My name is Knight Templar of Maryland. I am an Old English Mastiff. The Mastiff is one of the oldest breeds of dogs. My ancesters probably came from Asia. There are even pictures of Mastiffs found amid the ruins of Babylonia. It is said that when Hannibal crossed the Alps, he left Mastiffs behind. Those dogs were the forerunners of the Saint Bernards of today. Of all the countries that had Mastiff breeds, the English kept our lines purest. My forefathers guarded castles and estates. My name means housedog. Some people may not really believe that, in fact, the mistress of our house calls me the house pony!! Anyway, here is my story...

I was born on June 16, 1993, in Waldorf, Maryland. Here I am with Ami and one of my littermates. I'm the one on the left. Life was pretty ordinary for my first few weeks, then this family came to visit and they said that they wanted ME! Boy, was I excited. I really did like playing with my brothers and sisters, but to have a home of my own! That was really something.

When I arrived at my new home, what did I find but another dog already living there. Fortunately, as it turned out, that dog, named Mac, liked me and he even wanted to play. We especially liked to play tug of war. That helped to build my muscles, as well as being fun. My new owners decided to call me Frodo. The Master of the house is a real J. R. R. Tolkein fan. At first, he was going to call me Hobbit, but Frodo seemed to fit better.

Well, Mac was a pretty tough opponent for awhile. But, I grew fast, and in no time, he had to work hard just to keep our game even!!! One day Mac woke up and I was as big as he was!!! Sure did surprise him! There were also 2 cats in the house. They were not quite sure of what to do with me. Most of the time they just hid. My mistress put up baby gates all over the place so I couldn't chase the cats around the house. :-{

I do have to admit though, I was not always on my best behavior. Well, I was just a kid. My mistress leaves the house on Monday nights with this little bag that has the letters B-I-N-G-O on it. One day, curiosity just got the better of me and I wanted to find out what this was all about. There were little bottles in that bag that were really fun to roll around. But, I guess I bite into one of them a little too hard. Boy, were they mad when they got home and saw what I had done!

I guess they got even with me though. Just look at this! One weekend, there were colored eggs and lots of candy around. I thought that we were really going to have fun. But, then they came at me with these ears. Who ever saw a Mastiff with ears like that? Well, I didn't fuss too much because of my little caper with the Bingo markers, but I sure didn't have a whole lot of fun either! And, while we're at it, look at my feet. Do you see anything wrong with them? I sure don't. Whenever anyone meets me for the first time, they always say "Just look at those feet!" They seem to suit me just fine!

All in all though, my life here has been pretty fine. We have had some ups and some downs, but mostly, my times have been good. I have a family who loves me and takes good care of me. And, I don't really have to work too hard at all. About the only thing I do is go to the door when someone knocks. My Master seems to think that is a pretty good thing. It seems that when he opens the door, not too many people want to just walk in. Wonder why that is?

I get to relax a lot around the house most of the time. That sofa seems to be just about the right height for me! And in the winters, if there is snow, I get to go outside and play in that funny stuff. I like to push that around with my nose. Sometimes the Master even comes out with me and throws snowballs. Now, they really are strange. When I catch one, it just falls apart in my mouth!! It even gets in my ears! I guess you could say I have a very nice life here. And the Master has said that one of thses days I might even have another Mastiff to keep me company!!!!!

Here is my newest picture. Sometimes it is hard to see my face because of my dark hair, but my master finally got a picture where you can see ME!!

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