 KB) Did iqs just drop sharply while I was away?
irritate.wav (28.2 KB) This is startin' to irritate me.
Kansas.wav (62 KB) Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.
Later.wav (65.9 KB) song: See ya later alligator.
looney.wav (9.3 KB) You're a looney
luvuman.wav (42.3 KB)
moremilk.wav (25.2 KB) I've got to have more milk
mst3kgo.wav (23.4 KB) Go in peace, sin no more, I'm outta here.
my.wav (23.8 KB) My, aren't we touchy today?
needwav.wav (13.1 KB) Hey, I need that wav.
nerfherd.wav (105 KB) Why you stuck up, half-witted....
nevermind.wav (15.6 KB)
no help.wav (68.5 KB) There is no help available on the topic, you're on your own.
nowaydud.wav (16.8 KB)
NYC.wav (40.9 KB) This stuff's made in NYC.....New York City????
ohboy.wav (14.1 KB)
ohsure.wav (21.4 KB) (Porky)
OutaHere.wav (8.71 KB) That's it....I'm outa here!
outhere.wav (86.3 KB) (Shania Twain) I'm outa here.
pay.wav (17.7 KB) pay....I say pay attention
PicknOnMe.wav (75.4 KB) song: Why is everyone always pickin' on me.
piece.wav (27.7 KB) What a piece of junk!!
pltzaspn.wav (12.1 KB) Where's my aspirin?
represed.wav (19.6 KB) Help!! I'm being repressed!
Respect.wav (154 KB) song: R E S P E C T
right.wav (69.3 KB)
Sashay.wav (102 KB) (Kramer on Seinfield)
Schmuck2.wav (18.6 KB) I've gotta stop being a schmuck.
seeya.wav (30.5 KB) See ya later alligator.
shoot.wav (192 KB) Would you like to shoot me now or wait 'til we get home?
silence.wav (16.8 KB) Silence!!! You mental midget.
Sillypup.wav (21.9 KB) (giggle) Silly puppy.
Sinned.wav (48.4 KB) I have sinned against you.
socool.wav (29.6 KB) You're soooo cool.
sorry.wav (11 KB) Sorry about the mess.
special.wav (21.2 KB) Well, isn't that special.
start-it.wav (31.6 KB) OK man....start it up.
stndby.wav (17.2 KB) Stand by.
stopbeingsilly.wav (61.8 KB)
Subtle.wav (48.6 KB) That woman is about as subtle as a rhino up the back side.
surrendr.wav (76.4 KB) I don't know the meaning of the word surrender......
sweetth.wav (103 KB) Oh, you sweet thing.
tacky.wav (35.6 KB) How tacky, that's really tacky.
Tombodet.wav (31.7 KB) We'll leave the light on for you.
totalk.wav (85.3 KB) my right as an American, to talk, and talk.....
trustme.wav (6.72 KB)
wahoo.wav (6.60 KB)
wakcnfsd.wav (15.6 KB) I am so completely confused.
war.wav (35.6 KB) Of course, ya know....this means war!
wb.wav (27.3 KB) Welcome back.
What's your name.wav (16.5 KB)
wiseguy.wav (35.9 KB) Hey, what are you anyway....a wiseguy??
witty.wav (173 KB) There is only one thing worse than being witty...and that in not being witty.
worse.wav (21.5 KB) DOH, it just gets worse and worse.
wouldnt.wav (22.7 KB) Oh, I wouldn't do that, I really wouldn't.
yrang.wav (68.6 KB) (gong) You rang??

More to come soon.

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