MOMS Club of Peoria
December 2005 Activities

Monday, December 12th, 2005
Apache Park
8633 W. John Cabot Rd. – ½ mile north of Bell Rd
at 10:00 am
Take a break from the busy holiday season to play in the park and bring a picnic lunch. We will also be having our board meeting.
Monday, December 19th, 2005
Christmas Party
at the Peoria community center on 8th and Jefferson (one block north of the library)
We’re going to have a great time with games, play time, lunch and a visit from Santa. Please bring a wrapped gift for your child/ren that Santa can give to them (keep it around or less than $10.00) and feel free to invite a friend and their children. Please let us know if you are coming and if you're bringing a friend so that we can have plenty of pizza and drinks.
Just a reminder- you need to sign up in the blue book. This is helpful to the volunteers who may need to contact participants, if there is a change in plans.
Thank you,
MOMS Club of Peoria
Board Members and Volunteers
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