9/13/95 . This is my soulmate:} I love meeting & talking to people!
We are very outgoing people. We love to meet some couple that want to explore:o) Maybe we can learn a trick or two:o)
I'm also a 21 dealer in downtown Las Vegas. We love Pre-Paid Legal. Our new business. My husband just got out of the USAF. He doing Pre-Paid Legal full time now. Be sure to check Delton's website out:o)
E-mail me anytime:} Have a great day;-D Come back & see me!
Hi, I would like to tell you how I met my hubby, Delton. I meet my husband on a chat line. Yes, on Mar. 9, 1995 I talk to him. It was a start of something I'll never forget.
"Believe it or not he was looking for:"
We dated for about 2 months. We got engage in May & were married on Sept. 11, 1995 and again on Sept.13, 1995; and that's a whole other story. I'll be writing more soon!
I want to say dreams do come true.!
I met Delton at the Point After, its a bar, on Mar. 15, 1995. I was a Kareoke host there. He walk in and I melted, he had on a white shirt and tight jeans.:o) I didn't think I was his type:} He said hello, and introduced his father. Yes he brought along a chaperone, but he didn't stay long. We talk & played pool after my gig was over, until about 2am. We had fun.:o) He took me home, and kissed me for what seemed like hours. I was in love.
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Faye Grayson.
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