We have the GREATEST NEWS ! Our BABY BOY JOSH,arrived November 11, 2004, please check out his web site, and sign his guestbook!
Thank you, for all the Prayers on our behalf!
Click on Baby Image
Hi And Welcome to my lil' spot on the Web! Thanks for stopping by!...Kick off those ole' shoes and stay a while.
(pew-weeee! What's that smell?) *grin*
Let me tell you a lil' about myself. Let's see.. I'm 32 years "young" (haha)I am a Floral Designer (I do mostly weddings), I reside in Houston, Texas but I'm originally from Bryan/College Station, Texas (Gig'em Aggies!)
I am married to a real sweet "Matt", for 13 years now. He is the Ultimate Dallas Cowboy Fan!!! (Go Boys!) He also loves fishing and golf.
We have two adoreable, spoiled rotten dogs (pups)....
"Lucy" and "Bridget" (they are Rat Terriers)
My interests are Flower designing and Gardening, Computers (of course), Music,Movies, Dogs, Shopping,Cooking,and Craft's.
Check Out My Favorite Links
George Strait
Kitty Roach's Antimation
Virtual Florist
Bug's Nest
Public Data
Karen's Homepage
Samantha's Homepage
My Husband's Dallas Cowboy Page
Kaylee's Barney Page
Shelby's Annie Page
My Mom's Page
Thanks for stopping by, and come visit me again real soon.
Be and Angel and sign my guestbook,Please

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